
Responding resourcefully to medical data breaches

Published: April 26, 2012 by bkrenek

It’s safe to say that healthcare data is/are under attack. Breaches of medical records increased 97% from 2010 to 2011 according to HHS data. Statistics like that lend new urgency and importance to gatherings such as the upcoming HCCA 2012 Compliance Institute.

Be prepared: Does your organization observe security protocols and have controls in place to protect patient health information (PHI)?

Have a response plan ready to deploy: In the event of a data breach, the first thing to do is activate your response plan. In general, this plan spells out in great detail everything from who will lead the response team to step-by-step processes for sending out notifications, customer care and more.

Evaluate your situation post-breach: Once you’ve weathered the storm of a data breach and its consequences, take time to review the ways your organization responded and grade your response plan. This is also the time to make changes, small and substantial, to the response plan and implement any other protections or processes that you feel would improve your readiness and ability to respond in the event of another incident.

Look for Experian at the 2012 Compliance Institute in Las Vegas from April 29 to May 1. It’s a great opportunity to immerse yourself in solutions for preventing and managing data breaches, as well as meet experts who can help your organization be better prepared in the event of an incident.

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