

You need only watch the headlines about data breaches to realize how different each one can be. Some trace their source to a careless...

Published: September 29, 2015 by Michael Bruemmer

When a data breach occurs, the monetary costs can be horrific for the affected company. The Target cyberattack cost the retailer more than $17...

Published: April 21, 2015 by ofonseca

The past year has been a watershed one for the data breach industry. By Thanksgiving week, 696 data breaches in the U.S. had exposed...

Published: December 12, 2014 by Michael Bruemmer

It’s almost the end of 2014 and a time to reflect back on the year and look ahead. With this in mind, we are...

Published: November 25, 2014 by Michael Bruemmer

Our second annual data breach preparedness study, Is Your Company Ready for a Big Breach?, conducted by the Ponemon Institute, reveals good news and...

Published: September 30, 2014 by Michael Bruemmer

Two schools of thought have emerged around the practice of “BYOD” – allowing employees to use personal mobile devices for business purposes. BYOD advocates...

Published: August 27, 2014 by ofonseca

There are a lot of opinions about what companies should never do in terms of data breach prevention and response. Equally important, however, are...

Published: August 13, 2014 by ofonseca

Q&A with Experian® Data Breach Resolution Vice President, Michael Bruemmer. The Ponemon Institute recently released a survey report—‘‘The Aftermath of a Mega Data Breach:...

Published: June 9, 2014 by Michael Bruemmer

No matter how diligent your organization is about cyber security, it never hurts to take a second – or even third and fourth –...

Published: May 28, 2014 by ofonseca

When a data breach occurs, laws and industry regulations, dictate when and if you need to notify consumers whose data might have been compromised....

Published: May 6, 2014 by ofonseca

This latest study from the Ponemon Institute examines consumer’s sentiment towards security of eHealth Resources. The study finds that attitudes and behaviors towards online...

Published: March 6, 2014 by Michael Bruemmer

Ornaments are packed away, trees have been left at the curb, and we’re all trying to work off those rich holiday foods we indulged...

Published: January 28, 2014 by Michael Bruemmer