The winter holiday festivities are underway, and when it comes to the local malls, the holiday spending spirit seems to have already been in place for weeks. The season for swiping (credit cards) has begun. Before many of them set out with holiday gift lists in tow, they may be setting their sights on new lines of credit – by adding to their artillery of plastic. With 477.6 million existing credit card accounts, what do these consumers look like? While we can all agree that the meaning behind winter holiday celebrations is not the act of spending and giving material gifts, the two have come to be synonymous. This year is anticipated to be no different. When asked to describe their anticipated spending for the holidays this year, a recent Mintel survey said 56% of respondents planned to spend the same amount as they did last year. Nearly a quarter of respondents (23%) said they planned to spend more than they did last year. The uptick in spending as the year rounds out is no news flash. It is engrained within the fiscal landscape of each year, arguably its own tradition. According to a recent Experian consumer survey, Americans plan to spend an average of almost $850 on holiday gifts this year. Given what we know of consumers – and ourselves – as increased spending is upon us, credit card openings and usage are also on the rise. In order to capitalize on fulfilling your consumers needs during this bustling time filled with shopping bags and loaded online carts, it’s important to know what consumers look for in a credit card. Want to attract those holiday shoppers? The key to getting your plastic in their wallet is rewards, rewards, rewards. 58% of consumers will select a credit card for its rewards – including cash back, gas rewards, and retail gift cards – according to recent Experian consumer survey research. Is your credit card program stacked with rewards-ready options? Now what? Go where your consumers are – and for many of them that means online. While traditional retailers are still preferred destinations for holiday shopping, online is increasingly becoming a preferred way of shopping. 90% of consumers plan to do holiday shopping online, according to a Mintel study. Online shopping trends and online credit card applications trends seem to go hand in hand, according to Mintel and Experian data. Whether your consumers are looking for deals, that adrenaline rush of waiting until the last minute, or a trip to just get away from it all, credit cards can help them get there. And while the hustle and bustle of the holidays are ramping up, following the holidays quickly comes the new year – another close to 12 months of consumer spending (not just the dollars spent during this festive season). Consumer behavior across the entire year can be the key to enhancing your marketing and account management strategies. By knowing how much your consumers spend on all the plastic in their wallets – think bank cards too – you can offer customized reward programs, create strategies to maximize wallet share and retain profitable customers. Learn more about the first commercially-available spend algorithm built from credit data and tap into your wallet share for each consumer. 1Mintel Comperemedia 2Experian consumer survey research
Ben Franklin was wrong. Death and taxes are not the only two constants in life. For many, debt makes a third. And where there is past-due debt, collections is not far from the conversation, if not included in the same breath. While the turn of the new year may mark some arduous work to be done – losing those holiday pounds, spring cleaning, balance transfers and tax filings – there’s also opportunity for lenders, collectors and consumers alike. Just as the spikes in retail trends are analogous with the holiday months, there’s an evident uptick in collections during tax season year after year. As such, successful lenders, financial institutions and collections agencies know that January, February and March are critical months to engage with past-due customers, specifically as they relate to the tax season. The average tax refund for 2016 and 2017 was $2,860 and $2,769 respectively, according to the IRS. And while some may assume that all consumers look at this money as an opportunity for a “treat yourself” splurge, 35% of consumers expecting a refund said they would use it to pay down debt, according to the National Retail Federation. Additionally, during the 2017 tax season, 45 million consumers paid at least $500 and 10% or more of a tradeline balance(s), according to Experian data. So, if past-due consumers want to pay down debt, and the ultimate goal of collections is to recoup over-due funds, and first quarter collections growth appears to be driven by tax refunds, how do we make the connection? Think of the scene from Jerry Maguire – “Help me, help you!” Help consumers help themselves. Experian’s new Tax Season Payment IndicatorTM examines payment behavior over the past two years to determine whether a consumer has made a large payment to a tradeline balance – or balances – during tax season. “Millions of consumers used their tax refunds to pay down debt and many plan to do it again,” said Denise McKendall, Product Manager. “Collectors that leverage previous tax season payment behavior to identify and strategically engage with this group will benefit the most from the tax refund season.” Engaging this information can be like having a collections crystal ball. Targeting consumers that are likely to use their refund to pay down debt can influence messaging, campaign refinement and the timeliness of your touchpoints, resulting in greater collections ROI. This means as the year closes out and planning begins for 2019, collections prioritization strategy is key. And those conversations should be taking place now. Are you tax season ready? Learn More About Tax Season Payment Indicator
Fintechs take on banks, technology, and finance as we know It. In the credit space, their reputation as a market disruptor precedes their definition. But now, as they infiltrate headlines and traditional finance as many know it – serving up consumer-centric, convenience-touting, access-for-all online marketplace lending – fintechs aren’t just becoming a mainstay within the financial spectrum’s vernacular. With their increasing foothold in the marketplace, they are here and they are gaining momentum. Since their initial entry to the marketplace in 2006, these technology-driven online platforms flaunt big data, actionable analytics and originations growing at exponential rates. Fintechs hang their hats on their ability to be the “anti-bank” of sorts. The brainchild of finance plus technology, their brands promise simple but powerful deliverables – all centered on innovation. And they market themselves as filling in the gaps commonly accepted as standard practices by traditional financial institutions. Think paperwork, less-than-instant turnaround times, a history of unwavering tradition, etc. Fintechs deliver a one-two punch, serving the marketplace as both lending companies and technology gurus – two pieces that financial institutions want and consumers crave. Now, as they grow more prominent within the marketplace, some are starting to pivot to test strategic partnerships and bring their strengths – technological infrastructure, speed and agility – to credit unions and other traditional financial institutions. According to the World FinTech Report 2018, 75.5% of fintechs surveyed want to collaborate with traditional financial services firms. The challenge, is that both fintechs and traditional financial institutions struggle with finding the right partners, efficiently working together and effectively scaling innovation. From competitors to collaborators, how can fintechs and traditional institutions strike a partnership balance? A recent report sponsored by Experian and conducted by the Filene Research Institute, explores this conundrum by examining the experiences of six financial institutions – some fintechs and some traditional FIs – as they seek to collaborate under the common goal of better serving customers. The results offer up key ingredients for fostering a successful collaboration between fintechs and traditional financial institutions – to generate real impact to the customer experience and the bottom-line. Rest assured, that in the fast-moving, disruptive world of fintech, effective partnerships such as these will continue to push boundaries and redefine the evolving financial services marketplace. Learn More About Online Marketplace Lending Download the Filene Report
Unsecured lending is increasing. And everyone wants in. Not only are the number of personal loans increasing, but the share of those loans originated by fintech companies is increasing. According to Experian statistics, in August 2015, 890 new trades were originated by fintechs (or 21% of all personal loans). Two years later, in August 2017, 1.1 million trades belonged to fintechs (making up 36% of trades). This increase is consistent over time even though the spread of average loan amount between traditional loans and fintech is tightening. While convenience and the ability to apply online are key, interest rates are the number one factor in choosing a lender. Although average interest rates for traditional loans have stabilized, fintech interest rates continue to shift higher – and yet, the upward momentum in fintech loan origination continues. So, who are the consumers taking these loans? A common misconception about fintechs is that their association with market disruption, innovation and technology means that they appeal vastly to the Millennial masses. But that’s not necessarily the case. Boomers represent the second largest group utilizing fintech Marketplace loans and, interestingly, Boomers’ average loan amount is higher than any other generational group – 85.9% higher, in fact, from their Millennial counterparts. The reality is the personal loan market is fast-paced and consumers across the generational spectrum appear eager to adopt convenience-based, technology-driven online lending methods – something to the tune of $35.7 million in trades. For more lending insights and statistics, download Experian’s Q2 2018 Personal Loans Infographic here. Learn More About Online Marketplace Lending Download Lending Insights
Traditional credit data has long been the end-all-be-all ruling the financial services space. Like the staple black suit or that little black dress in your closet, it’s been the quintessential go-to for decades. Sure, the financial industry has some seasonality, but traditional credit data has reigned supreme as the reliable pillar. It’s dependable. And for a long time, it’s all there was to the equation. But as with finance, fashion and all things – evolution has occurred. Specifically, how consumers are managing their money has evolved, which calls for deeper insights that are still defensible and disputable. Alternative credit data is the new black. It's increasingly integrated in credit talks for lenders across the country. Much like that LBD, it's become a lending staple – that closet (or portfolio) must-have – to leverage for better decisioning when determining creditworthiness. What is alternative data? In our data-driven industry, “alternative” data as a whole may best be summed up as FCRA-compliant credit data that isn't typically included in traditional credit reports. For traditional data, think loan and inquiry data on bankcards, auto, mortgage and personal loans; typically trades with a term of 12 months or greater. Some examples of alternative credit data include alternative financial services data, rental data, full-file public records and account aggregation. These insights can ultimately improve credit access and decisioning for millions of consumers who may otherwise be overlooked. Alternative or not, every bit of information counts FCRA-compliant, user permissioned data allows lenders to easily verify assets and income electronically, thereby giving lenders more confidence in their decision and allowing consumers to gain access to lower-cost financing. From a risk management perspective, alternative credit data can also help identify riskier consumers by identifying information like the number of payday loans acquired within a year or number of first-payment defaults. Alternative credit data can give supplemental insight into a consumer’s stability, ability and willingness to repay that is not available on a traditional credit report that can help lenders avoid risk or price accordingly. From closet finds that refresh your look to that LBD, alternative credit data gives lenders more transparency into their consumers, and gives consumers seeking credit a greater foundation to help their case for creditworthiness. It really is this season’s – and every season’s – must-have. Learn more
Millennials have been accused of “killing” a lot of things. From napkins and fabric softener to cable and golf, the generation which makes up the largest population of the United States (aka Gen Y) is cutting a lot of cords. Despite homeowning being listed as one of the notorious generational group’s casualties, it’s one area that millennials want to keep alive, according to recent statistics. In fact, a new Experian study revealed 86% of millennials believe that buying a house is a good financial investment. However, only 15% have a mortgage today. One explanation for this gap may be that they appear too risky. Younger millennials (age 22-28) have an average near prime score of 652 and older millennials (age 29-35) have a prime score of 665. Both subsets fall below the average VantageScore® credit score* of U.S. consumers – 677. Yes, with the majority of millennials having near prime or worse credit scores, we can agree that they will need need to improve their financial hygiene to improve their overall credit rankings. But their dreams of homeownership have not yet been dashed. Seemingly high aspirations (of homeownership), disrupted by a reality of limited assets, low scores, and thin credit files, create a disconnect that suggests a lack of resources to get into their first homes – rather than a lack of interest. Or, maybe not. Maybe, after surviving a few first-time credit benders that followed soon after opening the floodgates to credit, millennials feel like the combination of low scores and the inability to get any credit is only salt in their wounds from their lending growing pains. Or maybe it’s all the student loans. Or maybe it’s the fact that so many of them are underemployed. But maybe there’s still more to the story. This emerging generation is known for having high expectations for change and better frictionless experiences in all areas of their life. It turns out, their borrowing behavior is no different. Recent research by Experian reveals consumers who use alternative financial services (AFS) are 11 years younger on average than those that do not. What’s the attraction? Financial technology companies have contributed to the explosive growth of AFS lenders and millennials are attracted to those online interactions. The problem is many of these trades are alternative finance products and are not reported to traditional credit bureaus. This means they do nothing to build credit experience in the eyes of traditional lenders and millennials with good credit history find it difficult to get access to credit well into their 20s. Alternative credit data provides a deeper dive into consumers, revealing their transactions and ability to pay as evidenced by alternative finance data, rental, utility and telecom payments. Alt data may make some millennials more favorable to lenders by revealing that their three-digit credit score (or lack there of) may not be indicative of their financial stability. By incorporating alternative financial services data (think convenient, tech-forward lenders that check all the boxes for bank removed millennials, not just payday loan recipients), credit-challenged millennials have a chance at earning recognition for their experience with alternative financial services that may help them get their first mortgage. Society may have preconceived notions about millennials, but lenders may want to consider giving them a second look when it comes to determining creditworthiness. In a national Experian survey, 53% of consumers said they believe some of these alternative sources would have a positive effect on their credit score. We all grow up sometime and as our needs change, there may come a day when millennials need more traditional financial services. Lenders who take a traditional view of risk may miss out on opportunities that alternative credit data brings to light. As lending continues to evolve, combining both traditional credit scores and alternative credit data appears to offer a potentially sweet (or rather, home sweet home) solution for you and your customers. *Calculated on the VantageScore® credit score model. Your VantageScore® credit score from Experian indicates your credit risk level and is not used by all lenders, so don't be surprised if your lender uses a score that's different from your VantageScore® credit score.