Did you know only 56% of organizations have a Business Continuity plan?1

Most data breach response plans are stale and may not reflect the potential threats facing their organizations. Sixty-four percent of respondents say there is no set time for reviewing and updating the data breach plan (35 percent) or it has not been reviewed or updated since the plan was put in place (29 percent).2

The Ninth Annual Study: Is Your Company Ready for a Big Data Breach? sponsored by Experian® Data Breach Resolution and conducted by Ponemon Institute tracks the state of data breach preparedness on an annual basis. In this year’s research, we examine the value of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and crisis management plans to minimizing the consequences of a data breach. The study additionally explores attack trends for ransomware, spearphishing, remote work, end point, supply chains and third party.

Download the report for key findings and actionable insights into:

  • The state of data breach preparedness
  • Data breach response plans
  • Rising threats against organizations
  • Perceptions about the future

Ponemon Institute surveyed 605 professionals in the United States and 465 in EMEA1. A comparison of the US and EMEA findings is presented in this report. All respondents work in IT and IT security, compliance and privacy, and are involved in data breach preparedness in their organizations.

[1] Countries included in the EMEA cluster: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Benelux, Nordics, UAE and Saudi Arabia
Source: 1, 2 Experian’s Ninth Annual Study: Is Your Company Ready for a Big Data Breach? February 2022.

9th Annual Data Breach Preparedness Study

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