Learn best practices to stay on top of IRS requirements and create a sound compliance strategy to prevent payroll tax...
Learn the benefits of employer services for your business. Explore the types of services and learn how to choose the best provider for a...
Don't miss out on an employer tax credit because of a compliance misunderstanding. Learn how business decisions affect eligibility and when to...
The IRS has increasingly labeled some ERC claims as fraud. It's important to recognize the signs of fraud to ensure your claim meets the...
Law firms may have faced unique challenges during the pandemic making it difficult to determine their qualifications for the ERC. This blog explores misconceptions...
Here’s our update on 2023 compliance trends that will help employers manage changes for their organizations and prepare for new l...
Max Shenker provides another update on the backlog of unprocessed ERC claims at the IRS, which has more than doubled since the beginning of......
Find out how to optimize and streamline the WOTC screening process so your business can use WOTC to better offset hiring...
The IRS has reiterated warnings against improperly claiming the ERC, while the bureau also investigates fraud schemes including stolen ERC...
On March 23, 2023, fifteen Republican members of the House Ways and Means Committee sent a letter to the new IRS Commissioner, Daniel Werfel,...
First on the IRS's "Dirty Dozen" list are aggressive ERC providers making offers too good to be true. Here are four questions to vet...
Find out how to use IRS Form 941-X to maintain compliance with Form 941 or correctly file for certain tax...
Learn which employees are eligible for ERC and how large healthcare employers can claim it. Don't miss out because you believe you're too big...
President Biden's 2024 budget proposing giving the IRS more time to audit ERC claims, possibly reducing ERC payments by $2 million in fiscal year......
President Biden and the IRS are targeting COVID-relief and ERC fraud. A new IRS warning specifically calls out bad actors pushing ineligible people to......
Daniel Werfel, nominated to be the new IRS Commissioner, responded to these questions from Senators regarding delays to ERC...
The IRS has increased estimates for new Forms 941-X, but even this might be outstripped by the actual number of new ERC claims they...
California Governor Gavin Newsom included modifications to the New Employment Credit (NEC) in his latest budget. Learn what these changes...