
Bankruptcies continue to rise

Published: November 19, 2010 by Guest Contributor

By: Kari Michel

As consumers and businesses continue to experience financial hardship, the likelihood of continued bankruptcy filings is fairly strong. Data from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts show there were 1,222,589 filings through September, versus 1,100,035 in the first nine months of 2009. According to American Bankruptcy Institute executive director Samuel J. Gerdano, “As the economy looks to climb out of the recent recession, businesses and consumers continue to file for bankruptcy to regain their financial footing. With unemployment hovering near 10% and access to credit remaining tight, total filings in 2010 will likely exceed 1.6 million.”

Given the bankruptcy trends, what can lenders do to protect themselves from acquiring consumers that are at risk for filing for bankruptcy? Bankruptcy scores are available, such as Bankruptcy PLUS, and are developed to accurately identify characteristics specific to a consumer filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy scores are typically used in conjunction with risk scores to set effective acquisition strategies.

Source:  http://www.collectionscreditrisk.com/news/bankruptcy-filings-up-3003998-1.html

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