Disruptive technology has radically changed how we shop, socialize, book vacation rentals — and even how we hail a cab. Now we have another...
Originally designed as a cloud-based alternative to expensive software that was not flexible, Salesforce.com has become the platform of choice for many companies. To...
Credit departments have long performed the important role of assessing and monitoring the health of new and existing customer accounts. However, in the wake...
In 2014 the Subcommittee on Small Businesses and Entrepreneurism published a report that said only 4% of the total dollar amount of business loans...
Imagine for a moment a young parent who has been laid off from their job. After months of looking for work they still have...
Building financial capability and improving access to credit is essential for economic growth in our country. This is especially true for entrepreneurs, many of...
Ten years ago movie night at our house would usually include a run to the video store where we would pick out a selection...
In many cases, business lenders often rely on the commercial credit of the enterprise coupled with the personal credit of the business’s owner when...
At the recent “Future of Data-Driven Innovation” conference, Emery Simon of the Business Software Alliance noted that each day 2.5 quintillion bytes of data...