
Legislative Update: Oklahoma House Bill 3596

Published: June 10, 2024 by Legislative Update

Oklahoma HB 3596 Change Notification

  1. This measure amends the definition of wages to exclude “other compensation”, including, but not limited to severance pay and/or one-time federal benefits.
  2. The measure also amends the applicable percentages of the state’s average annual wage, from 42.5% to 45% during calendar years in which condition “a” exists and from 45% to 50% during calendar years in which condition “b” exists.
  3. This measure removes the option for hand delivery to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, now accepting only mail, electronic e-filing, or digital portal filing.
  4. This measure establishes that if the weekly claims data of continued claims administered by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission exceeds forty thousand (40,000) claims, the maximum duration of benefits shall immediately be raised to twenty-six (26) weeks. This maximum benefit duration shall be in place until the end of the calendar year at which time the maximum duration of benefits shall be determined pursuant to this measure.
  5. Finally, this measure reduces percentages for maximum benefit amount, from 47.5% to 45% during calendar years in which condition “a” exists and from 45% to 40% during calendar years in which condition “b” exists.

Effective Date

November 1, 2024

Oklahoma House Bill 3596 Implication to Stakeholders

  1. Since severance pay was removed as being considered wages, it will not be a disqualifying income for a claimant.
  2. This could result in an increase in the amount for which a claimant would be eligible.
  3. Seeing as how employers have a wide variety of means to file appeals or protests, this has little impact.
  4. Could increase the amount of benefits paid out of employers’ accounts.
  5. This could result in a decrease in the amount for which a claimant would be eligible

Recommended Action

Nothing at this time.

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