
Automotive Lemon-Reported Events Infographic Available

Published: November 14, 2023 by Kirsten Von Busch

Automotive Lemon-Reported Events Infographic Available

Lemon vehicle history is a serious issue that can have a significant impact on the automotive industry. Buying a vehicle that is branded as a lemon may harm a dealership or the OEM’s reputation. Customers may be less likely to buy automobiles from that manufacturer or dealership in the future if they learn the vehicle they bought was branded a lemon.

Used vehicles with lemon vehicle history has implications

Furthermore, automakers may incur higher costs as the expense of buying back and fixing lemon vehicles is frequently the responsibility of the auto manufacturers. Finally, the used automobile market may be impacted by a vehicle’s lemon history. Used cars with lemon vehicle history events are frequently worth less than equivalent autos without such activity.

New lemon-reported events analysis infographic available

View our most recent Vehicle Insights Infographic Report: Lemon Reported Events Data Analysis. You’ll learn more about lemon-reported activity for vehicles, what percentage of owners repurchase a different vehicle after the initial reported activity, and how many vehicles with the lemon event history are still on the road.

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