
Best practices to future-proof your patient identity platform

Published: January 27, 2020 by Kerry Rivera

It’s amazing to look back at how far medical science and digital technology have come – and how those two worlds are increasingly intertwined. Ten years ago, the idea of managing your healthcare bills or making appointments through an app on your phone would have been unthinkable. Now we take it for granted!

But having all these tools at our fingertips means there’s more data being shared between different services and platforms. As a healthcare provider, you might be accessing and sharing patient data multiple hospitals, primary care services, pharmacies, patient portal providers, payers and more. It’s vital to make sure that data is accurate.

Research by RAND Corporation revealed that between 8-16% of patient records are duplicates. Trying to provide care on the basis of unreliable data is inefficient and expensive for providers, who lose staff time and revenue trying to match up records and reconcile the data on file with the patient in front of them. According to RAND, a mid-size health system absorbs as much as $96 for each duplicate.

What this means for patients is even more worrying. According to the US National Institutes of Health, “195,000 deaths occur each year because of medical errors, with 10 of 17 being the results of identity errors or wrong patient errors.”

In a value-based system where patients are covering more of the costs themselves, the financial impact of having unnecessary repeat tests or longer-in-patient stays due to delayed treatment is an added pain.

Currently, standard health IT products have some catching up to do, as only 10% of duplicates are spotted. But looking ahead, the future of patient identities is promising.

Unique patient identifiers are key to unlocking value-based care

The twin trends of value-based care and healthcare consumerism are bumping up patient expectations. They expect a seamless experience. They expect their records to be updated immediately. They’re confused when one department doesn’t have access to information that was just shared with another. And they definitely don’t want to see different services working off different versions of the same record.

The answer for many high-performing health systems is to introduce unique patient identifiers (UPIs). This allows a patient’s record to follow them throughout their healthcare journey, ensuring that at every touchpoint, clinical and admin staff are confident in the accuracy of the information they hold.

But transitioning to any new system can involve a bit of culture shock for those involved, and so careful planning is essential. What steps can providers take to make sure they implement a patient identity management strategy that’s built to last?

How to future-proof your patient identity platform

1. Make sure everyone’s on board with the plan

First, whatever solution you’re using to manage patient records, it’s essential that your patients, staff, payers and any other parties involved all buy in to the new approach. Changing the way you handle data and introducing new digital tools such as UPIs can often call for a mindset shift in the way your team and consumers think about data.

Be sure to communicate the benefits of UPIs to patients, payers and staff. For example, UPIs can:

  • improve patient safety, by preventing duplicate and inaccurate records
  • lower healthcare costs, by eliminating inefficiencies and errors
  • safeguard patient privacy, by keeping records secure
  • create a better patient experience, by supporting patient-centered care
  • help staff access up to date information about their patient’s healthcare situation

2. Choose a UPI system that works within and outside your network

Some providers use hospital- or practice-based patient identifiers, where a master patient index is used to link all versions of a patient’s record held within a single organization. An enterprise master patient index (EMPI) does the same, but across several facilities or services.

A cross-enterprise solution makes it much easier to manage patient identities across your entire network, without having to wrangle disparate records that don’t interface well with each other. When this system is based on ‘referential matching’, which uses wider data sources and UPIs to build a more connected and accurate data ecosystem, you’ll get a much more complete view of your patients and far fewer inaccuracies.

3. Use data analytics to improve decision-making

UPIs bring another advantage: they enable you to analyze health, credit and consumer data for a single patient, giving you useful insights about your patient population as a whole. A network of interoperable data can help you spot trends in the social and economic factors that affect health and wellbeing, so you can target your resources more effectively.

As the world of public health data matures, it’s highly likely that UPIs will become the norm. Data-sharing remains a challenge, but by using digital tech to your advantage, you can improve the way patient records are managed in your health ecosystem.

Learn more about how UPIs could help close the patient data gap in your organization.

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Solving the patient identity problem and ensuring that each patient record is accurate and airtight is a top priority. Healthcare providers want to be 100% confident in answering “yes” to the following questions: Is the patient who they say they are? Is the right medication being administered to the right person? Is the correct bill being sent to the patient’s current address? By validating patient identities, providers can secure patient trust, deliver high-quality care, and avoid losing revenue to identity errors and fraud. Unfortunately, patient identity management is only becoming more complex. While telehealth and remote patient access are opening healthcare’s digital front door to meet changing consumer needs and expectations, a mountain of sensitive patient data is piling up. This data is a gold mine for fraudsters who steal and sell patients’ personal information or use it to access services and prescriptions without paying. It’s distressing for patients and creates a major financial and administrative burden for healthcare staff. A nationwide patient identification system may still be some way off. However, providers can optimize patient matching in their own health systems by working to reduce vulnerabilities and adopting cutting-edge interoperable patient matching technology. Better patient matching means better patient care and protected profits The human cost of incorrect, incomplete or outdated patient medical records is significant. Patients could be given the wrong medication or diagnostic procedures. Allergy information can be missed. Patient test results can be mislabeled or mixed up. In Experian Health’s State of Patient Access 2.0 survey, almost half of providers said inaccurate and incomplete patient data was an obstacle to proactive follow-up, which could cause gaps in care and avoidable complications – which are critical to value-based care compensation. Duplicate and mismatched patient records also create massive inefficiencies that can threaten an organization’s financial health too. With telehealth claim lines climbing by 2817% between December 2019 and December 2020, reliably authenticating patient identities in both existing and new services will be critical to future financial performance. Resolve, protect and enrich patient identities with universal identifiers Having the right technology to resolve and secure a patient’s information when they log on to patient portals and telehealth systems is the first step. Automating patient enrollment with Experian Health’s PreciseID® ensures the patient is who they say they are. This solution utilizes best practices in identity-proofing, fraud management and device recognition. But this system only works if the records being matched are accurate. A universal patient identifier provides a single, accurate, 360° view of each patient throughout their healthcare journey. An interoperable format allows systems to talk to each other and protects against duplicates, errors, inefficiencies and fraudulent activity. Universal identifiers aren’t available nationwide yet, though there has been some encouraging movement. Congress is working to remove the ban on funding for such measures, while the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are taking steps to promote data standardization. For health systems that want to maintain a golden record for each patient within the bounds of their own operations, Experian Health’s Universal Patient Identifier allows staff to connect, verify and protect patient information. Choosing the right patient matching technology Traditional matching technology relies on demographic data and uses deterministic or probabilistic methods to link records with identical identification information. However, relying on a single source of data means that previous errors are inherited by new versions of a patient’s record. Demographic data isn’t unique to individual patients, which can lead to mismatched records and create extra manual work to fix. Experian Health uses referential matching technology to build a complete view of patients from reliable health, credit, and consumer data sources. The universal patient identifier connects disparate datasets and instantly updates the master index of patient records with new data points. Referential matching can only ever be as good as the data that is being matched and Experian is a global leader in data accuracy, across numerous sources, and is continually updated. Victoria Dames, VP of Product Management at Experian Health, says, "With Experian’s reference data, we’re able to create a longitudinal record of each individual and reconcile their data as they change names, addresses and see different providers. You need to know that it’s the same person, especially with the pandemic acting as a catalyst for digital technologies such as telehealth. It also helps organizations bring data together and ensure data integrity through mergers and acquisitions. Dealing with large volumes of data is a big hill to climb, but with the right technologies it can be that much faster.” As telehealth and digital patient access services gain traction, solving the patient identity problem becomes increasingly urgent. Universal Identity Manager combines industry-leading consumer demographic information with the highest quality reference data and powerful unique patient identifiers to create a single view of each patient. With better patient identity management, providers can protect against errors and fraud, and reassure patients that their personal information is safe. Find out more about Experian Health’s identity management solutions.

Published: March 2, 2022 by Experian Health

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