
Medical and mobile: Convenience trumps security

Published: May 2, 2012 by bkrenek

Say goodbye to bulky manila folders. Today’s healthcare organizations are zipping through medical histories and writing prescriptions using mobile devices. But the new found convenience hasn’t been without cost – not just in implementing new systems and tools but in losing data when security measures aren’t implemented too.

A recent study suggests that adopting new technology is a far greater priority than securing it. Eighty-one percent of healthcare organizations are using mobile devices to “collect, store and/or transmit” protected health information (PHI) but 49% “do nothing” to protect the devices.

The lack of security has been detrimental. The same study found that the breach of protected health information (PHI) records increased 97% from 2010 to 2011.

While data loss is certainly a burden to organizations, mobile security doesn’t have to be. Here are four key considerations for mobile-equipped medical offices:

  1. Encryption
    Consider the encryption capabilities of a device before you purchase, not after. Carefully choose tablets and phones that offer a high level of encryption across the various functions and facets, including removable storage, of the device. If your office is already mobile-equipped, be sure encryption is standard procedure.
  2. Storage
    Think of a mobile device as a way to access data, not store it. A secure server or cloud network is more appropriate for a centralized storage location, to which your mobile devices can connect and disconnect. The latter function is essential, as the portability of a mobile device makes it both easier to lose and more attractive to thieves. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, stolen physical devices account for 71% of breached healthcare records. A missing device that’s online with your data bank poses a serious threat to you and your patients.
  3. Access
    Mobile devices should be password-protected, and so should access to your data bank through the devices. Job requirements should determine what devices and passwords each employee in your office can access. Also consider whether bring your own device (BYOD), when employees use their personal devices to access work data, fits with your security approach.
  4. Employees
    Don’t overlook the element of human error in your mobile security plan. In 2011, the volume of breached medical records resulting from an employee losing an unencrypted device jumped 525%. Since you can’t ever completely eliminate human error, be sure to train your employees on properly using and handling mobile devices, as well as reporting any loss, theft or signs that a device has been tampered with.

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