Updated March 24, 2006
You can remove your name from prescreened credit or insurance offer mailing lists from Experian, Innovis, TransUnion and Equifax by calling 1 888 5OPT OUT (1 888 567 8688).
You will be given a choice to opt out for five years or permanently. If you elect to opt out permanently, you will be mailed a Notice of Election to Opt-Out Permanently, which you must sign and return to activate your permanent opt-out. Even though your request becomes effective with Experian within five days of your notifying us, it may take several months before you see a reduction in the amount of solicitations.
For more information on opting out of prescreen offers of credit or insurance, please refer to: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre17.shtm