
Stop Wasting Money Reworking Claims

Published: May 31, 2016 by Experian Health

Did you know that it costs an average of $25 to rework a single claim? 

It’s true, according to a recent Health IT News article. The article goes on further to state that as many as 65 percent of denied claims remain unresolved because they are too costly to rectify. These unpaid claims eventually become lost revenue.

Experian Health’s Denials Workflow Manager and Enhanced Claim Status solutions are part of an integrated revenue cycle platform for healthcare providers to manage payer billing and payment processes.  Effective management of these processes directly results in improved cash flow, lower days in A/R, and more efficient operations.

Clients converting to our integrated claims and denial solution are experiencing a 50% increase in clean claim rates and faster turnaround on cash.

Learn more by visiting our Claims Management page or reserve your spot at one or both of our Claims sessions at the upcoming HFMA ANI conference:

  • June 27 | 1:30pm | Manage Denials to Maximize Reimbursement, Revenue and Cash Flow
  • June 28 | 9:45am | Claims Management

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