
Defending Your Data: National Data Privacy Day Raises Awareness of Cyber Safety

Published: January 28, 2014 by Michael Bruemmer

Ornaments are packed away, trees have been left at the curb, and we’re all trying to work off those rich holiday foods we indulged in last month. But wait! We have one more special day to celebrate, and partaking in it won’t cost you a cent or add inches to your waistline.

Today, January 28, 2014 is Data Privacy Day, and it’s definitely a day that everyone should observe if they’re at all interested in cyber safety. And let’s be clear – everyone should be interested in cyber safety, especially in regards to their data!

An annual initiative of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), Data Privacy Day is intended to promote awareness of the importance of protecting privacy, data and one’s digital footprint. Across the country, businesses and organizations will host events to educate people about why data privacy is vital and ways they can protect their own data in today’s digital world. You can find Data Privacy Day events in your area by logging on to www.staysafeonline.org.

Of course, you already have strong systems in place to protect the proprietary data your organization uses and stores every day. But what can you do to help spread the word about data privacy and cyber safety beyond the firewalls of your company? Here are some ideas:

  • Talk to employees about their personal data safety. While they (hopefully) follow your company’s rules for securely managing data in their professional lives, are they as diligent with their own personal data? They should be – and you can help by offering them information and educational programming on how to protect their personal digital footprint.
  • Be a leader in your online community. Incorporate Data Privacy Day messaging into your existing digital marketing efforts, including your Facebook page, tweets and YouTube channels. The NCSA offers social media resources that can help.
  • Host a Data Privacy Day event.
  • Talk to your own family and loved ones about data privacy and cyber security. Model the secure behaviors you hope they will adopt.

Finally, observe the day by reviewing your own organization’s data privacy efforts, which should include a data breach response plan that will help you quickly and efficiently mitigate damage – for you and your customers – should a breach occur.