Breach Notification

Best practices and new developments


Cyberattacks skyrocketed in 2018, thanks in part to the dramatic rise of endpoints and devices and also to the improving sophistication of the attacks....

Published: March 5, 2019 by Michael Bruemmer

Experian has officially released their 2018-2019 Data Breach Response Guide. Last year, there were more than 5,000 data breaches globally, with nearly 1500 originating...

Published: October 9, 2018 by Michael Bruemmer

Months have passed since GDPR went into effect, and already we’re seeing an impact. Our counterparts in the UK, for example, note that event...

Published: August 7, 2018 by Michael Bruemmer

We’re just a little more than two months out from the May 25 enforcement date for GDPR, a new set of strict rules affecting...

Published: March 21, 2018 by Michael Bruemmer

We recently released the latest edition of our Data Breach Response Guide, a resource we’re proud to offer to business leaders to help them...

Published: November 30, 2017 by Michael Bruemmer

For the second time in less than a year, the United Kingdom’s data security regulator has fined one of the nation’s largest telecom companies...

Published: September 5, 2017 by Michael Bruemmer

Most companies aren’t prepared to respond to a global data breach, and aren’t yet ready to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection...

Published: June 27, 2017 by Michael Bruemmer

In a little more than a year, the realm of consumer data protection will undergo a paradigm shift. When the European Union General Data...

Published: May 23, 2017 by Michael Bruemmer

The need for effective data breach preparedness will only grow in 2017. By making and keeping a few key resolutions, you can help mitigate...

Published: December 28, 2016 by Michael Bruemmer

As we predicted, healthcare breaches continued to expand in 2016, with employee risk factors playing an important...

Published: November 15, 2016 by Michael Bruemmer

Are you falling into popular traps when it comes to the handling of your data breach? Avoid these common missteps to tighten your... Published: August 23, 2016 by Michael Bruemmer

With the first quarter of 2016 wrapping up, it’s a good time to take a look at the cyber security trends that emerged at...

Published: March 18, 2016 by Michael Bruemmer