Breach Prevention

Preparedness, planning, and strategies for execution


As our world becomes ever smaller and more networked, Data Privacy Day provides information to consumers about the ways in which personal information is...

Published: January 24, 2012 by bkrenek

With the recent spate of data breaches and accompanying class action lawsuits, businesses have constant reminders that an ounce of prevention is worth a...

Published: January 10, 2012 by bkrenek

Here’s a look at some of the resources I find useful in testing and training for a data b...

Published: January 3, 2012 by tbowers

A recent data breach discovery serves as a reminder that even when you’re on vacation, cyber criminals never s...

Published: December 27, 2011 by ofonseca

Several high profile events throughout the year have kept the spotlight on the issue of data exposures, especially those where millions of consumers information...

Published: December 20, 2011 by kbarney

The average value of a lost laptop is $49,246, a number based on several factors: replacement cost, detection, forensics, data breach, lost intellectual property...

Published: December 13, 2011 by bkrenek

With the flood of online shoppers comes the accompanying tidal wave of fraudsters washing over the cheerful holiday landscape. Hidden behind the online mistletoe,...

Published: December 6, 2011 by ofonseca

According to a new report by British insurance firm Willis Group Holdings, insurance claims for data theft worldwide jumped 56% last year, with the...

Published: November 16, 2011 by bkrenek

It is a cruel irony that service members who defend our country by fighting abroad are often most at risk from the threat of...

Published: November 10, 2011 by ofonseca

Data breaches may conjure images of malicious hackers and global cyber gangs, but often the worst breaches come at the hands of a company’s...

Published: October 25, 2011 by bkrenek

A new form of data hacking has been exposed by two researchers who found ways to easily penetrate Fortune 500 companies through mistyped email......

Published: October 18, 2011 by ofonseca

Strong cyberdefense means strong planning to mitigate the risks of a breach and strong support to help your organization fight against hackers. The solution,...

Published: October 11, 2011 by bkrenek