
Not All Cyber Claims are Created Equal. Find Out Why at the NetDiligence Forum

Published: October 2, 2013 by Michael Bruemmer

Cyber claims are as individual as the organizations that file them.  Join us at the 7th Annual NetDiligence® Cyber Risk & Privacy Forum, Oct. 10-11, 2013 in Los Angeles, to find out why each claim is different and what to expect after filing one.

Ozzie Fonseca, Senior Director with Experian® Data Breach Resolution, will join other industry leaders in a panel discussion delving behind the scenes of a claim. The panel, dubbed “Dissecting a Data Breach Claim,” will occur at 9 a.m. PST on Friday, Oct. 11. Join the session, to learn:

  • What happens after a claim is filed
  • Why no two claims are the same
  • Forensics, attorneys, PR, breach resolution providers – how many parties should get involved?
  • How and when a claim ends

In addition to this panel, there will be many other informative sessions during the two-day event, which features more than 50 speakers from law, insurance and financial firms.  Speaking panels include timely issues such as intellectual property – and the cyber risks that accompany it, cloud insurance aggregation, the anatomy of a data breach and the best technology for mitigating risks. Other sessions will explore the latest cyber issues involving underwriting, litigation, sales, risk and handling a data breach.

Cyber insurance, as evidenced by the growth of this conference, is a booming line of business.  Annual premiums totaled $1.3 billion last year1 and according to a recent Ponemon study, many companies plan to buy cyber insurance in the future. In fact, 57% of the respondents who currently don’t own a policy, plan to buy one in the future.2 And, most risk managers agree that cyber insurance is essential for data breach preparedness.

Visit the Experian exhibit at the NetDiligence Forum to find out what else is essential for data breach preparedness. Our team can help you prepare for a breach and if you do experience one, we can help you accelerate your response to it.

To learn even more about preparing for a breach, download our free 2013-2014 Data Breach Response Guide.

1 The Betterley Report Cyber/Privacy Insurance Market Survey, 2013

2 Managing Cyber Security as a Business Risk: Cyber Insurance in the Digital Age, Ponemon Institute, August 2013