
IWD spotlight: Juniper Research interview Kathleen Maley

Published: March 8, 2022 by Managing Editor, Experian Decision Analytics

During the week of International Womens’ Day, we shine a spotlight on the women thought leaders across Global Decision Analytics. 

In this Juniper Research interview, Kathleen Maley, VP of Analytics Product Management talks about the current state of data analytics, with the backdrop of Juniper Research’s Future of Digital Awards and its recognition of AIS.

Watch the video to discover:

  • Current problems with data analytics
  • Broad nature of activities of what is now defined as analytics
  • Model development, model scoring, model regulatory control, model risk management and model deployment
  • Where is data coming from – is it clean and do we understand it?
  • Importance of humans in the development of algorithms
  • Lack of data – where do we need to close gaps?
  • How does looking at the past help with looking to the future – the importance of current/real-time data
  • The expense of maintenance – tech stack – there are now alternatives
  • Democratization of data – expanding credit access by using non-traditional sources of data
  • Talent shortage of data scientists – low-code and no-code
  • Extracting data value for businesses when data is ever-expanding

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