How to Save on Holiday Shopping (Without Being a Scrooge)
In this special holiday #CreditChat as we talk about frugal last-minute gift ideas for our friends and family.
Questions We Discussed:
- Q1: Have you finished your holiday shopping? Did you check your list twice?
- Q2: What are your favorite stores for last-minute gifts?
- Q3: You’ve been visited by the ghost of holiday past. What is the most frugal gift you’ve given?
- Q4: What are your thoughts on re-gifting? What can be re-gifted?
- Q5: What are some fun and frugal gifts for kids?
- Q6: You’ve been visited by the ghost of holiday present. What are ways you can give your time or talents this holiday season?
- Q7: What can you give an unexpected guest who visits your home?
- Q8: You’ve been visited by the ghost of holiday future. What can you do to prepare for a budget-friendly holiday next year?
- Q9: What are last-minute – but meaningful gifts you can give loved ones?
- Q10: Any last minute tips for those heading out to stores today or tomorrow?
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