Tag: automation


As the country strives to ramp up the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations, providers need to take new approaches to drive registration volume. Healthcare experts...

Published: August 4, 2021 by Experian Health

“The entire healthcare industry was turned upside down by the pandemic. Procedures were pushed back, insurance companies gave policy holders a lot of mixed...

Published: July 26, 2021 by Experian Health

As every healthcare executive knows, a healthy revenue cycle relies on precise paperwork. That’s why all Medicare providers should be paying close attention to...

Published: November 5, 2020 by Experian Health

In previous winters, anyone struck by a sore throat or fever might assume they had flu, and head to bed with a hot drink...

Published: October 13, 2020 by Experian Health

Patients today expect digital capabilities from their provider and will increasingly choose those who offer digital capabilities. Knowing this, many providers have been working...

Published: June 8, 2020 by Experian Health

There’s a phenomenon in online product reviews where the customer seems to love their purchase, yet gives it only one or two stars. Why...

Published: May 12, 2020 by Experian Health

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