Remember those commercials for the hamburger chain in the mid-1980’s? An elderly lady angrily shouted, “Where’s the beef?” in response to seeing a tiny burger on a large, fluffy bun. If that same creative concept were applied to healthcare today, perhaps the lady would proclaim, “Where’s the data?” when looking at the revenue cycle. While healthcare as a whole is moving toward using clinical data and analytics to enhance patient care, most organizations aren’t realizing the true potential of financial data to drive revenue cycle performance. So where does that potential lie? Quite simply, it lies in the vast amounts of financial data that healthcare organizations can access, yet do so ineffectively. By leveraging this existing data more appropriately, organizations can build and sustain margins while improving performance and enhancing the patient experience. Consider these three areas of opportunity to use data to drive the revenue cycle. Patient Access Correctly capturing and analyzing patient data at the initial point of contact allows an organization to reap large rewards, both clinically and financially. For example, correct patient identification reduces the risks of fraud and identity theft and ensures that medical records are being provided for the right patient, thus preserving patient safety. In addition, using data to provide accurate estimates of the patient’s payment responsibility up front and developing customized payment plans can elevate patient satisfaction as well as propensity to pay, allowing the healthcare organization to enhance collections and reduce bad debt. Claims and Contract Management Another area of opportunity is in payer contracts and claims. During contract negotiations, data and analytics help identify new service line opportunities for enhanced financial performance. Claims are more accurate and efficient when analytical tools review them before submission, comparing them with contract requirements and kicking out those with errors or ones that require further information. Consider the example of a healthcare organization that improved its recovery rate on denials by almost 50 percent by leveraging data to compare the amount received for the claim with the contracted amount. Collections Data and analytics also can be used to improve internal collections efficiency and profitability. Organizations can use data to segment accounts that share demographic and financial profiles, rather than simply looking at balance amounts and number of days open. This allows collections staff to prioritize work based on a patient’s likelihood to pay, which improves both collections and the patient experience. For example, a patient scoring in the “most likely to pay” segment may not need a call until day 75, while someone in a lower segment may need additional calls and help setting up a payment plan within the first month. Segmenting in this way not only increases the likelihood of successful payment, it preserves patient satisfaction at the same time. Realize your revenue cycle’s true potential by leveraging financial information to enhance performance. Moreover, marry these activities with efforts to use clinical data to improve care, and you can realize a comprehensive approach to elevating overall quality and performance. You’ll no longer need to ask, “where’s the data?” Learn more about leveraging data and analytics to drive the revenue cycle with this white paper: The new revenue cycle imperative: A data-driven approach to minimizing risk and optimizing performance.
Americans who do not currently receive health insurance through their employers or a government program such as Medicaid or Medicare are now required to obtain insurance coverage or pay a penalty tax per the Affordable Care Act’s individual health insurance coverage mandate. These consumers can go to newly created health insurance exchanges (HIX) — offered through the state or federal government, depending on where an individual lives — to enroll in a private insurance plan. It’s definitely a patient-driven process. So, how can healthcare organizations help? They can take advantage of this opportunity to improve the patient experience by connecting patients with much-needed insurance, while simultaneously mitigating patient payment risk. Today’s patients want to be armed with as much information as possible. With this new initiative, healthcare providers can help patients navigate the various options offered through the exchanges by calculating how much patients might spend on insurance and by providing a comparison of plan benefits. However, it’s important for healthcare organizations to take this process a step further by screening patients to determine if they qualify for federal subsidies and beginning the enrollment process. Assisting patients in this way not only improves the patient experience, but also benefits the hospital by getting more patients enrolled with insurance, ultimately leading to higher reimbursement for services provided. That leads to the next likely question: how can healthcare organizations successfully aid in this process? Solutions powered by data and analytics are the key. By using a data-driven approach to HIX screening and enrollment, an organization can identify patients that meet the income criteria for subsidy payments and tax credits, and automate the enrollment process by prepopulating the state’s HIX application form. In much the same way that data is used to screen for various financial assistance programs such as Medicaid or charity care, HIX screening uses key information about a patient’s unique financial situation to accurately determine if the patient qualifies for subsidies to help them pay for their insurance. Interested in learning how you can improve the patient experience when it comes to insurance coverage? Check out our newest product, HIX Screening and Enrollment, and see how it can help support your patients as they begin to navigate the new aspects of healthcare reform.