Tag: patientsimple


As household finances tighten, providers face a growing challenge to address patients’ financial needs while caring for their health. A new survey from LendingClub...

Published: January 30, 2023 by Experian Health

Whether by necessity or choice, the way patients navigate the healthcare payments system has transformed over the last few years. Healthcare’s digital front door...

Published: January 13, 2023 by Experian Health

Can greater clarity and providing patient estimates at the beginning of the patient’s financial journey set the stage for better access to care and...

Published: January 9, 2023 by Experian Health

Healthcare can be a serious expense. Around half of U.S. adults find it difficult to keep up with the costs, according to research from...

Published: November 15, 2022 by Experian Health

The medical billing software outsourcing market is experiencing historic growth as providers respond to patient demand for digital payment options. The market’s value is...

Published: November 11, 2022 by Experian Health

Healthcare providers that fail to embrace automation and digital tools to optimize patient collections could be leaving money on the table. Patient financial responsibility...

Published: November 9, 2022 by Experian Health

More than 4 in 10 working-age adults do not have adequate healthcare insurance in 2022, according to a recent survey by The Commonwealth Fund....

Published: November 3, 2022 by Experian Health

Healthcare consumers should find it easier to access information about how much their care will cost, with the Government’s twin price transparency final rules...

Published: October 13, 2022 by Experian Health

Paying for healthcare has long been a complex experience for patients. Inflation means more families are tightening their wallets, so the demand for clarity...

Published: October 4, 2022 by Experian Health

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