Ozzie Fonseca is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) who serves as Director of Experian’s Data Breach Resolution Group. Ozzie has been involved in the identity protection arena for nearly a decade, and in his current role has managed thousands of data breach response plans for clients of every size, and for events involving from hundreds to millions of victims. During his tenure, Ozzie has worked with countless privacy and compliance professionals in virtually every industry, and consistently brings to the table his extensive practical experience in handling large scale breach notifications, setting up incident response call centers and in providing best-in-class identity protection and fraud resolution services. Before his involvement in the privacy arena, Ozzie spent most of his career as an educator in the auto insurance, telecom and credit industries responsible for developing training programs across the corporate spectrum. Ozzie holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Business Administration. He can be contacted at 949.567.3851 or Ozzie.Fonseca@experian.com.

-- ofonseca

All posts by ofonseca


All eyes are currently on the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Whether you’re lucky enough to experience the events in person or...

Published: February 26, 2018 by ofonseca

“The Fifth Annual Study: Is Your Company Ready for a Big Data Breach?,” sponsored by Experian Data Breach Resolution and conducted by the Ponemon...

Published: February 21, 2018 by ofonseca

The Internet of Things (IoT) is no longer a futuristic concept. It’s our reality, and with devices dropping in price and growing in availability,...

Published: January 30, 2018 by ofonseca

National cyber security month is the perfect time to check in on your data breach prevention efforts – have they kept up with the...

Published: October 5, 2016 by ofonseca

Are you updating your data breach response plan to respond to new threats and forensic analysis? Discover how often updates may be...

Published: June 28, 2016 by ofonseca

When do your customers think about credit monitoring? When do you, as a business, think about offering it to them? Many consumers don’t independently...

Published: June 14, 2016 by ofonseca

Did you miss Experian’s panel at the recent IAPP event in April? A red-hot topic in many industries, employees negligence is the primary cause...

Published: May 5, 2016 by ofonseca

What difference does $4.40 make? It can’t buy you much on its own, but it can make a world of difference when you’re handling...

Published: April 19, 2016 by ofonseca

Bad news and good news emerged from the Ponemon Institute’s 2015 Cost of a Data Breach study, released in May: breach costs continue to...

Published: April 5, 2016 by ofonseca

As of last October, the EMV liability shift is a point of reality for consumers and businesses alike. Now, if your business is not...

Published: March 8, 2016 by ofonseca

As a business manager savvy to security risks, you may be well aware of the costs consumers and businesses incur when personal identifying information...

Published: August 11, 2015 by ofonseca

A data breach can increase a consumer’s risk of falling victim to identity theft. In order to mitigate this risk, federal and state governments...

Published: July 29, 2015 by ofonseca