
Infographic: Short-staffed for the long term

Published: December 13, 2023 by Experian Health

100% isn’t always a good thing. That’s especially the case when 100% of healthcare providers agree that staffing shortages have impacted their revenue cycle management and patient engagement efforts. The pressure is on, especially as providers start to see the financial consequences impact their bottom lines. Experian Health’s latest report, Short-staffed for the long term, takes a deeper-dive into the many ways staffing shortages have impacted healthcare providers and their organizations.

This report, released in November 2023, surveyed 200 healthcare employees responsible for staffing the
revenue cycle function. It takes a look at the causes of staffing shortages, the impact on different revenue cycle areas, and the ways technology can help.

Take a look at some of the healthcare staffing shortage stats:

Download the report, Short-staffed for the long term, or contact us to see how Experian Health can help your organization find some relief from staffing shortages.

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