Financial Services


By: Kari Michel In January, Experian announced the inclusion of positive rental data from its RentBureau division into the traditional credit file. This is great news for an estimated 50 million underbanked consumers - everyone from college students and recent graduates to immigrants - to build credit with continuous on-time rental payments. With approximately 1/3 of Americans renting, lenders who are using VantageScore will benefit from the inclusion of RentBureau data into the score calculation.  VantageScore from Experian is able to both enhance its predictive ability for those that can already be scored as well as provide scores for those that previously could not be scored. With the inclusion of RentBureau data, 34% of thin file consumers increased their score from an ‘F’ (VantageScore 501 – 599) to a ‘D’ (VantageScore 600 – 699). For those consumers that did not have a prior credit history, 70% of them were able to be scored after the inclusion of RentBureau data into the credit repository.  As a result, fewer consumers will get a “no hit” returned to lenders during a credit inquiry. Lenders will now have a comprehensive understanding of a consumer’s total monthly obligations to assist with offering credit to emerging consumers.

Published: February 16, 2011 by Guest Contributor

I love a good analogy, and living in Southern California, lately I’ve been thinking a lot about earthquakes, and how lenders might want to start thinking like seismologists when considering the risk levels in their portfolios. Currently, scientists that study earthquakes review mountains of data around fault movement, tidal forces, even animal behavior, all in an attempt to find a concrete predictor of ‘the big one’. Small tremors are inputs, but the focus is on predicting and preparing for the large shock and impact of large earthquakes. Credit risk modeling, conversely, seems to focus on predicting the tremors, (risk scores that predict the risk of individual default) and less so the large-shock risk to the portfolio. So what are lenders doing to forecast ‘the big one’?  Lenders are building sophisticated models that contemplate the likelihood of the big event – developing risk models and econometric models that look at loan repayment, house prices, unemployment rates – all in an attempt to be ahead of the credit version of ‘the big one’.  This type of model and perspective is at a nascent stage for many lenders, but like the issues facing the people of Southern California, preparing for the big-one is an essential part of every lender’s planning in today’s economy.

Published: February 15, 2011 by Kelly Kent

Exciting research leveraging Experian’s fraud analytics and credit risk modeling are now enabling deposit institutions to understand the impacts of first party fraud and identity theft on their portfolios. Historically, deposit institutions have not considered application fraud to be a major concern and legislation regarding overdraft fees and the opt-in provision for overdraft services will reduce a deposit customer’s ability to spend the bank’s money; however, a determined thief can still: kite checks to commit first party fraud perpetrate an account takeover/identity theft   The result is that deposit institutions will continue to face losses that can be prevented using fraud best practices. The challenge for the institution is knowing whether it is facing first party fraud or identity theft. Increasingly, deposit institutions are turning to Experian to analyze customers that create losses early in the account life cycle in order to make the right modifications to their acquisitions strategies.  Using a combination of fraud analytics built to target specific types of fraud trends, deposit institutions can get a clear picture of the type of behavior that is generating their losses. This type of analysis is quickly climbing the list of fraud best-practices. Armed with the right diagnosis, deposit institutions can respond by prioritizing the right set of fraud alerts.    

Published: February 15, 2011 by Chris Ryan

By: Kristan Frend Imagine you’re on the #1 ranked relay swim team at the World Championships and you’re leading off. You finish your leg of the race with the team in first place. As your third teammate approaches the wall, your team is in first by a full body length. You’re on pace to set a new world record. Yet the anchor of your team is nowhere to be found, ultimately resulting in your team being disqualified.   If only your fourth teammate would have made it to the blocks in time…. When you take a step back and look at your fraud risk management solutions, do you ever feel like you have all of the tools and processes available yet feel like the anchor is missing? Perhaps it’s time to reexamine your internal resources. You may have an assembly of sophisticated and robust online fraud detection tools from vendors, but you may be missing a critical piece if you’re not also effectively leveraging internal data. Through our work with clients, we’re found that it is not uncommon for organizations to manage the customer relationship through different departments or silos within the organization.   All too often there is less than optimal coordination between these functional areas in taking advantage of their own internal negative data to combat application fraud. Additionally some organizations may have negative internal data but do not incorporate the check within their verification or risk based authentication tool, creating multiple steps and operational inefficiencies. One of the ways to overcome some of these issues is by incorporating internal negative data within an automated front-end check.  Once loss data is loaded into a historical database, the next time that name, phone, address, driver’s license or SSN reappears on a new application, the data element is immediately identified as one associated with a previous loss. The negative data is securely stored for only your organization’s use and is not shared with users outside of your organization.

Published: February 11, 2011 by Guest Contributor

Let’s face it – not all knowledge based authentication (KBA) is created equal. I, too, have read horror stories of consumers forced to answer questions about a deceased relative or ex-spouse, or KBA sessions that went on far too long for anyone’s benefit. I have to attribute this to vendor inexperience and a lack of consulting with clients. An experienced vendor will use a fraud best practice such as a fraud analytics model to determine that some consumers do not even need questions and then a “Progressive Question” feature, which uses consumer performance on an initial question set to determine if it is necessary for the consumer to answer additional questions. This way, the true consumer completes the process quickly, improving the customer experience. The product of choice should also use a question mix that balances three factors: ·         how easily the true consumer can answer the question; ·         the fraud separation of the question (effectively the measured delta over time between how well true consumers answer the question vs. how well fraudsters do); ·         how many consumers overall the question can be generated.  A list of hundreds of possible questions doesn’t mean much if the questions can only be generated for one quarter of one percent of the population, as is the case for something like airplane ownership or pilot’s license. Ultimately, out of wallet questions should be generated for a large part of the population, easily answered by the true consumer but difficult for a fraudster; and not offensive or what a consumer would consider “creepy” (such as their child’s birthday or name). Well designed questions will be personal but not intrusive and mindful of personal relationships that may have changed.  The purpose of a knowledge based authentication session is risk management and/or consumer authentication for fraud prevention and compliance purposes – not to cause the loss of business because the fraud tool crossed the line in the mind of your customer.

Published: February 7, 2011 by Guest Contributor

As our newly elected officials begin to evaluate opportunities to drive economic growth in 2011, it seems to me that the role of lenders in motivating consumer activity will continue to be high on the list of both priorities and actions that will effectively move the needle of economic expansion. From where I sit, there are a number of consumer segments that each hold the potential to make a significant impact in this economy. For instance, renters with spotless credit, but have not been able or confident enough to purchase a home, could move into the real estate market, spurring growth and housing activity. Another group, and one I am specifically interested in discussing, are the so called ‘fallen angels’ - borrowers who previously had pristine track records, but have recently performed poorly enough to fall from the top tiers of consumer risk segments. I think the interesting quality of ‘fallen angels’ is not that they don’t possess the motivation needed to push economic growth, but rather the supply and opportunity for them to act does not exist. Lenders, through the use of risk scores and scoring models, have not yet determined how to easily identify the ‘fallen angel’ amongst the pool of higher-risk borrowers whose score tiers they now inhabit. This is a problem that can be solved though – through the use of credit attributes and analytic solutions, lenders can uncover these up-side segments within pools of potential borrowers – and many lenders are employing these assets today in their efforts to drive growth. I believe that as tools to identify and lend to untapped segments such as the ‘fallen angels’ develop, these consumers will inevitably turn out to be key contributors to any form of economic recovery.  

Published: February 1, 2011 by Kelly Kent

More prospects equal more profits, right? Not necessarily. But surprisingly, companies in every industry (including cable and telecom) routinely burn acquisition dollars as if it is. The reality is that only more qualified prospects can lead to more profitable campaigns, making acquisitions a clear case of quality besting quantity. But why? No substitute for quality Engaging unqualified prospects is an unprofitable exercise requiring time and resources that are better spent on those who are ready, willing and able to buy from you. Benefits of an effective acquisition strategy include greater: Resource efficiency—less time, money and energy wasted on no-payback prospects Brand loyalty and higher lifetime value—by accurately matching consumers to products they relate to and desire Profitability and less bad debt—this one is probably obvious Fishing where the (best) fish are So how should a profit-minded telecom or cable company identify highly qualified prospects and invite them into the fold? Using a credit-score threshold, where anyone possessing the target score receives an offer, is one method. The benefit is simplicity. One disadvantage is unnecessary risk, as credit score is just one factor reflecting an individual’s creditworthiness. Another possibility is analyzing your best customers’ profiles or most profitable underwriting policies and integrating profit-building criteria into your campaign. This takes a little more effort but the payback potential is higher. Tapping into available sources Many companies find public records a rich source of decisioning data. Others have discovered that adding consumer-credit information to their acquisition formula not only improves prospect quality, it also reduces on-boarding costs. Derogatory payment information, revolving debt levels or unacceptable debt-to-income ratios will all surface in the process, informing and improving your credit management decisions. (Note: using credit data to assess risk requires you to make a firm offer of credit, according to FCRA guidelines.) You’ll do a lot of prospecting in 2011, so remember: when it comes to acquiring new customers, more isn’t better. Better is better. And using reliable, high-quality data is one way to ensure the impact and return of every marketing dollar.

Published: January 26, 2011 by Guest Contributor

Experian Decision Analytics has recorded increased demand from the marketplace for service integrations with interactive voice response (IVR), a phone technology that allows for automated detection of both voice and touch–tones. In the past quarter, there has been a more than 70 percent increase in IVR interest and it continues to grow. Why is there a demand for knowledge based authentication through IVR? Besides consumer acceptance of out of wallet questions, there is a dramatic increase in the need for remote authentication and fraud analytics that are accurate, not a burden to the consumer, cost–effective for organizations and part of an overall risk based authentication approach. Consumers stay connected in a number of ways — phone, online, mobile and short message service (SMS) — and are demanding the means to remain safe without compromising convenience. Knowledge based authentication through IVR provides this safety. Organizations must consider all the tools at their disposal to keep consumer data protected while preserving and promoting a positive customer experience. Given the interactive nature of knowledge based authentication, it is quite adaptable to various customer access channels, such as IVR, and it enables full automation of both inbound and outbound authentication calls. We know from both our own experience and from working with clients that consumers are more connected, more mobile and more networked than ever before - and fraud trends demonstrate this increases risk. As consumers continue to expand online profiles and fraud artists continue to seek out victims, successful fraud prevention will become paramount to financial survival. Leveraging products already in use by combining the technology capitalizes on an existing investment and is good business.

Published: January 24, 2011 by Guest Contributor

Many compliance regulations such the Red Flags Rule, USA Patriot Act, and ESIGN require specific identity elements to be verified and specific high risk conditions to be detected. However, there is still much variance in how individual institutions reconcile referrals generated from the detection of high risk conditions and/or the absence of identity element verification. With this in mind, risk-based authentication, (defined in this context as the “holistic assessment of a consumer and transaction with the end goal of applying the right authentication and decisioning treatment at the right time") offers institutions a viable strategy for balancing the following competing forces and pressures:   Compliance – the need to ensure each transaction is approved only when compliance requirements are met;   Approval rates – the need to meet business goals in the booking of new accounts and the facilitation of existing account transactions;     Risk mitigation – the need to minimize fraud exposure at the account and transaction level. A flexibly-designed risk-based authentication strategy incorporates a robust breadth of data assets, detailed results, granular information, targeted analytics and automated decisioning. This allows an institution to strike a harmonious balance (or at least something close to that) between the needs to remain compliant, while approving the vast majority of applications or customer transactions and, oh yeah, minimizing fraud and credit risk exposure and credit risk modeling. Sole reliance on binary assessment of the presence or absence of high risk conditions and identity element verifications will, more often than not, create an operational process that is overburdened by manual referral queues. There is also an unnecessary proportion of viable consumers unable to be serviced by your business. Use of analytically sound risk assessments and objective and consistent decisioning strategies will provide opportunities to calibrate your process to meet today’s pressures and adjust to tomorrow’s as well.

Published: January 21, 2011 by Keir Breitenfeld

By: Staci Baker There has been a lot of talk in the news about the Dodd-Frank Act lately. According to the Dodd-Frank Resource Center of the American Financial Services Association (AFSA), “The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, which passed on July 21, 2010, is unprecedented in magnitude, and will impact every sector of the financial services industry.”  The aim of the Act is to put measures in place that address the issues that led to the financial crisis. This is done by setting up new regulatory bodies, and limiting the dealings of banks and other financial institutions. For the purpose of this blog, I will focus on describing the new regulatory agencies.  The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB), is an independent watchdog housed within the Federal Reserve. The CFPB has the authority to “regulate consumer financial products and services in compliance with federal law.”[ii] They are responsible for the accuracy of information, hidden fees and deceptive practices for consumers from within the following industries – mortgage, credit cards and other financial products. The Financial Stability Oversight Council is “charged with identifying threats to the financial stability of the United States, promoting market discipline, and responding to emerging risks to the stability of the United States financial system.”ii Through the Treasury, this council will create a new Office of Financial Research, which will be responsible for collecting and analyzing data to identify and monitor emerging risks to the economy, and publish the findings in periodic reports.  These new regulatory agencies are critical to US business processes, as they will more closely monitor business practices, create new tighter legislation, and report findings to the public. The legislation that is created will decrease risk levels posed by large, complex companies, as well as address discrepancy that has been raised throughout the financial crisis.     What are your views of the Dodd-Frank Act? Do you believe this is the legislation needed to stem future financial crisis? If not, what would help you and your business?  

Published: January 20, 2011 by Guest Contributor

Increased incidence of “involuntary renters” According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, one out of every 200 homes will be foreclosed. The incidence of “involuntary renters” will increase as a high foreclosure rate continues, in turn, fueling the current trend of consumers who rely solely on mobile service instead of landlines. Implications for communications companies Does it necessarily follow that foreclosure equals bad risk? I don’t think so. For example, many consumers who have undergone foreclosure were subjected to a readjusted ARM that doubled or even tripled their mortgage payments. While taking a mortgage out of a consumer’s credit file can negatively impact the overall credit score, it can also potentially generate a more positive cash flow. The consumer’s new rent payments would be lower than the readjusted mortgage would have been, making the consumer a potentially good customer for communications services. Wireless companies, in particular, prefer to approve customers for regular installment plans (as opposed to prepaid plans). The goal, for nearly all communications companies, is to qualify customers for service without the need for a deposit. The key, when assessing credit risk, is to look at the total credit/payment history, not just the credit score alone. Best Practices for qualifying involuntary renters: Validate ID/authenticate. Checking the credit application information against several data sources will help avoid potential fraud. Look at the overall credit picture, especially the current debt-to-income ratio. Review third-party data for payment history. Along with the typical payment data, Experian now offers rental histories through RentBureau. This data has the ability to increase credit report accuracy for renters. Consider the basic lender mentality. Consumers who have exhibited good payment history on utilities, credit cards, and other debt in the past are likely to continue that behavior despite having lost their house to foreclosure.   Considering the total credit picture allows you to rank-order customers and group them into populations that are lower risk, identifying, for example, those who can be serviced without an upfront deposit. In future posts, I’ll provide some guidance for rank-ordering customers as to their credit-worthiness.

Published: January 19, 2011 by Guest Contributor

Experian’s Fraud and Identity Solutions team recently conducted a webinar entitled: “A risk-based approach to finding opportunity in today’s market: New approaches to fraud, compliance, and operational efficiency in an evolving economy.” I specifically discussed the current business drivers and fraud trends we, as a consumer and commercial authentication services provider, hear most often from our existing and potential clients. I was encouraged to have the following forces validated by our audience, and I thought they’d be worth sharing with you via this forum. In what I believe to be rank order with most influencing first:   Customer experience is king. The addressable market for most of our clients is effectively an ever more limited pool of viable consumers. From the consumer’s perspective it’s a ‘buyer’s market’. ‘Good’ consumers know they are ‘good’ and those 750 scorers don’t tolerate poor customer service.   Risk seeking credit policies may be making a comeback. Many of our clients are starting to heal from the past few years, and are ready to get back on the bike. However, this does open the door more widely for application fraud activity and risk.     New products and associated solicitations and access channels translate to higher risk as fraud prevention and fraud detection processes may be less robust in the early launch stages and certainly less time-tested.     Human & IT resources are still in short supply. As these new channels open and fraud risk increases, necessary fraud prevention and authentication oriented resources are still overly constrained and often significantly lagging in proportionality behind the recovery-minded marketing minds.     Regulatory pressures continue to equate to higher operational costs, in the form of fraud referral rates, in process engineering and human intervention and activities, not to mention the opportunity costs associated with denial of service to those ‘good’ consumers I just mentioned.     So, hosted services and solutions are where it’s at these days. Our clients want their vendors, including us at Experian, to save their IT resources, deliver quicker to market services, such as fraud models, knowledge based authentication, and other authentication tools, and provide collective capabilities that would otherwise be years away if left to the mercy of their internal development queues.     All products and processes are under review, as you might imagine. Cost control is no longer a back-burner policy and focus. ROI is the key metric these days, and likely above any other. Our clients demand flexible tools that can be deployed in multiple process points and across multiple business units. Blanket policies (including fraud prevention and authentication) are no longer good enough. Our clients’ tailored products, access channels, and market segmentations require the same level of unique design in the products we deliver.    

Published: January 14, 2011 by Keir Breitenfeld

In the communications industry, effective acquisition is a multi-step process, best begun by asking (and accurately answering) simple, but critical questions: Who are our best prospects? Where can we find them? What should we offer them and how? Of course, the “why” is obvious—beating competitors to the punch. The similarities of today’s increasingly undifferentiated products and services make attracting high-quality customers more critical than ever. On the surface, the “who” seems equally straightforward. But it’s surprising how many communications companies still blanket the nation with ads and offers without knowing whom they want to reach or which messages to lead with. This brings us to the “how” of effective acquisition. Banks get it right Banks provide a good acquisition model. In these days of tight budgets and high expectations, most would never dream of investing in a campaign without first creating a well-defined, data-driven segmentation strategy. To get the results they want, institutions usually establish some credit-score threshold, check past payment history and assess other factors and behaviors, before starting up their marketing machine. Not surprisingly, the rewards for this foresight often include higher response rates, lower costs and greater value per promotional dollar. What’s next? Once you zero in on a fresh crop of qualified prospects the “whats” come next: what’s the best marketing channel? What products or services should we offer? What terms? Again, clean historic data, combined with up-to-date information from surveys and questionnaires can reveal surprising insights into why customers choose your company or offer over your competitors’. In communications, as in banking, reliable data is a proven source for answers to a whole slew of customer-acquisition questions. But does it offer similar value in other phases of customer lifecycle management? And if so, how? Funny you should ask. Because that’s exactly what future posts here will cover, so please check back often.

Published: January 12, 2011 by Guest Contributor

Many compliance regulations such the Red Flags Rule, USA Patriot Act, and ESIGN require specific identity elements to be verified and specific high risk conditions to be detected. However, there is still much variance in how individual institutions reconcile referrals generated from the detection of high risk conditions and/or the absence of identity element verification. With this in mind, risk-based authentication, (defined in this context as the “holistic assessment of a consumer and transaction with the end goal of applying the right authentication and decisioning treatment at the right time") offers institutions a viable strategy for balancing the following competing forces and pressures: Compliance – the need to ensure each transaction is approved only when compliance requirements are met; Approval rates – the need to meet business goals in the booking of new accounts and the facilitation of existing account transactions; Risk mitigation – the need to minimize fraud exposure at the account and transaction level. A flexibly-designed risk-based authentication strategy incorporates a robust breadth of data assets, detailed results, granular information, targeted analytics and automated decisioning. This allows an institution to strike a harmonious balance (or at least something close to that) between the needs to remain compliant, while approving the vast majority of applications or customer transactions and, oh yeah, minimizing fraud and credit risk exposure and credit risk modeling. Sole reliance on binary assessment of the presence or absence of high risk conditions and identity element verifications will, more often than not, create an operational process that is overburdened by manual referral queues. There is also an unnecessary proportion of viable consumers unable to be serviced by your business. Use of analytically sound risk assessments and objective and consistent decisioning strategies will provide opportunities to calibrate your process to meet today’s pressures and adjust to tomorrow’s as well.

Published: January 10, 2011 by Keir Breitenfeld

By: Staci Baker According to Wikipedia, mobile banking is defined as, “a term used for performing balance checks, account transactions, payments, credit applications, etc. via a mobile device such as a mobile phone or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).” However, as several large lenders and phone carriers test mobile banking and mobile payments, there is still much to be deciphered. Will it help businesses compete? Is it safe for a consumer? Should a bank offer a mobile solution; and if so, what precautions will they need to take to ensure their customer’s information, i.e. fraud, consumer identity? Peter Garuccio, spokesman for the American Bankers Association in Washington D.C., noted that “various experts predict that some 20 million people may be banking via cell phone this year, and that number is projected to skyrocket to 50 million by 2013.” And, according to a mobile payment study by Juniper Research ,“Combined market for all types of mobile payments is expected to reach more than $630B globally by 2014.” For the purpose of this blog, I will focus on the mobile banking solution, and questions to consider before entering into the mobile banking arena. Mobile banking today is akin to online banking a few years ago. It’s new, getting a lot of press, late adopters want more information, while the early adopters are already participating and it appears to be on the verge of taking over more conventional banking and payments. Before entering into the world of mobile solutions, there are a few things to consider: How will new regulations, such as the Durbin Amendment to the Frank-Dodd Act (a new Interchange fee proposal), affect implementation and usage? The current average interchange fee is between $1 and $1.30, the new cap at $.12 will reduce the charges by up to 90%.While the interchange fee proposal will not be finalized until after February, it is not known how the new “swipe fee” legislation will affect mobile solutions. If the new amendment directly affects debit cards only, mobile solutions can become a new revenue stream for many lenders. As more information becomes available regarding the Durbin Amendment, I will relay additional details and implications. What fraud prevention solutions do you have in place? Fraud is an issue in all industries; therefore utilizing fraud best practices specific to your market, or identifying fraud trends is essential in keeping retailers, consumers and your company safe. As consumers replace the need for a wallet with a phone, identity theft can become an issue. This is especially true of phones with minimal security, or if their phone gets into the hands of a hacker. Therefore companies can initiate an identity theft prevention program to raise awareness in consumers and retailers. As well as implement new internal processes and requirements. As we delve further into an IT-led economy, businesses will continually need to adjust how they do business in order to meet consumer demand, as well as finding new revenue streams. I am curious, how many businesses have already begun to implement a mobile solution, and what issues or results have you already seen? If you have not already implemented a mobile solution, is this in your planning for the upcoming year?

Published: December 23, 2010 by Guest Contributor

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