Maximize your collections efforts by increasing your right-party contact rates

Identifying and maintaining current addresses and phone numbers for accounts is critical to your outbound communication efforts. TrueTrace™, our most powerful skip-tracing product, provides you with accurate data from unique sources to locate consumers, identify the right-party contact (RPC) and decrease wrong-party connects. 

TrueTrace can be accessed in a batch format or online through TrueTrace Live™.

Optimize your outbound communication strategies

High-quality data

Our superior matching logic ensures the most accurate data is returned.

Increased RPC rates

Superior matching logic ensures the most accurate data is returned with testing showing a 10 percent lift in RPC over the competition.

Flexible formatting

Streamlined file-mapping capabilities help integrate with internal or third-party software.

Ensure accurate consumer contact data

Leverage our unique data sources

TrueTrace is available in flexible and convenient delivery options

Improve your right-party contact rates with the most accurate contact data available.



TrueTrace can be accessed in a batch format through a secure file-transfer method.


TrueTrace Live

TrueTrace Live is available on the web through Experian AccessSM or XML.

TrueTrace leverages proprietary and exclusive data sources to improve your hit rates.

  • Core consumer credit database of more than 245 million consumers and 140 million households 
  • 100 million thin-file and underbanked consumers 
  • Listed, unlisted and wireless numbers from Experian’s FileOne™ 
  • Clarity’s expanded payday information 
  • Experian® RentBureau® property management data  
Let’s talk


Maximize your outbound communication efforts.

To learn more about our solutions, please fill out the form below.

We are unable to address personal credit report and/or membership inquiries via this business form. Visit or call 888-397-3742 for consumer assistance.

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