Financial Services


Conducting a validation on historical data is a good way to evaluate fraud models; however, fraud best practices dictate that a proper validation uses...

Published: January 13, 2010 by Chris Ryan

In a previous blog, we shared ideas for expanding the “gain” to create a successful ROI to adopt new fraud best practices  to improve. ...

Published: January 11, 2010 by Chris Ryan

A recent article in the Boston Globe talked about the lack of incentive for banks to perform wide-scale real estate loan modifications due to...

Published: January 6, 2010 by Kelly Kent

By definition, “Return on Investment” is simple: (The gain from an investment – The cost of the investment) _______________________________________________ The cost of the investment...

Published: January 4, 2010 by Chris Ryan

By: Heather Grover In my previous entry, I covered how fraud prevention affected the operational side of new DDA account opening. To give a...

Published: January 4, 2010 by Guest Contributor

By: Heather Grover In past client and industry talks, I’ve discussed the increasing importance of retail branches to the growth strategy of the bank....

Published: December 30, 2009 by Guest Contributor

The definition of account management authentication is:  Keep your customers happy, but don’t lose sight of fraud risks and effective tools to combat those...

Published: December 28, 2009 by Keir Breitenfeld

–by Andrew Gulledge Intelligent use of features Question ordering: You want some degree of randomization in the questions that are included for each session....

Published: December 22, 2009 by Andrew Gulledge

Account management fraud risks: I “think” I know who I’m dealing with… Risk of fraudulent account activity does not cease once an application has been...

Published: December 21, 2009 by Keir Breitenfeld

In a recent presentation conducted by The Tower Group, “2010 Top 10 Business Drivers, Strategic Responses, and IT Initiatives in Bank Cards,” the conversation...

Published: December 18, 2009 by Kelly Kent

By: Kari Michel   Lenders are looking for ways to improve their collections strategy as they continue to deal with unprecedented consumer debt, significant increases...

Published: December 17, 2009 by Guest Contributor

In my previous two blogs, I introduced the definition of strategic default and compared and contrasted the population to other types of consumers with...

Published: December 14, 2009 by Kelly Kent

–by Andrew Gulledge General configuration issues Question selection– In addition to choosing questions that generally have a high percentage correct and fraud separation, consider...

Published: December 14, 2009 by Andrew Gulledge

A recent New York Times (1) article outlined the latest release of credit borrowing by the Federal Reserve, indicating that American’s borrowed less for the ninth-straight month...

Published: December 10, 2009 by Kelly Kent

In my last blog, I discussed the presence of strategic defaulters and outlined the definitions used to identify these consumers, as well as other...

Published: December 10, 2009 by Kelly Kent

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