Every prospecting list needs to be filtered by your organizations specific credit risk threshold. Whether you’re developing a campaign targeting super-prime, sub-prime, or consumers...
At Experian, we frequently get asked by clients how they can get bigger mailing list that open new markets and reach more people. But...
Gone are the days when validating scoring models was a thing you did when you got around to it. Besides that fact that the...
As a scoring manager, this question has always stumped me because there was never a clear answer. It simply meant less than prime –...
Previously, we looked at the various ways a dual score strategy could help you focus in on an appropriate lending population. Find your mail-to...
Last month, I wrote about seeking ways to ensure growth without increasing risk. This month, I’ll present a few approaches that use multiple scores...
For as long as there have been loans, there has been credit risk and risk management. In the early days of US banking, the...