Ozzie Fonseca is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP) who serves as Director of Experian’s Data Breach Resolution Group. Ozzie has been involved in the identity protection arena for nearly a decade, and in his current role has managed thousands of data breach response plans for clients of every size, and for events involving from hundreds to millions of victims. During his tenure, Ozzie has worked with countless privacy and compliance professionals in virtually every industry, and consistently brings to the table his extensive practical experience in handling large scale breach notifications, setting up incident response call centers and in providing best-in-class identity protection and fraud resolution services. Before his involvement in the privacy arena, Ozzie spent most of his career as an educator in the auto insurance, telecom and credit industries responsible for developing training programs across the corporate spectrum. Ozzie holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Business Administration. He can be contacted at 949.567.3851 or Ozzie.Fonseca@experian.com.

-- ofonseca

All posts by ofonseca


Many small business owners believe that their companies are too small to be victims of data breach. When in reality, nothing could be further...

Published: September 11, 2012 by ofonseca

Today, those who steal data from the outside also usually steal the headlines. Witness recent mega-hacks at some very well-known firms: Electronics corporation: criminals...

Published: August 14, 2012 by ofonseca

As mobile banking grows in popularity, so do the dangers of data breach and identity theft. In fact, these data security dangers are so...

Published: July 24, 2012 by ofonseca

Unfettered mayhem, raining down from cyberspace, has birthed the need for new protection few would have envisioned just a few years ago: cyber insurance...

Published: July 10, 2012 by ofonseca

Still using the less-is-more approach to notification letters? As it turns out, consumers want more – much more than they’re getting. In a new...

Published: June 5, 2012 by ofonseca

As data breaches have exploded in frequency and scale, it’s no surprise that corresponding lawsuits have also flourished.  Do these lawsuits have a common...

Published: May 22, 2012 by ofonseca

For a company, a data breach can seem like it comes out of the blue. Yet, according to analysis by the Identity Theft Resource Center...

Published: May 7, 2012 by ofonseca

As companies accumulate vast amount of data to improve their business intelligence, the risks of data breaches accumulate accordingly.  While organizations are rapidly increasing...

Published: March 27, 2012 by ofonseca

Download the Ponemon Aftermath Study to learn what companies experience following a data...

Published: March 12, 2012 by ofonseca

Your server crashed. You dropped your storage device. Your computer drive failed. And there’s no back-up in sight. Who ya gonna call? A data...

Published: February 21, 2012 by ofonseca

Just as technology is continuously evolving, so are the wily ways in which fraudsters circumvent the safeguards for changing technologies. Symantec’s study Internet Security...

Published: January 31, 2012 by ofonseca