
Top October business headlines: How to detect and mitigate deepfake fraud, and why consumers prefer biometrics ahead of password authentication

Published: November 3, 2021 by Managing Editor, Experian Software Solutions

Did you miss these October business headlines? We’ve compiled the top global news stories that you need to stay in-the-know on the latest hot topics and insights from our experts.

news headlines

Best practices to detect and mitigate deepfake attacks
David Britton, VP of Industry Solutions, writes for Search Security on how deepfake technology enables fraudsters to distort reality and commit financial crimes. Learn about how the technology works and what best practices to deploy to mitigate deepfake attacks.

View deepfake infographic

Consumers prefer biometrics to passwords, think less of brands with bad authentication
Biometric Update looks at recent research from the CMO Council which found that a far greater number of consumers would choose to use biometrics for authentication ahead of passwords. This supports findings from the Global Identity and Fraud report from earlier this year. This article features an overview of authentication education resources for businesses to better understand where the industry is headed.

Managing the Impact of Disinformation Via Deepfakes
The Business Information Industry Association looks at why rapidly evolving technology platforms pave the way for even more creative approaches to fraudulent activity. With a focus on deepfakes, this piece looks at what businesses should do to minimise the impact by identifying areas of infiltration and creating a layered strategy of defence.

Stories from around the world

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