Collections Optimization

Boost revenue, streamline patient financial assistance, and reduce collection costs.


In July this year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reported that a data breach in a contractor's network may have compromised the data of more than 600,000 current Medicare beneficiaries. The breach, which occurred in May 2023, involved a vulnerability in file transfer software that enabled an unauthorized party to access beneficiaries' personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI). Some patients were issued with new Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs) following the incident. The contractor also offered two years of Experian credit monitoring at no cost to those affected. However, providers may see an increase in patients who are confused or concerned about using their MBI card. Experian Health's MBI Lookup service can help providers ensure that Medicare eligibility verification remains as efficient as possible. Thousands of beneficiaries issued new MBI numbers In response to the breach, CMS announced that 47,000 individuals would be mailed new MBI cards with new MBI numbers. However, as 612,000 patients were affected by the breach, there may be a significant number of people whose MBIs may change without notice. Since these individuals will not be able to use their old MBIs when trying to find Medicare coverage and benefits, there could be confusion among patients and providers who rely on MBIs to confirm a patient's eligibility for Medicare coverage. It could also affect billing processes and claim status inquiries. Experian Health reached out to CMS for clarification and received the following guidance: If a Medicare beneficiary's MBI number has changed, then their old (now inactive) MBI will return an AAA72 error when attempts are made to confirm coverage using the HIPAA Eligibility Transaction System (HETS). The HETS 270/271 platform will accept historical 270 requests that use the patient's new MBI. Old MBI numbers will only be accepted if that number was active during the Date(s) of Service noted on the request. Providers should note that some patients may inadvertently use invalid MBI numbers and review processes for verifying Medicare eligibility accordingly. Verifying Medicare eligibility with Experian Health's MBI Lookup tool Verifying active coverage can be a painstaking process, but it's a vital step to confirm that planned services will be covered by the patient's insurance provider. If a patient is unaware or cannot demonstrate eligibility for Medicare, then the provider cannot make a claim for reimbursement, and the patient may be left to pay a bill they cannot afford. Finding active coverage helps providers reduce the risk of bad debt. Experian Health's Insurance Eligibility Verification speeds up this process by accurately confirming coverage at the time of service. The process comes with an optional MBI Lookup feature, which checks transactions against MBI databases to see if the patient may be eligible for Medicare. If the patient has forgotten their MBI card, the tool will check to see if they're included in the database, using their name, date of birth, and Social Security Number (SSN) or Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN). The MBI Lookup service triggers on 270/271 transactions in the following cases: Where the transaction fails because the subscriber is not found or their MBI number or other identification is missing or invalid (a “Traditional Medicare Failure”) Where a commercial 270 inquiry returns a “Medicare Advantage Plan” or “Managed Care Plan” indication on the “Other Payer” or “Other Coverage” section of the 271 response Where a commercial 270 transaction returns a failed response and the patient is aged 65 or older. If the provider's system attempts to use a patient's old number, and the patient does not realize that they have a new number or card, MBI Lookup will find and verify their new MBI. When the tool is triggered, it finds active and verified MBI numbers in 60% of cases on average. Find coverage faster with automated discovery tools Kate Ankumah, Principal Product Manager of Eligibility Verification and Alerts at Experian Health, says the automated MBI Lookup service has proven especially useful during times of change: “Providers relied on this service to verify Medicare coverage quickly when the pandemic hit, just as the industry was adjusting to the use of MBIs instead of their legacy HICN. Now, MBI Lookup can help providers smooth out the impact of data breaches involving Medicare beneficiaries with minimal fuss. It's a reliable way to give patients clarity without placing any undue burden on staff.” Insurance Eligibility Verification can be used alongside other automated coverage identification tools, such as Coverage Discovery®. Coverage Discovery scans government and commercial payer databases throughout the patient journey to find any previously unknown or forgotten coverage, eliminating the need for manual inquiries. Using multiple sources of data and tried-and-tested algorithms, these tools work together to locate coverage for patients, giving patients peace of mind and helping providers avoid uncompensated care. Both tools can be accessed via the eCareNext® platform, so staff can view eligibility responses and manage work queues through a single interface. And of course, this recent breach is a stark reminder of the need to protect patient data. Using a single vendor with integrated software and data solutions can help reduce the risk of data getting into the wrong hands. Find out more about how Experian Health's Eligibility Verification solution and MBI Lookup tool can help providers verify active coverage and give patients peace of mind following a data breach.

Published: October 10, 2023 by Experian Health

Finding previously unidentified insurance coverage is a high-stakes treasure hunt for healthcare providers. If patients are unaware of active coverage or eligibility for Medicare and Medicaid, they will be left footing a bill that could have been covered by a payer. If they can't afford it, their account may end up being written off to bad debt, and providers will miss out on reimbursement opportunities, leaving millions of revenue dollars on the table. Hunting down missing or forgotten coverage on the spot is a challenge for providers, particularly if the patient does not have a Social Security Numbers (SSN) or the payers in question do not use SSNs to verify eligibility. It's a problem worth solving though and can improve the patient financial experience while preventing avoidable revenue loss. The shift away from Social Security Numbers Historically, providers have used demographic information like Social Security Numbers (SSN) to verify patient identities and locate coverage information. Without a unique patient identifier, SSNs were a stable way to link a person's health information across multiple health systems and payers. However, the use of SSNs for identification and verification purposes has dropped in recent years due to concerns about patient privacy and the risk of identity theft: SSNs give identity thieves a mechanism to assume a person's identity and access financial information and health records illegally. Moreover, SSNs are unreliable identifiers, as it is possible for more than one person to use the same number. Recognizing the need for more secure and trustworthy identifiers, many payers have moved away from SSNs. In 2018, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services began the process to remove SSN-based Health Insurance Claim Numbers (HICNs) from Medicare cards, replacing them with Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers (MBIs). These are now the primary means of checking a person's identity for Medicare transactions like billing, eligibility status and claim status. Similarly, many health plans also shifted away from using SSNs as primary identifiers, instead opting for member IDs or other secure identifiers to verify and track coverage for their members. Find billable coverage with historical data With demographic searches on the decline, providers need a more efficient and reliable way to search for coverage. As a data-driven company with a historical repository of claims data, Experian Health is uniquely positioned to help providers search for coverage. Combining search best practices, multiple proprietary databases and historical information, Experian Health's Coverage Discovery® locates patients' billable commercial insurances that were unknown or forgotten, and combs through Medicare and Medicaid coverage. This flags accounts that may have been destined as a write-off or charity and maximizes reimbursement revenue by identifying primary, secondary and tertiary coverage. Not only do fewer accounts go to bad-debt collections, but providers can automate the self-pay scrubbing process. In 2022, Coverage Discovery tracked down billable coverage in almost 30% of self-pay accounts and found more than $64.6 billion in corresponding charges. Closing the coverage gap caused by Medicaid disenrollment Coverage Discovery offers another important benefit: helping providers offer additional support to patients on lower incomes who find themselves without Medicaid, at least for a short time, following the end of continuous enrollment. As of July 2023, more than 1.6 million Medicaid enrollees were disenrolled. Providers can use the tool to confirm whether Medicaid coverage remains in place, or to uncover any additional billable government or commercial insurance that could give patients peace of mind. Patient Financial Clearance can also help screen patients for Medicaid eligibility before or at the point of service, then route them to the Medicaid Enrollment team or auto-enroll them in charity care if appropriate. Case study: Read the case study to find out how Luminis Health used Coverage Discovery to locate $240k in billable coverage each month. Leverage technology to locate unidentified coverage Thanks to advanced tools like Coverage Discovery and Patient Financial Clearance, it's much easier for providers to locate alternative coverage options for patients, using multiple sources of data. These tools leverage secure identifiers and comprehensive searches across databases, allowing providers to reclaim revenue that may otherwise go unclaimed, and reassuring patients that they won't be left holding an unexpected bill. Find out more about how Coverage Discovery can help find previously unidentified coverage and reduce bad debt.

Published: September 13, 2023 by Experian Health

The healthcare staffing crisis was one of the biggest challenges facing healthcare providers pre-pandemic, only to be exacerbated by the pressures of dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Almost a fifth of healthcare workers resigned between February 2020 and September 2021. Unfortunately, the problem isn't in the rearview mirror yet – a new study from McKinsey reveals that worker shortages persist, with 31% of nurses declaring their intent to leave their jobs in the next year. These shortages put pressure on remaining staff, compromise hiring efforts and make high-quality services difficult to maintain. Without a thriving, vibrant workforce, how can healthcare providers meet the needs of their patients? Can automation help address the healthcare staffing crisis? Stubborn staff turnover levels aren't unique to healthcare, but addressing them is even more critical, given the detrimental effect on patients. As the staffing crisis shows no signs of letting up, providers should consider how technologies that leverage automation and AI can help. Tom Cox, President at Experian Health, says, “Automation has transformed many aspects of healthcare, from driving down appeals and denials to improving the digital front door. We're now seeing AI starting to make waves, too. These technologies are the future and are changing healthcare for the better.” Opening healthcare's digital front door is a good place to start. By eliminating repetitive and time-consuming tasks like data entry, manual patient registration and prior authorizations, staff will be freed up to focus on what matters most: delivering high-quality patient care. Here, we look at three areas where automation can simultaneously alleviate the burden of staff shortages and create a better patient experience. Use case 1: automate patient access to manage the growing demand for services Manual and repetitive processes eat up valuable time and create greater workloads that contribute to staff burnout. This is especially true in patient access, which is a typically admin-heavy process. Allowing patients to complete more of their registration and scheduling tasks themselves can reduce the workload in understaffed teams. Many patients prefer not to book appointments through call centers, and high call volumes are a major pressure point for staff. Similarly, manual patient registration is labor-intensive and error-prone, eating up staff time and creating bottlenecks for patients. Automated registration and self-scheduling solutions help patients access care without waiting in phone queues. Patients can book, cancel and reschedule appointments through their mobile devices. On the back end, data can be leveraged to predict and manage demand, while digitized scheduling means agents can spend less time checking referrals against scheduling rules. Automated prior authorizations mean staff no longer need to spend hours poring over payer policies and checking individual payer websites to check for changes – the software updates automatically in real-time. Simplifying these processes with automation not only minimizes operational strain but also reduces friction for patients who want to see the right specialist in the least amount of time. Use case 2: automate personalized patient outreach to reduce call volumes Another way to reduce the administrative burden is with automated patient outreach. Reducing no-shows is an important strategy to promote better health outcomes and boost financial performance. Instead of burying staff with a list of patients to follow up with, providers should utilize automated patient reminders. Automated patient outreach solutions allow providers to segment patients according to their individual needs and preferences, so patients get relevant information through the most appropriate channel. This allows patients to proactively and conveniently manage their own healthcare journey. Automated messages can also be sent to remind patients of outstanding bills and link them to payment options. This means patient collections teams can spend less time on calls and focus instead on meaningful conversations with patients who need extra guidance or support. Use case 3: automate patient collections for faster payments and a better patient experience With fewer staff, patient collections teams must figure out which accounts to prioritize, while navigating increasingly complex payer policies. Advanced data analytics and automation can be used to make these processes more efficient. Similarly, automated patient collections software can screen and segment patient accounts to allow staff to quickly prioritize those with the highest probability of being paid. Collections Optimization Manager offers convenience and clarity to staff with an easy-to-use interface, while targeted collections strategies facilitate conversations with patients based on accurate information and fewer calls and emails. Speed and accessibility create a better experience all around for both patients and staff. Using automated solutions to reduce the pressure of the healthcare staffing crisis Cox says, “Over the last few years, Experian Health has focused on helping providers and payers solve the immediate challenges associated with a remote workforce and staffing constraints while scaling services in response to surging demand. Integrating automation with self-service tools is just the beginning. Our vision is to continue driving innovative and automated solutions that will improve care outcomes and transform our clients' healthcare operations.” These are just a few examples of how automation can create new opportunities for healthcare providers. Digital processes that were once considered merely “nice to have” are now critical components to alleviate the healthcare staffing crisis and deliver positive patient experiences. Contact us to find out more about how Experian Health can help your organization use automation to alleviate the healthcare staffing crisis.

Published: July 27, 2023 by Experian Health

American consumers may be more optimistic about the state of the economy, but concerns about healthcare costs are always top-of-mind. A survey by Experian Health found that 40% of patients would cancel or postpone care if they were not informed of costs in advance. Planning for medical expenses can be a struggle for families facing rising costs and increasing deductibles. With profit margins under increasing pressure, providers must make constant improvements to patient collections processes to help patients navigate their financial obligations more easily. Finding new ways to maximize patient collections and increase efficiency while reducing friction in the patient experience is more important than ever. Technology and patient collections software offer a way to bridge the gap. This article looks at two case studies that involve leveraging automation and digital technology to create better patient collections processes. Case Study 1: how UCSDH improved patient collections with Collections Optimization Manager Patients are footing more of the bill for healthcare, leaving providers more exposed to each individuals' ability to pay. If patients are unable to pay in full and on time, providers will be left with growing ­– but avoidable – collections costs and an escalating risk of uncompensated care. Given that patients can have different financial circumstances, mailing out uniform statements and hoping they will be paid is a futile effort. Instead, providers should look for opportunities to proactively engage patients with personalized information, delivered earlier in the process. This can help maximize patient collections. One way to determine the most suitable collections strategy for each patient is to use data-driven software like Collections Optimization Manager. This tool helped the University of San Diego California Health (UCSDH) score and segment patients according to their propensity to pay so that each account was dealt with in the most appropriate way. For example, patients with a high likelihood of payment could be sent billing information automatically via inbound call campaigns, and offered self-service options to manage payments. Collections Optimization Manager also enabled UCSDH to automate the presumptive charity process, quickly identify patient accounts eligible for Medicaid or charity support, and direct them to the correct work queue to maximize workforce productivity. As a result, UCSDH increased collections by 250% in a single year, from $6 million to $21 million between 2019-20 and 2020-21. UCSDH also used Coverage Discovery® to track down active commercial and government coverage that patients were unaware of. More than $5 million was found in 2021 that would otherwise have been written off. For UCSDH, being able to provide a compassionate patient collections experience has been central to this success: “We serve our patients well when we can explain their bills, what's been covered by their insurer and what payment options they have, so they feel confident in what is owed and why.” Terri Meier, System Director of Patient Revenue Cycle, UCSDH Case Study 2: how Kootenai Health streamlined eligibility checks with Patient Financial Clearance Another way to provide early clarity is to make sure patients aren't missing out on Medicaid assistance. However, this can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive exercise when attempted through manual processes. Because Kootenai Health needed a more streamlined workflow to screen patients for financial assistance, they implemented Patient Financial Clearance to assess and assign patients to the right pathways and programs, based on their specific circumstances. Patient Financial Clearance uses credit and non-credit data to identify patients missing out on Medicaid or charity assistance in real-time. It automates screening and document-gathering, reducing the manual burden on staff while improving the patient experience. Verifying Medicaid eligibility early prevents patient accounts from being sent down long and expensive collections pathways that would never result in payment. Kootenai's Financial Counseling manager reported that thanks to Patient Financial Clearance, “One of our patients with a $200,000 bill answered a few questions and was found eligible for Veterans benefits. With our previous vendor, we would have written the account off to charity.” In just 8 weeks, Patient Financial Clearance saved Kootenai 60 hours of staff time by automating the presumptive charity process and eliminating unnecessary applications. It also maintained an 88% accuracy in determining the right financial assistance program for the right patient. As Medicaid continuous enrollment under the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration comes to an end, uncertainty around eligibility is likely to increase. Taking steps to verify patients' status quickly and efficiently will be even more important. Bottom line: Maximize patient collections by making it easy to pay These are just two examples of how providers are using automation and digital technology to improve patient collection processes. In addition to screening and segmentation, providers can further tailor the financial experience by offering patients realistic payment plan options to make bills more manageable. Patients are provided with a range of convenient, self-service payment options to settle their bills according to their preferred method. Tools like Patient Financial Advisor allow patients to receive a text message with a link to a clear breakdown of their bill and the option to make a payment right from their mobile device. Find out more about how Experian Health's patient collections software and payment tools can help providers stop chasing the wrong accounts and deliver a proactive and personalized financial experience for patients.

Published: July 5, 2023 by Experian Health

According to Experian Health's State of Patient Access 2023 survey, providers think recent efforts to improve the patient financial experience are paying off. But do patients agree? The survey, carried out in December 2022, suggests a disconnect between how patients and providers view the patient collections process. Many providers rate their collections services favorably, having invested in pre-service estimates, flexible payment options and tailored payment plans. However, patients see room for improvement and a chance for providers to improve patient collections. Many say they feel anxious about managing medical expenses, with uncertainty prompting some to consider canceling care or switching providers. Could a more compassionate and personalized approach to healthcare billing help patients navigate their financial obligations more easily? Here are 4 ways providers can improve patient collections and create a patient experience that attracts long-term loyalty. 1. Provide proactive price transparency Patients want to know how much their care will cost before they receive it: almost 90% of patients said receiving a price estimate before care is essential. Providers recognize this, and 67% believe their organization is doing a good job of providing clear, understandable estimates prior to care. Unfortunately, only 29% of patients say they actually received one. Easing Digital Frictions in the Patient Journey, a collaborative survey of 2,333 consumers from Experian Health and PYMNTS, found that 82% of patients living paycheck to paycheck with issues paying their bills consider it “very” or “extremely” important to preview out-of-pocket costs before treatment. Among patients who received surprise bills, 40% spent more on healthcare than they could afford, compared with 18% of patients who did not receive surprise bills. Giving patients early clarity with precise pricing estimates helps them plan so they're less likely to avoid care or struggle with unexpected and unaffordable bills. Payments can also be collected faster and more efficiently. Despite the implementation of price transparency regulations, the incorporation of cost estimates into healthcare billing is not yet standardized, presenting a significant gap in the industry. Healthcare providers who prioritize accurate and easy-to-understand cost estimates are more likely to boost patient satisfaction ratings and increase improve patient collections. 2. Create personalized payment plans Personalized financial pathways are essential in healthcare. Patients have unique financial situations, and a one-size-fits-all approach won't suffice. Some patients may prefer to pay their bill upfront so they know it's taken care of, while others may need to spread out the cost into more manageable installments. Advanced data analytics can help providers create a more positive payment experience by assessing each individual's ability to pay and assigning them to the appropriate financial pathway. For example, Collections Optimization Manager scores and segments patients according to their propensity to pay, and automates the presumptive charity process so accounts are handled sensitively and efficiently. Using automation helped the University of California San Diego Health (UCSDH) deliver better patient experiences, maximize collections and reduce the cost to collect. Between 2019-20 and 2020-21, UCSDH increased collections from around $6 million to over $21 million with Collections Optimization Manager. UCSDH's Systems Director explains that automation allowed them to maximize staff resources to support patients to understand their bills, as well as provided valuable insights into each patient's situation: “We serve our patients well when we can spend time explaining their bills, what's been covered by their insurer and what payment options they have, so they feel confident in what is owed and why.” Terri Meier, CHFP, CSMC, CSBI, CRCR, System Director of Patient Revenue Cycle at UC San Diego Health, explains how automation helped their organization optimize patient collections and improve patient satisfaction. 3. Provide support to those in need A topic on many providers' minds is Medicaid redetermination, following the loss of Medicaid coverage for millions of patients. Many may be eligible to re-apply, but in the short term, millions could be left floundering financially. Providers can support patients in this situation to sort through coverage, navigate charity eligibility and offer suitable payment plans to keep bills out of collections. Mindy Pankoke, Senior Product Manager at Experian Health, says this is both a challenge and an opportunity for providers: “For providers, this may be a hard situation to navigate. At the same time, it gives providers an opportunity to come through for patients in a moment of need. Being able to identify patients who need assistance and offer them help can be powerful.” What can providers do as patients lose Medicaid coverage? The priority should be to identify patients who need charity assistance and connect them to any available support. Using credit data and other demographic data points, Patient Financial Clearance screens patients who may still be eligible for Medicaid and finds self-pay patients who may qualify for charity assistance. It also assigns patients to the appropriate pathways and even auto-enrolls them in financial assistance programs so they feel confident they're on the right path. 4. Offer flexible ways to pay Finally, a compassionate billing experience will involve as little friction as possible when the patient comes to making payments. According to the patients who participated in Experian Health's survey, payment experiences should be convenient, transparent and flexible, with 72% expressing a desire for online and mobile payment options. These features are essential to younger generations, who are less tolerant of inflexible, manual systems. Providers should offer a range of payment options that include in-person, telephone, mobile and online patient portals, so patients can pay in a way that's most convenient for them. This also frees up staff to help those patients who may need a little extra help understanding their statements. Experian Health offers a suite of patient payment solutions that enable consumers to make secure payments at any point in their healthcare journey, through multiple channels. From customizable patient statements to mobile-enabled payment methods, these tools support a compassionate and convenient approach to patient billing, turning what can be a confusing process into one that is more efficient for both parties. Improve patient collections with automated solutions Consumers are the cornerstone of healthcare and providing a consumer-friendly payment experience can make a huge difference. Money is often a sensitive topic for patients, but with a consumer-centric payment experience, financial matters can be handled compassionately. Patients will be more satisfied and more likely to pay in full and on time, and providers can improve cash flow. With the right tools, healthcare billing and collections can become seamless and clear, and patients can pay their balances with ease. See how Collections Optimization Manager and other patient payment solutions can maximize and improve patient collections.

Published: May 25, 2023 by Experian Health

Having the right health insurance eligibility verification software can make or break the healthcare revenue cycle. In fact, there's a direct correlation between the efficacy of an organizations' eligibility verification system and the amount of revenue the organization generates. If there are eligibility verification errors during the process, it can be more difficult to file claims and receive payments. 4 common insurance eligibility verification errors to watch out for: 1. Wrong or incomplete patient data Healthcare providers are responsible for verifying patient coverage. As part of the process, staff checks the patient's identity and contact information to confirm that it matches their electronic health records. Other important verification steps include confirming patient eligibility for proposed services, checking for exclusions and double-checking that the patient's coverage is not only active but that any annual or lifetime limits haven't been exceeded. But when a patient provides incorrect or incomplete information during the early stages of eligibility verification, it can bottleneck the entire verification process. Patients may have moved, switched employers or even switched their insurance coverage. When providers don't have access to the most up-to-date patient data, it can result in eligibility verification errors and create extra work for staff. Incomplete or wrong patient information not only makes the process more time-consuming but can also stall the claims process, resulting in delayed reimbursements or issues getting paid. 2. Incorrect insurance information Verifying a patient's insurance coverage is one of the earliest parts of the revenue cycle. And it can be complex, especially with patients frequently changing insurance providers and taking on more payment responsibility. While a patient insurance ID card is helpful, it doesn't prove eligibility. To verify eligibility, access staff will typically need to check payer websites or call payers directly. They also choose to use clearinghouses to run batch checks. But these options can be laborious and time-consuming. With the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), it's also expected that up to 15 million Americans could find themselves without healthcare insurance, making the verification process even more tedious. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) estimates that 8.2 million Medicaid enrollees will no longer be eligible for coverage. And another 6.8 million eligible individuals may lose coverage due to “administrative churn,” which occurs when patients fail to provide annual confirmation of Medicaid eligibility. These wide-scale changes to coverage could increase the risk of insurance information errors and longer verification checks, creating more stress and work for staff, claim denials, uncompensated care and millions in lost revenue. 3. Human errors lead to eligibility verification errors As the volume of patients continues to grow, providers that rely on manual verification processes are potentially at risk for human error. Inaccurate data entry increases the costs associated with medical billing areas and hinders interoperability as more patient data is created, collected and shared. And when incorrect data is entered when billing for services, it can result in disputes with insurance companies, medical billing errors and in extreme cases, a lawsuit and the need for omissions insurance. Performing employment verification checks by hand is also time-consuming and places an extra burden on staff, especially if there are existing staff shortages. Manual eligibility verification can hinder operational efficiency so much that the CAQH reports it adds more than 20 minutes per transaction, at a cost of nearly $10 billion per year to medical providers. Manual submissions can also result in mistakes when inputting claims, and when claim submissions aren't clean, reimbursements can take longer. 4. Unclear communication Provider and patient communication is a fundamental part of verifying coverage, ensuring receipt of payments and creating strong patient/provider relationships. If communication is unclear or rocky, it not only can undermine the trust between a patient and provider, but it can directly result in delayed claim processing, denials and make it harder to get paid. When patients and providers aren't clearly communicating about coverage, co-pays, cost estimates and deductibles, it can make for a stressful patient experience. With 3 in 10 patients expressing concerns about being able to afford a $500 bill, it's critical to inform patients about their financial obligations upfront so they can plan accordingly. How automation can eliminate eligibility verification errors According to an Experian Health survey, one in three healthcare executives say that denied claims happen about 10%-15% of the time, resulting in billions of dollars in lost revenue. Using an automated medical insurance verification system, such as Experian Health's Insurance Eligibility Verification solution, can help eliminate the vulnerabilities of manual patient eligibility verification and pay big dividends across the revenue cycle. Kate Ankumah, Product Manager at Experian Health, says, “If providers don't have a full picture of the patient's payable benefits, deductibles, co-pay thresholds out-of-pocket maximums, and other policy details, they run the risk of non-reimbursement. For that reason, these checks should be carried out before a patient's appointment or procedure, to prevent awkward billing issues and delayed payments. This gives providers peace of mind that they'll be reimbursed for the services they provide and accelerates patient registration.” Not only does automation help relieve the manual burden placed on staff, but it also improves operational efficiency, ensures cleaner claim submissions, speeds up reimbursement, reduces medical billing errors and creates a better patient experience overall. Here's how: 1. Integration with office software systems To keep things running as smoothly as possible, providers should consider automation eligibility tools that integrate seamlessly with their existing systems and interfaces. This can help fully leverage data analytics and streamline operations. Integrating automated solutions with health records can also speed up verification and registration. For example, existing Experian Health clients can access Eligibility Verification through eCare NEXT® which provides a single interface to manage several patient access functions. 2. Real-time connections with major insurance carriers Using insurance verification software can help keep patient insurance information up-to-date. For example, Experian Health's solution connects with over 900 payers instantly, allowing providers to access real-time patient eligibility and benefits data. Plus, it has an optimized search functionality that boosts the likelihood of finding a patient match. It also features an optional Medicare beneficiary identifier (MBI) lookup service that automatically finds and validates MBI numbers, necessary for validating Medicare coverage that many providers report having to look up manually. 3. The ability to calculate a patient's estimated payments Inconsistencies between estimated and actual costs are common patient complaints. By providing estimates upfront, providers can reduce this major source of patient stress. Automating pre-service eligibility and estimates provides patients with a clear view of their financial obligations so they can plan accordingly. Price transparency also empowers patients and can help them feel more in control, improve engagement and increase the likelihood that providers can collect payments faster and more efficiently. Prevent eligibility verification errors to get paid faster Insurance verification is an often underestimated, yet crucial component of the patient experience. Automating this process with advanced data analytics can help minimize denied claims and long-term financial losses while strengthening trust between patients and providers. In short, optimizing for insurance verification early on has wide-reaching benefits throughout a provider's revenue cycle. Learn more about how Experian Health can help healthcare organizations reduce eligibility verification errors and protect their bottom lines.

Published: May 2, 2023 by Experian Health

“With Coverage Discovery, Luminis Health can now find more billable coverage, whether primary, secondary, Medicare or Medicaid. Luminis can follow up immediately with payers when there is no initial real-time eligibility response available. Not only does this improve financial performance, but it also reduces manual work and minimizes errors before claims are filed.” Sheldon Pink, Vice President of Revenue Cycle at Luminis Health Challenge Luminis Health is a not-for-profit health system with an annual revenue of $1.2 billion and over 9000 employees. As one of the top three hospitals in Maryland (according to the U. S. News and World Report), Luminis’ vision is to break down barriers to health and deliver more high-quality care across the region. Finding and verifying insurance coverage for more self-pay patients was contributing to Luminis Health’s levels of bad debt. Staff relied on manual processes that were time-consuming and inefficient, and a vendor solution that did not integrate with Epic®. Limited productivity led to delays, denials and compromised patient experiences. To resolve these challenges, the organization’s goals were to: Create a positive patient financial experience by providing accurate and quick patient financial estimates Reduce bad debt by finding accurate primary and secondary insurance coverage Eliminate manual processes for following up real-time eligibility (RTE) responses with payers Reduce the number of self-pay patient accounts that end up in bad debt Solution With Coverage Discovery, Luminis was able to maximize reimbursement, reduce bad debt and improve the patient experience. Coverage Discovery finds additional active coverage that patients may have forgotten about. Using verified patient information, proprietary databases and confidence scoring, the tool scans for active coverage across the entire patient journey. This means no financial stone is left unturned before the patient is billed directly. By identifying coverage that would otherwise have been missed, Luminis can avoid misclassifying patients as self-pay, and prevent accounts from being incorrectly sent to bad debt or charity. Staff can focus on accounts most likely to be rebillable to insurance, rather than wasting time on avoidable manual rework. In certain instances when patients do not know they have secondary coverage, Coverage Discovery: Verifies patient demographics to ensure patient details are correct Leverages a range of proprietary databases (including Employer Group mapping) and historical patient search information to find insurance that may have been used and verified at other locations Applies a confidence scoring system to reduce the noise and eliminate “false positives,” so the client doesn’t waste time reviewing incorrect information or irrelevant coverage Outcome As a result of using Coverage Discovery, Luminis found more than $240k in active coverage on average per month in 2021. They reduced the number of self-pay patient accounts ending up in bad debt and created positive patient financial experiences by minimizing patients’ financial obligations. Reducing reliance on manual processes also led to fewer real-time eligibility responses from payers. Sheldon Pink reports that implementation was straightforward, thanks to Coverage Discovery integrating seamlessly with Epic® and support from the Experian Health team: “We’re impressed with these results and with the partnership with Experian Health. Luminis is looking forward to building on this success and continuing to collaborate with the Experian Health team.” Find out more about how Coverage Discovery helps healthcare organizations find missing and forgotten coverage, to improve financial performance and contribute to a better patient experience.

Published: April 28, 2023 by Experian Health

Nearly 40% of patients postponed medical care for themselves or a family member in 2022 due to cost. The percentage jumped 12 percentage points in a year, from 26% in 2021 to 38% in 2022, according to Gallup's annual Health and Healthcare poll. While this trend has clear ramifications for healthcare, it's also bound to affect revenue and collections for healthcare providers. Providers need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to navigating staff shortages, decreased patient volume, and the range of financial problems patients are currently facing. Matt Hanas, Lead Product Manager at Experian Health, shared how providers can improve collections as patients postpone care. Q1: New studies show that many patients are putting off care due to costs. What does this mean for collections? “We're hearing about this very exact concern directly from our clients,” says Hanas, “and it's unfortunate to see patients put off medical care due to rising costs. Patients across our nation are struggling to balance where to allocate their hard-earned dollars, and they're having to make difficult decisions about whether to seek medical care or use that money on their everyday necessities. Meanwhile, healthcare providers are once again adapting to a shifting climate: “Clients are meeting this trend head-on with adaptable plans of action that allow for customizable contact strategies driven by automation and powerful data sources, using Experian solutions like Collections Optimization Manager,” says Hanas. “[Postponed care] doesn't have to be a heavily felt impact in collections if health organizations can quickly and easily adjust their collections strategies according to economic shifts, such as reduced patient volumes.” When volume is down, efficiency is key. “Experian's suite of products allows clients to utilize the tools and data we can provide to pivot on some of their outreach approaches,” Hanas says. “Segmentation results allow them to consider, for example, focusing on lower balance accounts with a consistent pattern of good payment history, or increasing collections efforts on higher balance accounts that may be harder to collect on. Having access to this data and following it is very key in preventing significant revenue interruptions during these patient volume shifts that we are seeing right now.” Q2: How can providers improve collections amid staffing shortages? “Automate as much of your workflow as possible,” Hanas advises. Automation not only reduces the need for staff intervention but also helps manage the complexity that comes with postponed care. Patients who have put off getting medical treatment may require more extensive (and expensive) treatment. If they've postponed care because of cost, it could be a sign that their finances are stretched. A complicated collections environment needs more than additional staff hours; it calls for data-driven insights and automation. “Visibility, powered by data, drives actionable workflows,” says Hanas, who points out that using solutions from Experian Health allows healthcare providers to accomplish more with fewer staff, including: Automatically pushing updates into an EHR system without manual intervention Setting up automated, prescheduled dialing and texting campaigns Prioritizing collections based on propensity to pay Adjusting scrubs and screens on AR files to remove accounts that are unlikely or unable to pay Sending text-to-pay message alerts Giving patients self-service payment options through online portals and mobile apps “I'm not saying you can completely replace the human touch throughout collections,” says Hanas. “But automation, data-driven insights, and user-friendly, self-sufficient payment collection tools can minimize the impact felt from staffing shortages by ensuring that staff collections efforts are efficient, and by offering patients that power, that freedom to use the self-service payment tools they are very eager and willing to use.” The return on investment speaks for itself. “Our collections solutions have a 9:1 return on investment ratio, based on clients' 2022 data,” says Hanas. “We think that's a pretty remarkable ROI.” Find out how University of California San Diego Health used Collections Optimization Manager and Coverage Discovery to increase collections from $6 million to $21 million. Q3: How does access to multiple sources of data improve collections success in the current environment? “Data gives our clients a compass that guides them very precisely, so they know which patients to focus on and what strategies to deploy,” says Hanas. “Experian is one of the largest data aggregators in the world, which benefits products like Collections Optimization Manager heavily—but it doesn't stop there. Experian Health doesn't rely solely on credit data; it also includes non-credit consumer data. We continually partner to grow our arsenal of data sources, so clients have a laundry list of solutions and products powered by this accumulated portfolio of data sources.” Here's how providers are using Experian's suite of collections solutions to help patients and improve collections efforts: Qualifying patients for Medicaid - “Data sources may show coverage that's been simply overlooked or forgotten by the patient,” says Hanas. “For example, Coverage Discovery has found a ton of Medicaid coverage for patients who simply didn't know they had it—or who failed to report it.” Recently, the expiration of the COVID-19 public health emergency caused millions of patients to lose their Medicaid coverage overnight.  In these cases, providing information to patients who are confused about coverage benefits both providers and patients. Hanas notes: “When we find patients are eligible for Medicaid coverage, they're really pleased to find out that their self-pay balances will be covered.” Filtering out difficult-to-collect accounts can improve collections - Screening can save providers valuable time and resources they might otherwise spend trying to collect from patients who are unable to pay. Hanas says, “Simply being able to identify that someone's address is not current or deliverable saves providers money on statement processing and postage—and saves them the trouble of attempting to send a bill that cannot be delivered.” Gaining insight into financial circumstances - “Our data gives our clients visibility into consumers' financial status changes—paying off a car loan or securing a new mortgage, for example, are things that our clients really need to know. By monitoring these financial status changes, our clients can increase or decrease their collections efforts based on what they see,” Hanas explains. Q4: How can providers support their patients who may need extra financial assistance? “Identifying patients who are eligible for charity care and other forms of assistance is probably the most rewarding use of our data, models, and algorithms,” says Hanas. “Patient Financial Clearance, which falls under the Collections Optimization suite of products, shows which patients may automatically qualify for charity. For those who do, clients can set up automation rules on the back end to automatically write off balances. This happens through a seamless integration, so it's virtually effortless. “Providers can also use the propensity to pay tool in Patient Financial Clearance to identify patients with a low likelihood of paying and offer payment plans that may help them meet their obligations. By having these conversations early in the process, healthcare organizations can keep more accounts out of collections and patients can receive medical care without having to worry about what's going to come after their visit.” The bottom line “Clients want to centralize their business operations around their patients and their care, to find the best approaches to looking after patients' health as well as their financial health,” Hanas says. “We don't want to send everyone who has a balance to collections: We want to use the different tools we have to assist them up front so they can get the medical care they need without feeling stressed and thinking about possible bills down the line. Learn more about how Collections Optimization Manager and Experian Health's full suite of collections solutions can help providers protect profits and drive revenue.

Published: April 25, 2023 by Experian Health

U.S. hospitals have been stuck with more than $745 billion in uncompensated care costs for the past 2 decades, and the number continues to grow.  Other factors like patients relocating, changing employers, and coverage renewals make recovering debt even harder. The recent end in COVID-19 funding has also made it more important than ever for healthcare providers to find missing insurance coverage. Finding insurance coverage can be complicated and time-consuming, especially in an already complex reimbursement landscape. However, it doesn't have to be. That's where Coverage Discovery comes in. Coverage Discovery is the only comprehensive coverage identification solution across the full revenue cycle continuum. It covers the entire patient process and uses multiple proprietary data repositories, advanced search heuristics, and machine learning matching algorithms to search government and commercial payers to find previously unknown insurance coverage. This includes identifying accounts that may be submitted for immediate payment as primary, secondary or tertiary coverages. This automated coverage identification solution can search for unidentified coverage pre-service, at the point of care, and post-service. It also scans for insurance coverage continuously - to maximize reimbursements and minimize accounts sent to collections and to charity.  In 2022, Coverage Discovery tracked down previously unknown billable coverage in more than 28.1% of self-pay accounts and found more than $64.6 billion in corresponding charges. Learn more about this solution: It's time to reduce bad debt and improve cash flow. Identifying hidden insurance coverage is the first step to managing insurance denials and your organization’s healthcare financial performance. A solution like Coverage Discovery can help healthcare organizations save time, money and alleviate staffing shortages. To learn more about how Coverage Discovery can benefit your healthcare organization, contact us.

Published: April 13, 2023 by Experian Health

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