Recovering underpayments from commercial insurers costs the healthcare industry billions every year. When payments come up short against what the provider expects, it’s not just the missing revenue that puts a dent in the bottom line – the staff time spent on reprocessing bills takes an extra bite out of the organization’s margins. Underpayments can be attributed to confusion around changing payer policies, inadequate claims data and simple human error. But when providers are focused on creating the best possible patient experience, keeping track of payer behavior is a task that’s easily crowded out. Unfortunately, failing to spot underpayments or keep tabs on those policy changes could lead to bigger revenue loss further down the line, in the time-suck that is collections recovery. From the payer’s perspective, it can be hard to understand why providers don’t just fill out claims according to the agreed rules. For providers, those rules seem to be in constant flux and different for each insurer. Ultimately, it’s a lack of communication that’s at the heart of the problem. Clean claims are only possible when payers tell providers exactly what they need, and providers have the systems in place to deliver that and check that payers are themselves following those rules. Within the industry, we already measure so many aspects of the revenue cycle, but are we paying enough attention to the payer-provider relationship? Is communication the missing metric? Three essential ingredients for a healthy payer-provider relationship Managing payer contracts can often be time consuming, complex and costly. Many healthcare providers are focusing on three strategies to help build better relationships with their payers, to take the stress out of this process and ensure they get reimbursed quickly and fully: Better communication. When you’re clear about what your payers need, you can make sure all your staff and systems are set up to deliver that. It’s impossible to fix the sticking points in your claims processing if you don’t know where they are. With a method to support better communication with payers, you can negotiate contracts that better suit both parties, keep track of changes to payer policies and move quickly when payers aren’t holding up their end of the bargain. You’ll know when a payer has made a payment at an out-of-network rate or reverted to rates in a previous policy and you’ll have the data your payer needs for a quicker recovery process. Two-way accountability. One way to build a better relationship with your payers is to hold each other accountable. Providers need to have systems in place to be able to hold payers to account for underpayments, but also to hold themselves to account for under billing. With a robust contract management tool, you can monitor payer compliance with contract terms and clarify what’s expected on your side to ensure you submit clean claims every time. Efficient processes: When the payer landscape is constantly changing, you need to have solid workflows to manage your claims processes as efficiently as possible. Automation and software solutions can help you minimize staff time spent manually checking payer policies, as well as generating the data you need to challenge underpayments. With a dashboard showing you real time claims data all in one place, your team will be able to identify, discuss and resolve queries with payers much more quickly than with disparate manual systems. How better payer monitoring saved one practice group $3.5 million in a single year In 2007, UCLA Health System Faculty Practice Group (UCLA FPG) saw $4 million go uncollected, largely down to difficulties tracking payer contracts. As the volume of payer contracts grew, it was harder to catch underpayments and manage the recovery process. Measha Ford, Director of Revenue Integrity at UCLA FPG says: “Before using Contract Manager, we didn’t have a method in place to track under and overpayments so there was a lot of lost revenue.” Without an efficient system in place, it was extremely challenging to manage collections data, monitor payer performance and spot when claims were being paid at out-of-network rates. This put UCLA FPG in a tough position to try to negotiate the best possible contracts with payers. By implementing an automated system, UCLA FPG could keep a closer check on payer contracts, eventually sustaining a recovery rate of 80% and recouping $3.5 million in one fiscal year. The data collected has not only helped to build a more predictable revenue cycle, but also supports more strategic decision-making when modeling new and amended contracts. And for Measha and her team, being armed with up to date, reliable data makes managing the relationships with payers so much easier, saving them time and effort that can be better used elsewhere. Find out more about how Experian Health Contract Manager can help you create friction-free interactions with your payers.
A recent Black Book survey of more than 500 healthcare networks revealed that hospitals in the U.S. have been painstakingly slow in adopting healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM) solutions. At the start of 2018, nearly 26 percent of hospitals had no viable solution in place, and 82 percent of them planned to make value-based reimbursement decisions without one. For most hospitals, one of the biggest challenges in implementing RCM solutions is finding talent with the right skill set to handle RCM software difficulties. It’s a problem that even the largest healthcare delivery networks face and one that UCLA Health hospitals had to overcome. UCLA Health System Faculty Practice Group (UCLA FPG) employs more than 2,500 physicians with more than 220 primary and specialty practices. Keeping up with payer contracts In 2007, more than $4 million in revenue went uncollected at UCLA FPG. The group’s RCM pain points were typical of those in the industry. For example, the group was unable to keep track of over- and underpayments, which made it difficult to adhere to payer contracts. It was also difficult to manage appeals and track recovery as the volume of payer contracts grew and became increasingly more complex. The difficulty UCLA FPG had in gathering and exporting information, in addition to the complexity and volume of contracts, left it with little negotiating power when dealing with payers. UCLA FPG's numbers continued to fluctuate until implementing Epic alongside Experian Health's Contract Manager. Using this web-based solution, UCLA FPG has been able to automate and improve its revenue cycle due to the solution’s ability to continually monitor and update every payer contract. This has also helped the healthcare group stay compliant with all payer agreements by making it possible to catch errors faster. Director of Revenue Integrity Measha Ford states: “We are able to catch Medicare overpayments faster with the contract management system. We recently integrated all our Medicare contracts into the system to have a lower risk of compliance issues since we only have 60 days to refund Medicare back once we identify an overpayment. Having this system, having that ability to load the contracts into the system to catch these potential risks, is very helpful.” The UCLA network now has fewer administrative write-offs every year, faster AR collections, and reduced denials. Experian Health's team maintains contract terms, fee schedules, and payment policies and makes sure every claim processed follows UCLA's contract terms. Online dashboards and reports help monitor reimbursement and reduce payment discrepancies through interactive graphs that expose source claim data and practice management system-specific data attributes. Analyzing contracts before signing up In addition to tracking and managing contracts, the group also knows exactly how a new contract or redefined contract terms will affect its bottom line. It has intel on real-world “what if” scenarios to provide insight into how various contract terms affect cash flow for the precise mix of services the group provides. It's also able to avoid unfavorable contract terms, as they are easily spotted through analysis. Are health plans complying with your contract terms? Learn more about how we can help you find lost revenue with data-driven insight.
As most doctors will say, healthcare is about helping patients, not making money. However, these two goals aren't as separate as some would assume. In order to help their patients, healthcare providers need to buy equipment, pay salaries, and spend money to maintain an effective, efficient customer experience. Revenue is what makes healthcare work, so preserving revenue should be a main priority for healthcare administrators. That's how Stacy Calvaruso, assistant vice president of patient services and revenue cycle at Louisiana Children's Medical Center (LCMC) Health, approaches her job. "Revenue preservation is a term that we use in our organization to talk about how we're going to ensure that we're maintaining all the money that we can possibly collect for the services that we provide for our community," Calvaruso says. "Everyone is being asked to do more with less, and patient access or the revenue cycle is no different than the clinical areas. We have to ensure that we're able to collect all the money and all the income that we generate as an organization so that we can put more money back into the community to provide more services to more patients." For help with revenue preservation, Calvaruso's team uses Experian Health's revenue cycle management tools. The full suite of Experian Health's revenue management products help LCMC Health facilitate patient access, manage contracts, process and submit claims, and streamline collections. Here's a closer look at how Experian Health approaches each stage of the revenue preservation process. Patient Access With 86 percent of leading medical practices seeing an increase in payer prior authorization, having accurate and comprehensive patient data is crucial to getting patients the treatment they need with fewer denials from insurers. Experian Health can help by verifying patient information at the point of service. From there, automated software coordinates patient data across all connected facilities so customers, doctors, and insurers are better informed about possible treatment options and how much they're likely to cost, eliminating any surprises in the payment or collections process. According to Calvaruso, a transparent process helps to prevent repeated work, which is a major cause of revenue loss. "Instead of calling a patient after the fact about a denial or incorrect insurance information, we're able to call them on the front end to let them know that we've verified their benefits, we know what the estimate of their out-of-pocket payment is going to be, we've talked to their doctor, and we're ready for them to come and have these services," she says. Experian Health's Patient Access tools make it quick and easy to find the right information and avoid miscommunications and delays that affect revenue preservation. Hospital staff will be grateful for the lightened workflow and improved outcomes for both customers and administrators. Contract Management One of the most common clogs in revenue collection comes from unclear contract management. Without the right data to analyze contract compliance, hospitals will struggle to get accurate payments from insurers and customers. Calvaruso says that one of the cornerstones of her revenue preservation philosophy is reducing the avoidable denials; Experian Health's contract management tools can analyze and audit contracts to ensure payer compliance and clarify anything that could lead to such a denial. Experian Health's contract management tools also provide patients with more accurate estimates of treatment costs. One recent survey of 54 hospitals found that getting a price estimate is a frustrating process for patients; another poll found that 46 percent of younger patients aren't paying their full bill at the point of service because they didn't have an accurate cost estimate. Having accurate contract management data can make a big difference at both the point of service and in later payment collections. Experian Health's contract management tools can not only increase the revenue a hospital collects, but they can also improve the financial experience and build better relationships with customers and insurers. Claims Everybody makes mistakes, but given the amount of stress that healthcare providers are under, it's more likely that they'll make mistakes on routine paperwork like claims forms, which can lead to the kind of rework that hospitals loathe and that eats away at revenue. On top of that, without a streamlined system in place, it's often unclear where the initial problem occurred, which means administrators can't correct the problem for next time. "We make sure we've done all the work in the beginning to prevent the rework," Calvaruso says. "One way we can do that is by using that lean process that assists us with identifying where we can improve." Experian Health's solutions helped Calvaruso develop that type of process. ClaimSource helps organizations prioritize the claims that need immediate attention, which saves time and reduces the number of tardy claim submissions. To avoid errors in the claims themselves, Experian Health's Claims Scrubber® makes sure clean claims are submitted the first time, eliminating the dreaded rework. Collections Submitting new claims after denials is aggravating, but bad debt write-offs are even more harmful to revenue preservation — it's money that the organization will never see, no matter how much more work is put in. The only way to ensure accurate collections is to minimize the risk of denial in the first place. As Calvaruso says, a key component of preserving revenue is moving back-office work to the front end. For collections, this means accurately verifying patient identity and analyzing litigation risks. Of course, not every situation can be accounted for, and there will always be issues with collections, Experian Health's collections solutions make it easier for organizations to prioritize their past-due accounts and pursue them effectively. No healthcare organization will ever receive 100 percent of the revenue it's due, but taking the right steps to preserve revenue can mitigate much of the loss and keep things running smoothly. With healthy revenue management, healthcare providers can better help the people who need them most.
In an ideal healthcare world, third-party payers would always make payments accurately and on time. Unfortunately, human error is unavoidable, so missed payments and underpayments happen. Identifying and correcting these inaccurate payments often falls to healthcare providers, and without a strategy to make sure payers are complying with your contract terms, these errors are bound to cause stress and volatility to your revenue cycle. There are, of course, external causes of underpayment that a provider can't necessarily control, such as payers misinterpreting contract terms or incorrectly calculating a payment. Providers, however, can counteract this by limiting internal mistakes like incorrect billing or failure to provide appropriate documentation. Still, it’s easy to let incorrect or late payments slip through the cracks, especially without a robust contract management system. Experian Health's Contract Manager and Contract Analysis tools can help providers make sure they're reimbursed quickly and accurately. How Contract Manager and Contract Analysis eliminate payment problems Experian Health's Contract Manager for Hospitals and Health Systems verifies the amounts owed for all applicable claims, monitors payer compliance, and models the financial implications of proposed contracts. And because Contract Manager’s data processing and storage is completely remote, providers get 24/7 web-based access with no capital investments required and no added cost for software or data updates. Contract Manager helped Timothy Daye, director of managed care contracting and reimbursement at Duke Private Diagnostic Clinic, part of the Duke University School of Medicine, identify underpayments and discover ways to avoid them in the future. “In addition to identifying underpayments,” Daye said, “there’s tremendous value in identifying billing issues that may result in underpayments and also identifying process improvements that can be implemented to eliminate the underpayments in the first place.” Contract Manager alone can identify and prevent late payments and underpayments, but when providers pair it with its companion solution, Experian Health's Contract Analysis, they can find added data and negotiating power to set contract terms that optimize third-party reimbursement. Because you don’t have a crystal ball to predict how all of the hundreds of variables in third-party contracts will affect payment, you need a contingency plan. That's where Contract Analysis comes in. By spotting unfavorable contract terms and offering real-world “what if” scenarios, Contract Analysis tells you exactly how proposed contracts with payers might affect your revenue cycle. You’ll know before signing on the dotted line how each part of the contract will play out. The Contract Manager and Contract Analysis combination allows you to audit payer contract performance to ensure compliance and maximize revenue. You could, for example, use it to check the accuracy of a reimbursement by comparing the expected payment to the actual payment, or you could recover from underpayments by finding lost revenue with data-driven insight. Contract Manager and Contract Analysis can also help you identify unusual causes of underpayments. For instance, when Daye and his team were working on a recent anesthesia project, they had to correct a non-standard billing situation. “The payer was taking a reduction by billing the QS modifier, which is outside of the norm of standard billing protocol,” Daye says. “We changed that process through the appeal with the payer by showing documentation that the QS modifier was informational only and doesn't warrant a reduction in payment." Had Daye and his team not been able to identify this system issue, they’d still be scrambling to determine why the payment was lower than they were expecting. However, by using Contract Manager and Contract Analysis, Daye was able to pinpoint an outside-the-norm situation and correct the payment discrepancy as quickly as possible. What makes the combo unique The Contract Manager and Contract Analysis combination is essential for any healthcare provider wanting to ensure it receives payments that are accurate and on time. By using proprietary valuation logic, these tools will give you more precise insight into your contracts, giving you a solid foundation to protect against any payment problems. Experian Health reimbursement specialists even offer complete contract maintenance to make things easier. Whether it's a coding typo or a misinterpreted contract item, there will always be some factor that could cause a payment error. And while you can’t control some of these unforeseen hiccups, you can use Experian Health's Contract Manager and Contract Analysis solutions to correct them in the most reliable, efficient way possible.
Not long ago, Excel spreadsheets were cutting-edge technology. Compared to stacks of paper and rows of filing cabinets, they seemed like an efficient, cost-effective way to organize and access data. But times have changed. Now, healthcare leaders are looking at their sea of spreadsheets wanting a simpler solution. According to KaufmanHall's "2018 CFO Outlook" report, 94 percent of the senior financial officers surveyed said that their healthcare organizations supplement their main data systems with spreadsheets. In the same report, more than half of them noted the need for better data visualization and easier report creation. This scenario could not be truer for Cody Torgler, physician revenue integrity coordinator with the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. He realized that using spreadsheets was a waste of time and resources. "It really took our follow-up staff away from what they do well," Torgler said. "It was causing them to touch claims multiple times. Every time you touch a claim [that needs more attention], that's taking money away from a claim that you might be able to get reconciled." How did Torgler's team solve its spreadsheet struggles? They saved time, money, and headaches by implementing a contract management system that monitors payer compliance with contract terms, value claims, and audit remittances based on the latest payment rules and adjudication logic. The hospital's new system provides regular updates to staff on claims and offers visualization and more easily searchable data. Staff members can navigate their database by grouping attributes, filtering, or generating reports. "The sky's really the limit with being able to find these variances, get these variances to the payer, and get them reconciled on time," Torgler said. The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics realized something other providers are coming around to as well: With better systems available, it's time to say sayonara to spreadsheets. Shake off spreadsheets and experience Experian For healthcare organizations that are ready to move past spredsheets, Experian Health offers a series of seamless data management solutions: 1. Claim Scrubber Spreadsheets get messy quickly. They're often maintained by multiple users, with different people entering data according to their own preferences. A less than immaculate spreadsheet might not seem like a big deal — until it comes time to fill out claims forms. That's when problems tend to snowball. Incomplete or inaccurate claims forms lead to undercharges and denials, wasting your team's time and effort. Experian Health's Claim Scrubber ensures every claim is clean. Even better, it's automated. Instead of wading through piles of spreadsheets, your staff can spend more time helping your healthcare customer. 2. Contract Manager and Contract Analysis Excel works in a pinch for records storage, but it's not great at keeping track of all the details of a patient's contract. Small fields with overflowing text can leave out important information and make it tougher for providers to see opportunities for negotiation. Experian Health's Contract Manager and Contract Analysis is like an automated contract lawyer. It helps healthcare organizations validate the accuracy of reimbursements, recover underpayments, negotiate better payment terms, and even evaluate potential lines of business. The bottom line? These tools leverage the best data to provide peak contract performance. Torgler's team at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics uses the Contract Manager to stay on top of the hectic process of claims verification. "With the claim count that we have at the university and the volume that we have, Contract Manager has made the transition from the Excel documents to check expected amounts seamless," Torgler said. "The success of Contract Manager has allowed us to really grow at the university." 3. Patient Estimates Whether they're in for an annual checkup or open-heart surgery, patients like to know how much they're going to pay. But poor estimates are frustrating for everyone involved, and estimates based on a few rows of spreadsheet data are bound to be inaccurate. Only when patients are armed with the right estimates can they make informed decisions about what services they can afford. To provide accurate estimates, Experian Health's Patient Estimates tool relies on robust and continuously updated data. A spreadsheet might be able to hold information about a patient's claims history, contract terms, and insurance benefits, but why bother? Experian Health's tool gathers all that data automatically to issue top-notch estimates without unnecessary hassle. 4. Payer Alerts Once you close Excel, the information on a spreadsheet can't help you; it just sits there. Wouldn't it be nice to receive notifications whenever an insurance provider's payment policies or procedures change? That's why Experian Health's Payer Alerts keeps you current with an enormous range of payers. Information from more than 50,000 webpages run by more than 725 payers continuously feeds into the system, which then issues updates and distributes them via email and an online portal. With Payer Alerts, your organization will never be left out of the loop. The healthcare landscape is complicated and constantly changing. Spreadsheets just can't keep up any longer. Experian Health's data-driven solutions can ensure your organization doesn't get left behind. Schedule a demo with Experian Health today.
Experian Health will be at HFMA ANI again this year–booth 1025–at the Venetian-Palazzo Sands Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kristen Simmons, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Innovation, Consumer Experience, and Marketing, with Experian Health, chatted with Joe Lavelle of IntrepidNOW to provide her insights on this year’s HFMA ANI conference, consumerism in healthcare and much more! Excerpt below: Experian Health booth activities "[In our booth this year at HFMA ANI, we want to focus] around peer to peer learning and exchanges, so we are doing less selling and more engaging and more understanding. Understanding folks problems and helping to collectively arrive at solutions. We are doing a lot this year in terms of hands on demos of our solutions. We'll be showing some of our patient engagement products which include, self-service portals and mobile options for getting price estimates for applying for charity care, and setting up payment plans. Likewise, on the revenue cycle management side to automate orders with patient access functionality, contract management claims and collections, all those types of things that we do to improve efficiency and increase reimbursement for our clients. We'll also be showing off some of our identity management capabilities to match, manage, and protect patient identities so we can safe guard medical information and reduce risks for our clients. And on the care management side, our early support and sharing of post acute patient care information to help providers succeed as we all move forward into a value based paradigm." How Experian Health is addressing the need for consumerism in healthcare "When it comes to consumerism, it's interesting when you're a company that has a lot of data and a lot of capabilities to say, 'Hey what can we do for people?' One of the things we really wanted to look at for our consumer approach, was to say, 'What is it that needs to be done?' We had some great hypotheses coming in and a lot of those were borne out but we actually undertook a big national study to take a look at what consumers biggest pain points were. It has a qualitative and a quantitative component. But, we basically looked at the entire healthcare journey so we weren't just asking them about the administrative and financial aspects of care, but also the clinical aspects. As we walked through the journey and were able to get a lot of quantitative data about all these different aspects of their healthcare journey, what actually turned out to be the most painful for the most people, were all the things around the financial equation. And, so clearly there can be pain in a clinical side, especially if you're unhealthy, you've got something chronic, you've got something terminal. There's all kinds of awful situations there but, really affecting almost everyone is a lot of the pain around the financial aspect of healthcare. So, we were able to look closely at some of those pain points and decide on some of the biggest ones that we wanted to tackle." How Experian Health is helping providers address financial pain points for patients and providers "Some of the big pain points for people is just the fact that you don't know what you're going to owe and as the patient portion of responsibility increases, understanding what you're going to be paying becomes more and more important to a consumer. So, understanding what I owe earlier, being transparent, and then helping me pay, those are some of the areas. And there are others but those are some of the absolute biggest pain points. And as you pointed out with some of our propensity to pay analytics, and some of the other capabilities that we have, we're able to help providers understand the financial situation patients are in much earlier in the process so they can get them to the right kind of funding sources. They can give them peace of mind so that they know what they're paying upfront, which may impact when they choose to go in for a major procedure or how they might want to save up for it or how they might want to access different funding sources." Listen to the full podcast
For healthcare providers, revenue cycle management has become more important than ever. Due to increasing complexity in the payer mix and patients encountering more out-of-pocket costs, revenue cycle directors are also finding management an uphill battle. To maximize their reimbursement rates, today’s healthcare providers must take control of revenue cycles, and that requires optimizing three particular areas: estimates, claims, and collections. However, this task is much bigger than one person or department to enforce. For success, revenue cycle directors require an array of reliable, automated solutions that allow leveraging a wide range of data and comprehensive analytics with minimal employee input. At Experian Health, we offer a variety of solutions that help optimize healthcare systems' revenue cycle management by simplifying the three key areas mentioned above. Unlock vital revenue cycle management capabilities With patients taking more responsibility for their medical costs, modern revenue cycles are most successful when tailored to patients. This includes providing accurate cost estimates upfront, making sure claims are clean before submitting, and prioritizing debt collection efforts where they are most successful. 1. Patient Estimates: providing accurate estimates early In our consumer-centric environment, patients expect a greater level of insight into the costs of medical procedures, preferably before receiving treatment. No one likes to be surprised months after treatment with medical bills that far exceed what they expected. In addition, state laws now require hospitals to provide more accurate patient estimates. For consistently accurate cost estimates, a healthcare provider must have a dependable price-generation process. For example, the estimates should incorporate a patient’s specific insurance information for accuracy. They should also be compared to the patient’s propensity to pay so a payment plan can immediately be set up, much like how financial institutions treat automobile loans. Patient Estimates, Experian’s price transparency tool, auto-populates much of the necessary data so healthcare providers can deliver accurate patient estimates as early as possible. In turn, consistently accurate cost estimates raise healthcare providers' chances of collecting revenue upfront and help avoid unnecessary headaches during the claims and collections processes. 2. Claim Scrubber: submitting clean claims The conflicts caused by denied claims are expensive to fix. Interactions with payers cost medical groups thousands of dollars per physician each year. Many of those interactions result directly from denied claims, which often stem from inaccurate data. Claims data can be edited in Experian Health's Claim Scrubber, which reviews each claim line by line and makes edits based on the platform's data. Claim Scrubber combines the data with general, payer, and patient-specific information to guarantee each claim is properly coded every time. 3. Collections Optimization Manager: collecting debt strategically and efficiently If a healthcare provider wants to redesign its collection processes to center around patients, it should rely less on random outbound calls and focus more on insight regarding each patient’s propensity to pay. The burden of collecting on past-due balances is a demanding task. It also reduces a healthcare provider's chances of successfully collecting bad debt. One of the most important reasons — among many — to consistently provide accurate estimates and claims is to make collecting debt more successful and less time-consuming. Granted, a healthcare provider can't expect to collect every single outstanding fee. However, by concentrating on patients who are able to pay, a much greater percentage can be collected. Furthermore, Experian Health's Collections Optimization Manager helps complete revenue cycle management by using in-depth collected data to identify patients who are most likely to pay their hospital bills. In turn, staff members can utilize their time and resources more efficiently by contacting these specific patients first. Like most companies, healthcare providers are beginning to realize that patient engagement is a top priority. With this elevated engagement comes the need for consistent price transparency for medical care. Luckily, Experian’s automated engagement solutions can help your healthcare system provide the increased transparency it needs while also optimizing its revenue cycle management.
Recent industry shifts, including the transition from volume- to value- based reimbursement, lower reimbursement and shrinking inpatient margins, increased bad debt due to high deductible health plans and other challenges, are causing undue stress for healthcare providers. It’s difficult for some organizations to manage complex reimbursement models or handle complex claims, so providers are often underpaid or write off revenue they are due. The cost to collect continues to rise when staff produces poor results or turnover is high. Additionally, hospital information system (HIS) conversions traditionally result in a backlog of accounts receivable (A/R), requiring incremental staff to support the conversion. 78% of CFOs are concerned about their revenue cycle platform capabilities for value-based payments and will outsource in lieu of investing in new technology.^ Experian Health's Revenue Cycle Services leverage Experian’s proprietary technologies and experienced staff to optimize revenue cycle management (RCM) performance to help you meet your financial goals, such as increasing A/R yield, lowering operating costs, and resolution of revenue leakage issues and denials. Contact us today to learn more about Experian Health’s Revenue Cycle Services. ^2015 Black Book Survey
Remember those commercials for the hamburger chain in the mid-1980’s? An elderly lady angrily shouted, “Where’s the beef?” in response to seeing a tiny burger on a large, fluffy bun. If that same creative concept were applied to healthcare today, perhaps the lady would proclaim, “Where’s the data?” when looking at the revenue cycle. While healthcare as a whole is moving toward using clinical data and analytics to enhance patient care, most organizations aren’t realizing the true potential of financial data to drive revenue cycle performance. So where does that potential lie? Quite simply, it lies in the vast amounts of financial data that healthcare organizations can access, yet do so ineffectively. By leveraging this existing data more appropriately, organizations can build and sustain margins while improving performance and enhancing the patient experience. Consider these three areas of opportunity to use data to drive the revenue cycle. Patient Access Correctly capturing and analyzing patient data at the initial point of contact allows an organization to reap large rewards, both clinically and financially. For example, correct patient identification reduces the risks of fraud and identity theft and ensures that medical records are being provided for the right patient, thus preserving patient safety. In addition, using data to provide accurate estimates of the patient’s payment responsibility up front and developing customized payment plans can elevate patient satisfaction as well as propensity to pay, allowing the healthcare organization to enhance collections and reduce bad debt. Claims and Contract Management Another area of opportunity is in payer contracts and claims. During contract negotiations, data and analytics help identify new service line opportunities for enhanced financial performance. Claims are more accurate and efficient when analytical tools review them before submission, comparing them with contract requirements and kicking out those with errors or ones that require further information. Consider the example of a healthcare organization that improved its recovery rate on denials by almost 50 percent by leveraging data to compare the amount received for the claim with the contracted amount. Collections Data and analytics also can be used to improve internal collections efficiency and profitability. Organizations can use data to segment accounts that share demographic and financial profiles, rather than simply looking at balance amounts and number of days open. This allows collections staff to prioritize work based on a patient’s likelihood to pay, which improves both collections and the patient experience. For example, a patient scoring in the “most likely to pay” segment may not need a call until day 75, while someone in a lower segment may need additional calls and help setting up a payment plan within the first month. Segmenting in this way not only increases the likelihood of successful payment, it preserves patient satisfaction at the same time. Realize your revenue cycle’s true potential by leveraging financial information to enhance performance. Moreover, marry these activities with efforts to use clinical data to improve care, and you can realize a comprehensive approach to elevating overall quality and performance. You’ll no longer need to ask, “where’s the data?” Learn more about leveraging data and analytics to drive the revenue cycle with this white paper: The new revenue cycle imperative: A data-driven approach to minimizing risk and optimizing performance.