Chris Fletcher is the SVP for Decision Management & Cloud Solutions; for Global Decision Analytics. Expertise areas include: SaaS, strategy, decisioning software, cloud, digital transformation, product management, innovation, start-ups, mentoring, mental health ambassador. 

-- Chris Fletcher, SVP Decision Management & Cloud Services

All posts by Chris Fletcher, SVP Decision Management & Cloud Services


There’s been lots of discussion about what a return to normal will look like as we transition out of the global pandemic—and much remains...

Published: May 7, 2021 by Chris Fletcher, SVP Decision Management & Cloud Services

In a world drastically and constantly changing, industries and technologies are being transformed at a rate never before experienced. Recently, I had the opportunity...

Published: January 26, 2021 by Chris Fletcher, SVP Decision Management & Cloud Services

In the not so distant past, consumers mostly interacted with their banks in person. Retail customers, for instance, waited in line to make a...

Published: November 12, 2020 by Chris Fletcher, SVP Decision Management & Cloud Services

There isn’t a roadmap for navigating through times like these but the reality can’t be ignored. The effects of the pandemic will forever change...

Published: May 5, 2020 by Chris Fletcher, SVP Decision Management & Cloud Services

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