
Are you really using the same model at each bureau?

Published: October 8, 2015 by Carrie Janot

VantageScore® models are the only credit scoring models to employ the same characteristic information and model design across the three credit bureaus. Consequently, differences in credit CC VS score range content imagescores are solely attributable to variances in the consumer’s credit file and not scoring model design. A recent analysis of consumers with credit files at all three bureaus found 75.8% had three VantageScore credit scores within a 20-point range and 90.3% had three scores within a 40-point range.

These findings reinforce the importance of using advanced credit scores in order to ensure accuracy and consistency, while providing consumers with access to fair and equitable credit.

>> VantageScore 3.0 Annual Validation Results 2015

VantageScore® is a registered trademark of VantageScore Solutions, LLC.

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