Kevin Poe is a Client Consulting Director working within Experian Decision Analytics’ Global Consulting Practice. He works with clients on a broad spectrum of issues, including customer experience, multi-channel sales and service, analytics, business process, and marketing strategies. He has held senior positions at Capital One, SunTrust Bank, and McKinsey in a wide range of roles in North America and Europe. He has worked extensively for and with banks for over 15 years following roles in engineering and consulting for industrial manufacturers and energy companies. Kevin has an MBA from the Anderson School at UCLA plus an MS in electrical engineering and a BS in applied physics from Georgia Tech.

-- Kevin Poe

All posts by Kevin Poe


Customer experience strategies for success Sometimes it’s easier to describe something as the opposite of something else.  Being “anti-” something can communicate something meaningful....

Published: January 27, 2015 by Kevin Poe

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