
State of Credit 2020: Consumer Credit During COVID-19

Published: October 20, 2020 by Stefani Wendel

In what has been an unprecedented year, marked by a global pandemic and a number of economic and personal challenges for both businesses and consumers, Americans are maintaining healthy credit profiles during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Experian released the 11th annual State of Credit report, which provides a comprehensive look at the credit performance of consumers across America by highlighting consumer credit scores and borrowing behaviors. This year’s report provided an extended view into how consumers are managing and repaying their debts; showing most Americans are practicing responsible credit management by reducing utilization rates, credit card balances and late payments.

Even in light of the pandemic, data on American consumers across all generations shows responsible credit management including reduced utilization rates, credit card balances and late payments.

“While it’s difficult to predict when the economy will return to pre-pandemic levels, we are seeing promising signs of responsible credit management, especially among younger consumers,” said Alex Lintner, group president Experian Consumer Information Services.

Highlights of Experian’s State of Credit report:

2020 State of Credit Report 2019 2020
Average VantageScore® credit score [1,2] 682 688
Average number of credit cards 3.07 3.0
Average credit card balance $6,629 $5,897
Average revolving utilization rate 30% 26%
Average number of retail credit cards 2.51 2.42
Average retail credit card balance $1,942 $2,044
Average nonmortgage debt [3] $25,386 $25,483
Average mortgage debt $213,599 $215,655
Average 30 – 59 days past due delinquency rates 3.9% 2.4%
Average 60 – 89 days past due delinquency rates 1.9% 1.3%
Average 90 – 180 days past due delinquency rates 6.8% 3.8%

Though not the same, some consumers are experiencing a second economic downturn. The economic fallout stemming from COVID-19 coming after the Great Recession of 2009, which took place in the not too distant past. Silent, Boomer, Gen X and Gen Z Americans are managing responsible credit utilization rates and holding credit cards below the recommended maximum.

Are the older generations more credit responsible? Average VantageScore® credit score follows rank order from oldest to youngest – though contributed to by length of time possessing credit, number of lines of credit, and other factors that drive credit score – with the Silent Generation having the highest score (729), then Boomers (716), followed by Gen X (676), Gen Y (658) and Gen Z (654).

Gen X consumers have the highest average credit card balance at $7,718 and utilization at 32%, while Gen Z has the lowest average credit card balance at $2,197 and the Silent Generation has the lowest utilization at 13%.

Year over year data shows positive results driven by younger borrowers. While average utilization rates dropped for every generation, the most significant decreases were seen in Gen Z borrowers who saw a 6 percent reduction in their use of available credit, followed by Millennials who saw a 5% decrease year-over-year.  While Gen Z and Gen Y are carrying more credit cards than they were in 2020, their credit card balances decreased year-over-year. These factors fueled a 13-point increase in average credit scores for Gen Z and an 11-point increase for Millennials.

When spliced by state, the data Minnesota had the highest credit score, while Mississippi had the lowest credit score.

While the future is still uncertain, perhaps consumers can find comfort in knowing there is much they can do to improve their financial health – including their credit scores – and that there are numerous resources for them to access during these unprecedented times.

“As the consumer’s bureau, we are committed to informing, guiding, and protecting consumers. Educating Americans about the factors included in their credit profile and how to manage these responsibly is of critical importance, especially on the road to economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Lintner.

In an effort to encourage consumers to regularly monitor and understand the information in their credit reports, Experian joined forces with the other U.S. credit reporting agencies, to offer free weekly credit reports to all Americans through April 2021 via AnnualCreditReport.com. 

In addition to the free weekly credit report at AnnualCreditReport.com, Experian also offers consumers free access to their credit report and ongoing credit monitoring at Experian.com.

Additional credit education resources and tools

1VantageScore® is a registered trademark of VantageScore Solutions, LLC.

2VantageScore® credit score range is 300 to 850.

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If you’re a manager at a business that lends to consumers or otherwise extends credit, you certainly are aware that 10-15% of your current customers and prospective future customers are among the approximately 27 million consumers who are now – or will soon be -- fitting another bill into their monthly budgets. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the government issued a pause on federal student loan payments and interest. Now that the payment pause has expired, millions of Americans face a new bill averaging more than $200. Will they pay you first? If this is your concern, you aren’t alone: Experian recently held a webinar that discussed how the end of the student loan pause might affect businesses. When we surveyed the webinar attendees,  nearly 3 out of 4 responses included Risk Management as a main concerns now. Another top concern is about credit scores. Lenders and investors use credit scores – bureau scores such FICO® or VantageScore® credit score or custom credit scores proprietary to their institution – to predict credit default risk. The risk managers at those companies want to know to what extent they can continue to rely on those scores as Federal student loan payments come due and consumers experience payment shock. I’ve analyzed a large and statistically meaningful sample (10% of the US consumer population in Experian’s Ascend Sandbox) to shed some light on that question. As background information, the average consumer with student loans had lower scores before the pandemic than the average of the general population. One of my Experian colleagues has explored some of the reasons at https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/research/average-student-loan-payments). Here are some of the things we can learn from comparing the credit data of the two groups of people. I looked at a period from 2019 and from 2023 to see how things have changed: Average credit scores increased during the pandemic, continuing a long-term trend during which more Americans have been willing and able to meet all their obligations. During the COVID Public Health Emergency, consumers with student loans brought up their scores by an average of 25 points; that was 7 points more than consumers without student loans. Another way to look at it: in 2019, consumers with student loans had credit scores 23 points lower than consumers without. By 2023, that difference had shrunk to 16 points. Experian research shows that there will be little immediate impact on credit scores when the new bills come due. Time will tell whether these increased credit scores accurately reflect a reduction in the risk that consumers will default on other bills such as auto loans or bankcards soon, even as some people fit student loan bills into their budgets. It is well-known that many people saved money during the public health emergency. Since then, the personal savings rate has fallen from a pandemic high of 32% to levels between 3% and 5% this year – lower than at any point since the 2009 recession. In an October 2023 Experian survey, only 36% of borrowers said they either set aside funds or they planned using other financial strategies specifically for the resumption of their student loan payments. Additional findings from that study can be found here. Furthermore, there are changes in the way your customers have used their credit cards over the last four years:   Consumers’ credit card balances have increased over the last four years. Consumers with student loans have balances that are on average $282 (4%) more now than in 2019. That is a significantly smaller increase than for consumers without student loans, whose total credit card debt increased by an average of $1,932 (26%). Although their balances increased, the ratio of consumers’ total revolving debt balances to their credit limits (utilization) changed by less than 1% for both consumers with student loans and consumers without. In 2019, the utilization ratio was 9.8 percentage points lower for consumers with student loans than consumers without. Four years later, the difference is nearly the same (9.6 points). We can conclude that many student loan borrowers have been very responsible with credit during the Public Health Emergency. They may have been more mindful of their credit situation, and some may have planned for the day when their student loan payments will be due. As the student loan pause come to an end, there are a few things that lenders and other businesses should be doing to be ready: Even if you are not a student loan lender, it is important to stay on top of the rapidly evolving student loan environment. It affects many of your customers, and your business with them needs to adapt. Anticipate that fraudsters and abusers of credit will be creative now: periods of change create opportunities for them and you should be one step ahead. Build optimized strategies in marketing, account opening, and servicing. Consider using machine learning to make more accurate predictions. Those strategies should reflect trends in payments, balances, and utilization; older credit scores look at a single point in time. Continually refresh data about your customers—including their credit scores and important attributes related to payments, balances, and utilization patterns. Look for alternative data that will give you a leg up on the competition. In the coming weeks and months, Experian’s data scientists will monitor measures of performance of the scores and attributes that you depend on in your data-driven strategies — particularly focusing on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistics that will show changes in the predictive power of each score and attribute. (If you are a data-driven business, your data science team or a trusted partner should be doing the same thing with a more specific look at your customer base and business strategies.) In future reports and blog posts, we’ll shed light on the impact student loans are having on your customers and on your business. In the meantime, for more information about how to use data and advanced analytics to grow while controlling costs and risks, all while staying in compliance and providing a good customer experience, visit our website.

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