
Automotive Recall Reported Events Infographic Available

Published: December 19, 2023 by Kirsten Von Busch

Automotive Recall Reported Events Infographic

Vehicles with recalls are on the road. In fact, as of July 2023, there were over 15M vehicles on the road in the United States that have a recall that was reported for that vehicle between January and June 2023².

Awareness of Open Recalls and the availability of remedies is important for our Automotive clients. As a result, we have added the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) number and remedy availability flag to three of our Vehicle History Data Solutions:

AutoCheck Vehicle History Report
Dealers and consumers will be aware of open recalls and if there is a remedy available for the recall. This can alleviate consumer concern over an open recall if there is no remedy available facilitating consumer confidence in a vehicle purchase.

AutoCheck Triggers
Clients will be aware of any open recalls and the remedy viability in their vehicle portfolio. Many clients use AutoCheck Triggers to make business decisions regarding their vehicle portfolio.

Auto AccuSelect
Adding the NHTSA recall number and remedy availability flag to Auto AccuSelect allows clients to be aware and take action regarding the vehicles they are evaluating.

It is critical to know open recall information, as well as the overall history of a vehicle before buying or selling a used car. Experian Automotive’s vehicle history data solutions, such as a the AutoCheck vehicle history report, can help you buy and sell vehicles with confidence. AutoCheck has 98.96% of manufacturer coverage for recall data based on vehicles in operation.

If you’d like to learn more about a recent analysis Experian Automotive conducted about the number of recalls reported for the first half of 2023, where those events were reported and where those vehicles are currently in operation, click to view our Recall Insights Infographic.

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