
How Northwell Health cut claim denials by 50 percent in four years

Published: May 8, 2018 by Experian Health

As a healthcare organization, if you’re not already focused on decreasing claim denials, time is of the essence. According to one industry estimate, healthcare personnel spend a little more than 20 hours per week solely dealing with insurance claims. Altogether, that equates to about $83,000 worth of time per year per physician on claims-related administrative tasks. Most of those expenses come from needing to rework and resubmit denied claims.

For example, the average U.S.-based health plan with 100 million patients processes about 1 billion medical claims annually. Up to 20 percent of these are denied due to poor claims management, and each denied claim costs approximately $25 to rework.

It’s obvious, then, that cutting costs and improving productivity means learning to cut down on claim denials, too. This is exactly why Northwell Health turned to Experian Health’s Claim Scrubber to accommodate its claims management needs.

Cutting claim denials in half

The Northwell Health network is intimately familiar with the high costs of dealing with claims denials. The nonprofit healthcare system consists of 22 hospitals and more than 550 outpatient facilities throughout New York state. In 2013, it partnered with Experian Health to cut down the rate of denied claims for all of its providers.

With the help of Experian’s Claim Scrubber solution, Northwell Health cut that rate by 50 percent within just a few years. The network now also enjoys significantly shorter times between claim submissions and reimbursement, and staff can more easily stay up-to-date on regulatory and coding changes.

By 2017, Northwell Health was a different, much more efficient healthcare network than it was four years before. The change was due mostly to the dramatically reduced time and costs related to denied medical claims, which Claim Scrubber made possible.

The key to Northwell Health’s success

Simple human error is the main reason why medical claims are denied so often. The smallest typo or discrepancy can lead to an immediate denial, and reworking a claim rarely increases its chances of being more accurate. Claim Scrubber eliminates that error by automatically quality-checking each claim line by line according to general, patient, and payer-specific information.

The software solution streamlines claims management by checking that every claim is clean and error-free before the provider submits it, eliminating the costly, time-consuming need to redo them. Fewer denials (and, therefore, fewer reworked claims) mean a faster and more predictable revenue cycle, as well as lower administrative costs and more time for staff to focus on patient care.

In turn, by 2017, Northwell Health providers’ investment in patient care paid off. They were ranked the Best Children’s Hospitals across nine specialties by U.S. News and World Report. This is an amazing accomplishment, especially when Northwell Health’s work with Claim Scrubber began as a small pilot program implemented for a single specialty.

At first, the network chose 10 distinct edits to implement in claims related to a single specialty. Through direct communications with the Experian Health team, including weekly invoice audits to ensure the edits were working, Northwell Health providers quickly began seeing results. For that single specialty, claim denials in several categories started decreasing rapidly.

After just one year, providers throughout the Northwell Health network saw the difference compared to their own claim denial rates. Before long, every provider wanted the edits enabled for their categories. Today, Claim Scrubber is activated for more than 25 specialties throughout the network, and leadership is confident that denial rates will continue to drop.

Take your small step with Claim Scrubber

The reason why the Northwell Health network is such a great example of Claim Scrubber’s potential is that it implemented the change in small steps. When it comes to claim submissions, every detail matters, and together with Experian Health’s experts, the solution allows you to examine every detail and the success of each edit before moving on.

Change is challenging, especially in healthcare, but the exorbitant amount of time and money that providers lose every year to denied claims is becoming unsustainable. By following Northwell Health’s example and taking small steps toward better solutions, every healthcare provider can overcome that challenge and eliminate the burden of claim denials.

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The repercussions of errors on the healthcare claims processing workflow can be major and wide-ranging. It slows the revenue cycle, interrupts cash flow, consumes staff hours, creates frustration for staff and patients, and, in the worst cases, sacrifices revenue. Errors are a perennial—maybe even inevitable—problem but understanding some common reasons behind these mistakes can help. Additionally, digital claims management tools can help you automate claims processing to reduce claims errors, submit cleaner claims, and get paid successfully. In June 2022, Experian Health surveyed 200 revenue cycle decision-makers to understand the current state of claims management. Watch the video to see the results: Any number of claim errors can lead to denials: incorrect medical coding, missing prior authorizations, clearinghouse issues and more. Here are 7 of the most common reasons for claim errors: 1. Claim errors can be caused by missing and inaccurate data “The number one denial issue most providers encounter is eligibility,” says Rob Stucker, Senior Vice President at Experian Health. “These issues begin upstream from the claims process during registration or pre-registration when the patient information that’s collected is either inaccurate or incomplete. It may be as simple as a patient giving their name as Rob instead of Robert, or the registration staff selecting Medicaid as the payer, instead of Medicaid Managed Care. If the eligibility information is even slightly off, the claim will come back as denied.” Collecting accurate demographic and insurance information up-front using digital patient intake tools opens the digital front door and can help eliminate errors during the healthcare claims management process. 2. Manual processes and disparate systems Wherever claims processes are not automated, human error and delays can set in. In addition to typical random glitches and mistakes, many healthcare providers struggle with disparate systems from multiple vendors, in which the front-end and back-end do not communicate seamlessly. Using a single vendor with solutions that manage the entire claims processing cycle can provide holistic help. ClaimSource manages eligibility validation by repurposing Experian eligibility transactions that providers have already run at registration and editing them against the claim.  This process allows providers to double-check the eligibility of the claim before it gets submitted, at no additional cost. In addition, it also does extensive claim editing, submissions, reconciliations, and reporting. This solution creates prioritized workflows and provides access to a national library of documented government and commercial payer edits, as well as custom edits, to meet individual provider needs. 3. Changes in payer requirements can cause claims errors “Providers tell us that a major pain point is constantly changing payer rules,” says Stucker. “Providers are confident that their claims are good, but the payers’ adjudication rules may have changed without prior notice.” The problem here is exponential: voluminous changes multiplied by a range of communication channels (or faulty communication) multiplied again by a proliferation of payers and policies. Keeping pace with these changes is difficult without partner support. “We continuously monitor hundreds of thousands of payer website pages each night for updates,” says Stucker. “When a change is flagged, an analyst looks at it and decides whether it should be added as an edit. We update our huge global library of edits on a weekly or even daily basis. These edits enable ClaimSource and our pre-837 editor, Claim Scrubber to automatically review claims for errors using the most recent payer updates. 4. Prior authorizations Pre-authorizations present challenges at many levels. 8 in 10 providers saw prior authorization requirements increase during 2021. Providers must track changing requirements, obtain authorizations prior to treatment or claims submission, and complete claims that meet complex requirements. When prior authorization requirements aren’t met, appealing a denial can be complicated at best, and many times prove to be irreversible. According to Medical Group Management Association data, a simple denial takes a seasoned biller two to eight minutes to work, but a complicated denial involving prior authorization requirements can take up to an hour to work, largely thanks to time spent on hold. Ensuring claims are completed as required in the first place using a pre-authorization tool, in combination with a claims editor that validates against pre-authorizations, saves valuable time and stress. 5. Short staffing and new trainees Staff hours and expertise are both in short supply, as many providers struggle to retain experienced staff and bring new hires up to speed. Having an automated process with built-in review and analytics can help ensure that claims are completed accurately and quickly. A Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare study found automated claims take 25% less time to process than manual claims, boosting productivity and freeing staff up for the more human-intensive aspects of their work. However, the key is “accurate and user-friendly” automation. A claims vendor should be keeping edits up to date, submitting claims timely and accurately to the correct payer, keep organizations informed on the claim’s status throughout the adjudication process, retrieve electronic remit files, link them to the correct claims, and establish a denial workflow to automatically show denials. This should all be done in an extremely easy to use user interface or directly back into Patient Accounting/Practice Management Systems. If vendors aren’t doing this, then staff will just be working harder instead of smarter. 6. Slow response and follow-through can lead to claim errors  Although delays themselves don’t necessarily cause errors, they can make resolution difficult and time-consuming. Time is always an issue for providers as claims must be submitted in specific time frames from the date of service. Therefore, getting the claim created, processed through a claims vendor and submitted to the correct payer must be done efficiently, or timely filing deadlines are missed.  The same is true for identifying and re-working denials. Denial backlogs quickly become overwhelming, increasing the odds of items slipping through the cracks or re-submission/appeal deadlines being missed. Automating status updates with enhanced claim status monitoring can relieve time-strapped staff of having to contact payers manually for the latest information on claims to find out which ones are being paid or denied. Enhanced Claim Status submits automatic status requests based on each payer’s adjudication timeline from the date of claim submission, returning the payer’s proprietary responses weeks before the Electronic Remittance Advice or Explanation of Benefits are processed. This gives staff a huge head start on working denials. 7. Difficulty managing denials When errors cause claims to be denied, a response is critical. A denials workflow management solution can optimize follow-up by identifying claim denials, holds, suspensions, zero-pays, and prioritizing denials that need the fastest attention. Denial Workflow Manager also allows organizations to track root causes, which in turn can identify operational changes that can be made upstream, and reduce the denials from happening to being with. Automation is the future of effective claims management Claims management is becoming more complex and demanding, but the digital tools that automate and improve processes can help providers rise to the occasion. It’s now possible to capture and use accurate data, integrate systems and processes to work together, stay up to date on payer requirements, track claim status, and even manage denials efficiently with the help of technology. Learn more about other solutions that can help healthcare organizations with claims management.

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