
Can credit education help collectors increase payments?

Published: October 10, 2012 by Guest Contributor

By: Kyle Aiman

Let’s face it, debt collectors often get a bad rap.  Sure, some of it is deserved, but the majority of the nation’s estimated 157,000 collectors strive to do their job in a way that will satisfy both their employer and the debtor.  One way to improve collector/debtor interaction is for the collector to be trained in consumer credit and counseling.

In a recent article published on Collectionsandcreditrisk.com, Trevor Carone, Vice President of Portfolio and Collection Solutions at Experian, explored the concept of using credit education to help debt collectors function more like advisors instead of accusers.  If collectors gain a better understanding of consumer credit – how to read a credit report, how items may affect a credit score, how a credit score is compiled and what factors influence the score – perhaps they can offer suggestions for improvement.

Will providing past-due consumers with a plan to help improve their credit increase payments?  Read the article and let us know what you think!