Melinda Zabritski is Senior Director for Experian Automotive’s financial solutions team. Throughout her career with Experian, Zabritski has overseen the product strategy for Experian Automotive’s lending channel and creation of the automotive credit vertical. After over 18 years in product management, she transitioned into sales and consulting. Zabritski also serves as Experian’s primary analyst and spokesperson regarding key automotive finance trends.

-- Melinda Zabritski

All posts by Melinda Zabritski


shutterstock_199820666 Nowadays, whenever you hear news about the automotive industry, a negative tone tends to pop up. Whether it’s the increase in lending to subprime consumers, or the lengthening in loan terms, the stories lead one to believe that the industry is headed toward another “bubble.” However, that’s not necessarily the case. When we look at the data, the automotive finance market actually demonstrates a strong industry as a whole.

Published: June 10, 2015 by Melinda Zabritski

Hybrid Every time I turn on my television, look out my window or drive into the office, I always see hybrid or electric vehicles on the road. These days it seems like almost everyone is going green.

Published: May 26, 2015 by Melinda Zabritski