
What’s In Store For Cyber Security in 2021? Experian’s 2021 Data Breach Predictions Offers Five New Predictions

Published: December 18, 2020 by Michael Bruemmer

What's In Store For Cyber Security

The year 2020 was one defined by unexpected and unprecedented change. The way people across the globe worked, connected, and lived was challenged and tested because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the world continues to navigate the ‘new normal,’ consumers must stay aware of data threats and cybercriminals resolved to keep prospering during the crisis.

In 2020, as the world settled into the practice of “social distancing,” companies dealt with the up-close and vulnerable challenge of shifting to working remotely and managing added security risks. The challenges were also present at home, with millions of employees and students logging on to computers to work, shop, and socialize.

Our Eighth Annual Experian Data Breach Industry Forecast examines areas that have become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks during the COVID-19 pandemic. We also zero in on five new well-researched, expertise-driven data breach trends that are well-positioned to damage our collective physical and technological health in the new year, including a potential vaccine.

Our predictions are rooted in Experian’s history of helping companies navigate more than tens of thousands of breaches over 17 years.

To review our 2020 Forecast, find out how they scored, and see the new predictions for 2021, download the 2021 Data Breach Forecast now.