Search Results for: ai


Explore these November headlines to stayin-the-know. Coverage includes forward-looking fraud prevention, International Fraud Awareness Week, and consumer and business research takeaways from our global...

Published: November 30, 2020 by Managing Editor, Experian Decision Analytics

Fraud rates have held steady throughout the year despite the move to digital, but a few factors could change that this holiday season bringing...

Published: November 25, 2020 by David Britton, VP of Industry Solutions

It’s not a surprise that we have seen an increase in digital activity during the pandemic. Lockdowns, store closures, various restrictions, and social distancing...

Published: November 20, 2020 by Mihail Blagoev, Solution Strategy Analyst, Global Identity & Fraud

The artificial intelligence (AI) market is expected to grow 159% by 2025 to $190.61 Billion, according to Markets and Markets, and there’s considerable value...

Published: November 13, 2020 by Stacy Schulman & Carrie Janot, Global Decision Analytics

In the not so distant past, consumers mostly interacted with their banks in person. Retail customers, for instance, waited in line to make a...

Published: November 12, 2020 by Chris Fletcher, SVP Decision Management & Cloud Services

For executives and teams across the financial services sector, the question isn’t should we digitally transform—but how. That’s where things get tricky. According to...

Published: October 19, 2020 by David Bernard, Senior Vice President, Global Decision Analytics

Several months into the global pandemic and we know that general indicators of risk or stress don’t reveal enough about what’s really going on...

Published: October 9, 2020 by Shri Santhanam, Srikanth Geedipalli, Satya Lakkaraju

The Covid-19 crisis has been a bit like existing inside a shaken snow globe—it disrupted everything, and a lot remains up in the air....

Published: October 2, 2020 by David Britton, VP of Industry Solutions

Whether you work for a small or big company, chances are you’ve seen budgets contract in the wake of Covid-19.  There are a lot...

Published: September 21, 2020 by Stacy Schulman, VP of Digital Communications, Global Decision Analytics

To keep you informed, we’ve gathered the top global, August headlines covering the latest insights from our experts and recent hot topics. Email attack...

Published: September 4, 2020 by Managing Editor, Experian Decision Analytics

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