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In healthcare, patient-facing technology and electronic health records are meant to improve the overall patient experience. Yet, in a recent Black Book survey, the...

Published: November 27, 2018 by Experian Health

Healthcare consumerism, which describes the ability of patients to shop around for the best value of care, has affected every aspect of the industry. Keeping up...

Published: November 20, 2018 by Experian Health

In a recent healthcare information technology survey, more than 40 percent of chief information officers identified patient matching as healthcare’s top IT concern. And though a...

Published: November 8, 2018 by Experian Health

Not every healthcare organization embraced electronic medical records (EMRs) at first. But the incentives and regulations put in place by Meaningful Use and the...

Published: October 16, 2018 by Experian Health

This week, Experian Health is a proud partner of National Health IT Week. U.S. National Health IT Week is a nationwide awareness week focused...

Published: October 10, 2018 by Experian Health

Healthcare providers are always balancing a million tasks at once. The most important of these tasks, obviously, is serving patients, which can sometimes crowd...

Published: September 18, 2018 by Experian Health

Last year, the National Academy of Medicine estimated that excessive and unnecessary medical tests waste at least $200 billion a year in the United States. The...

Published: September 11, 2018 by Experian Health

The world of healthcare, as everyone knows, can be complex. And in such a complicated system, solutions that simplify, automate, and reduce busywork can...

Published: September 4, 2018 by Experian Health

In the healthcare industry, transparency is everything — you want your patients to be as informed as possible every step of the way. Unfortunately,...

Published: August 28, 2018 by Experian Health

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