Experian was the first in our industry to establish a dedicated public education program. For more than a decade we have invested in helping people become more credit savvy. We believe that knowledge is key to financial success and are dedicated to educating people about issues critical to their financial success. We hope that these resources will be valuable tools for helping you better manage your personal finances, to teach your students about credit, or to answer consumer questions about credit and credit reporting.
Separate fact from fiction, learn what information most affects credit scores and what you can do to ensure your credit scores add up to the credit you want and need.
Fraud and identity theft are major concerns today. This booklet explains what you should do if you become an identity theft victim and describes a number of things Experian is doing to help protect consumers and businesses from this crime.
Experian recognizes that there are major life events that can impact a person's credit. Establishing credit for the first time, buying a house and divorce are just a few examples. Our series of brochures can help people make good credit decisions as they go through those times in their lives.
Experian has answered 12 common questions about consumer credit and direct marketing in a convenient brochure. This is a basic handbook of information every consumer should know.
To help educators share vital information about credit reports and credit reporting in classroom or group settings, Experian has produced a variety of slide presentations with talk notes. Use them to supplement lesson plans, enhance existing programs and present at consumer groups or customer events.
A credit report is an important part of a teenager's financial future. This record can affect everything from the rate paid for automobile insurance to finding employment. Learn how credit reporting works, what's in a credit report and how financial decisions can affect this record for years to come.
Understanding the information in a credit report is the first step in making it a valuable financial tool. This sample report illustrates what an Experian consumer credit report looks like and describes the various types of information a person might find in their personal report.
Ask Experian, the credit reporting industry's first consumer credit advice column, answers the most common questions about credit reports and credit scores.
It is Experian's responsibility as a company to be aware of our societal responsibilities and to have a positive impact on the communities in which we live and work. Experian's global corporate responsibility report provides detailed information about what we are doing to ensure we behave in a socially responsible manner.