
New Infographic: Is Your Organization Ready for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance?

Published: March 21, 2018 by Michael Bruemmer

We’re just a little more than two months out from the May 25 enforcement date for GDPR, a new set of strict rules affecting all organizations storing customer data on European Union (EU) citizens. In other words, for businesses across the globe, it’s crunch time: address GDPR compliance or face potentially debilitating fines. Unfortunately, there is no magic bullet to be considered GDPR compliant. The good news? There are tangible steps businesses can take, including finding the right partners, to start heading in the right direction.

We recently partnered with Advisen to create Finding a Partner for General Data Protection Regulation Compliance, a helpful infographic offering insights on how companies can better prepare for GDPR compliance, especially in the wake of growing data breach threats. We outline what organizations should look for in a GDPR partner, including experience, capacity, and capability. When considering a partner, companies should ask themselves the following questions:

  • Does the vendor have a global reach?
  • Can the vendor talk about GDPR as he/she would about family?
  • Has the vendor done the research and invested in knowledge and expertise – and compliance?
  • Does the vendor have references/a track record?
  • Is there a work plan to break the regulation down to operationalize?

In January, I joined other panelists for an Advisen webinar, “Global Breach Response – How to Select Your Key Partners.” If you’re interested in more on GDPR and what it means for your business, I encourage you to check out the free webinar recording here.