The fraud problem is ever-present, with 94% of businesses reporting it as a top priority, and fraudsters constantly finding new targets for theft. Preventing fraud requires a carefully orchestrated strategy that can recognize and treat a variety of types — without adding so much friction that it drives customers away. Experian’s fraud prevention and detection platform, CrossCore®, was recently named an Overall Leader, Product Leader in Fraud Reduction Intelligence Platforms, Innovation Leader and Market Leader in Fraud Reduction by KuppingerCole. CrossCore is an integrated digital identity and fraud risk platform that enables organizations to connect, access, and orchestrate decisions that leverage multiple data sources and services. CrossCore combines risk-based authentication, identity proofing, and fraud detection into a single, state-of-the-art cloud platform. It engages flexible decisioning workflows and advanced analytics to make real-time risk decisions throughout the customer lifecycle. This recognition highlights Experian’s comprehensive approach to combating fraud and validates that CrossCore offers best-in-class capabilities by augmenting Experian’s industry-leading identity and fraud offerings with a highly curated ecosystem of partners which enables further optionality for organizations based on their specific needs. To learn more about how CrossCore can benefit your organization, read the report or visit us. Learn more
On average, the typical global consumer owns three or more connected devices.1 80% of consumers bounce between devices, while 31% who turned to digital channels for their last purchase used multiple devices along the way.2 Considering these trends, many lenders are leveraging multiple channels in addition to direct mail, including email and mobile applications, to maximize their credit marketing efforts. The challenge, however, is effectively engaging consumers without becoming overbearing or inconsistent. In this article, we explore what identity resolution for credit marketing is and how the right identity tools can enable financial institutions to create more cohesive and personalized customer interactions. What is identity resolution? Identity resolution connects unique identifiers across touchpoints to build a unified identity for an individual, household, or business. This requires an identity graph, a proprietary database that collects, stitches, and stores identifiers from digital and offline sources. As a result, organizations can create a persistent, high-definition customer view, allowing for more consistent and meaningful brand experiences. What are the types of identity resolution? There are two common approaches to identity resolution: probabilistic ID matching and deterministic ID matching. Probabilistic ID matching uses multiple algorithms and data sets to match identity profiles that are most likely the same customer. Data points used in probabilistic models include IP addresses and device types. Deterministic ID matching uses first-party data that customers have produced, enabling you to merge new data with customer records and identify matches among existing identifiers. Examples of this type of data include phone numbers and email addresses. What role does identity resolution play in credit marketing? Maintaining a comprehensive customer view is crucial to credit marketing — the insights gained allow lenders to determine who they should engage and the type of offer or messaging that would resonate most. But there are many factors that can prevent financial institutions from doing this effectively: poor data quality, consumers bouncing between multiple devices, and so on. Seven out of 10 consumers find it important that companies they interact with online identify them across visits. Identity resolution for credit marketing solves these issues by matching and linking customer data from disparate sources back to a single profile. This enables lenders to: Create highly targeted campaigns. If your data is incomplete or inaccurate, you may waste your marketing spend by engaging the wrong audience or sending out irrelevant credit offers. An identity resolution solution that leverages expansive, regularly updated data gives you access to high-definition views of individuals, resulting in more personalization and greater campaign engagement. Deliver seamless, omnichannel experiences. To further improve your credit marketing efforts, you’ll need to keep up with consumers not only as their needs or preferences change, but also as they move across channels and devices. Instead of creating multiple identity profiles for the same person, identity resolution can recognize an individual across touchpoints, allowing you to create consistent offers and cohesive experiences. Picking the right marketing identity resolution solution While the type of identity resolution for marketing solution can vary depending on your business’s goals and challenges, Experian can help you get started. To learn more, visit us today. 1 Global number of devices and connections per capita 2018-2023, Statista. 2 Cross Device Marketing - Statistics and Trends, Go-Globe.
Breaking down, rethinking, and optimizing your debt collection recovery process can be complicated — but you risk falling behind if you don't invest in your business. From managing live agents to unlocking the latest machine-learning models, there are different options and routes you can take to improve recovery rates. Debt collection challenges in 2023 Collection agencies have embraced digitization. The benefits are numerous — cost savings, streamlined processes, and improved compliance, to name a few. However, digital tools aren't cure-alls, and they can even create new challenges if you're not careful. Maintaining accurate consumer data: Quickly reaching consumers can be difficult during times of economic uncertainty. Increased access to data can help you overcome this challenge, but only if you can manage and understand the information. If you simply turn on the metaphorical data streams, you could find yourself drowning in duplicate and erroneous entries.Keeping up with rising delinquencies: Delinquency rates steadily rose throughout 2022.1 Although rates may level out for some types of accounts in 2023, collection agencies need a plan for dealing with the potential increased volume. At the same time, continued low unemployment rates could make it difficult to hire and retain agents. Managing a tight budget: Recession worries also have companies rethinking expenses, which can impact your ability to increase head count and invest in technology. Finding effective trade-offs is going to be important for debt collection process optimization.Staying compliant: We've seen some major changes over the last few years, but there's no time to rest — debt collectors always need to be aware of new state and federal regulations. Digitization might make compliance more difficult if you're now managing an increasing amount of personal information or using text messages (or other omni-channels) to contact consumers. WATCH:Keeping pace with collections compliance changes Five ways to enhance your debt collection process Here are five ways that debt collectors can overcome today's challenges and take advantage of new opportunities. 1. Leverage clean data Continuously updating and checking the accuracy of your data can help increase right-party contact rates. But don't rely on your internal data and basic internet searches or public records. Leading data and skip-tracing services can give you access to additional data from credit bureaus, alternative financial services, collateral records, business listings and other helpful sources. Some skip-tracing tools can continuously verify and update contact information. They can also rank contact records, such as phone numbers, to save your agent's time. And identify consumers in a protected status such as bankrupt, deceased, and active military) and require special handling to help you stay compliant. 2. Implement advanced analytics and automation High-quality data can also be the foundation for a data-driven approach to collections. Use collections-specific models: Although credit risk scores can be a piece of the debt collection puzzle, debt collection recovery models are often a better fit. You may be able to use different models to score accounts based on exposure, risk, willingness to pay or behavioral factors. Segment accounts: Increased insights and models also allow you to more precisely segment accounts, which can help you handle larger volumes with fewer resources. For instance, you can more accurately determine which accounts require an agent's personal touch, which can move forward with an automated experience and which should go to the back of your queue. The data-driven approach also allows you to increasingly automate your collections — which can help you deal with rising delinquency rates in the face of a tight labor market and budget constraints. 3. Know when and how to make contact Segmentation and advanced analytics can tell you who and when to contact, but you also have to be mindful of how you reach out. Letters, calls, emails and texts can all be effective in the right circumstances, but no single option will always be best. For example, a text could be ideal when contacting Gen Z, but a call might work best for Baby Boomers. That's neither novel nor surprising, but it is important to stay up to date with the latest trends and preferences. Ideally, you reach people on their preferred channel at an appropriate time. You may also need to continually test, monitor and refine your process, especially if you want to increase automation. READ:Digital Debt Collection Future white paper 4. Offer financially appropriate treatments In addition to picking the right communication channel, consider the payment options you offer consumers. Various payment plans, settlements and policies can directly affect your recovery rates — and what performed best in previous years might not make sense anymore. Chatbots and virtual negotiators can also help improve recovery rates without straining your agents' time. And for accounts that will likely self-cure, automated texts or emails with links to self-service portals could be an ideal solution. Expanding payment methods, such as accepting payments from digital wallets when you're sending a text message, could also make sense. However, you want to be sure you're not wasting time or money by contacting consumers who don't have the means to make a payment. Instead, set those accounts aside for now, but monitor them for changes that could indicate their financial situation has changed — such as a new credit line. Then, try to offer a solution that will likely fit the consumer's circumstances. 5. Invest in your live agents Modern debt management and collection systems focus on digitization and automation, and these can improve recovery rates. But don't forget about your front-line agents. There will always be times when a personal touch gets you further than an automated message. Continued training and ongoing recognition can be important for retaining top performers, maintaining compliance and increasing agents' effectiveness. Partner for success Implementing an efficient and effective collections strategy can require a lot of work, but you don't have to go at it alone. Experian offers various debt collection solutions that can help optimize processes and free up your organization's resources and agents' time. Tap into our industry-leading data sources — including traditional credit data, alternative financial data and over 5,000 local phone exchange carriers — to find, update and verify account information. Available on the cloud or with secure file transfers, the TrueTrace™ and TrueTrace Live™ tools have led to a 10 percent lift in right-party contact rates compared to competitors. When it comes to optimizing outreach, you can prioritize accounts with over 60 industry-specific debt recovery scores via PriorityScore for CollectionsSM. Or work with Experian to create custom models for your organization. For an end-to-end decisioning solution, our AI-driven PowerCurve® Collections solution draws from internal and external data to determine the proper customer contact frequency, channel and treatment options, including self-service portals. Create your own strategies and workflows and manage the entire process with a single dashboard, cloud-based access and integrated reports. Learn more about Experian's debt collection process solutions 1Experian. (February 2023). Credit Scores Steady as Consumer Debt Balances Rise in 2022
To reach customers in our modern, diverse communications landscape, it's not enough to send out one-size-fits-all marketing messages. Today's consumers value and continue to do business with organizations that put them first. For financial institutions, this means providing personalized experiences that enable your customers to feel seen and your marketing dollars to go further. How can you achieve this? The answer is simple: a customer-driven credit marketing strategy. What is customer-driven marketing? Customer-driven marketing is a strategy that focuses on putting consumers first, rather than products. It means thinking about the needs, wants and motivations of the prospects you're trying to reach and centering your marketing campaigns and messages around that audience. When done well, this comprehensive approach extends beyond the marketing team to all members of a company. The benefits of customer-driven credit marketing One benefit of this type of personalized credit marketing is that you can target customers with a potentially higher lifetime value. By focusing your marketing efforts on the right prospects, you'll ensure that budgets are being spent wisely and that you're not wasting valuable marketing dollars communicating with consumers who either won't respond or aren't a fit for your business. Customer-driven marketing enables you to identify and reach the most profitable, highly responsive prospects in the most efficient way, while also engaging with current customers to optimize retention rates. When you create marketing programs that are customer-driven, you're not just selling; you're building relationships. Rather than being simply a service provider, you become a trusted financial partner and advisor. This kind of data-driven customer experience can help you onboard more customers and retain them for longer, translating to better results when it comes to your bottom line. Customer-driven marketing: How to get started Customer-driven marketing is less funnel, more spiral. You research, test, refine and repeat, all while taking into account customer feedback and campaign results. It starts with defining your target audience and creating customer personas. As you do this, think about all the factors that are involved in your target customers’ path to purchase, from general awareness and growing need to the final motivation that pushes them to commit. You'll also want to consider what their pain points may be and the barriers that may prevent them from buying. Next, develop a marketing strategy that aligns with your target customers' needs and outlines how and where you'll reach them. It may also be helpful to gather and respond to customer feedback to ensure the value propositions in your campaigns are aligned with customer expectations. These insights can help you refine your messaging, resulting in increased response and retention rates. Use the right data to extend relevant credit offers When you send credit offers, you want to ensure they're reaching the right prospects at the right time. You also want to make sure these credit offers are relevant to the consumers that receive them. That's where quality data comes in. By optimizing your data-driven customer segmentation, you can develop timely and personalized credit offers to boost response rates. For example, you might have a target audience of consumers who are both creditworthy and looking for a new vehicle. Segmenting this audience into smaller groups by demographic, life stage, financial and other factors helps you create credit marketing campaigns that speak to each type of customer as an individual, not just a number. Meet consumers on their preferred channels Nowadays, consumer behavior is more fragmented than ever. This is relevant not just from a demographic point of view, but from the perspective of purchasing behavior. Customer-driven marketing helps you interact with prospects as individuals so that the value propositions they encounter are a true fit for their life situation. For instance, different age groups tend to spend time on different platforms. But why they're on those channels at any particular time matters too. Messaging aimed at prospects in their leisure time should be different from messaging they'll encounter when actively researching potential purchases. Keep up with your customers This is one answer to the question of how to improve customer retention as well. Research demonstrates that it's more cost-effective to keep a customer than to acquire a new one. When you tailor retention efforts with a well-thought-out customer-driven marketing strategy, you're likely to boost retention rates, which in many cases lead to better profits over time. Importance of a customer-driven marketing strategy Putting consumers at the center of credit marketing strategies — and at the center of your business as a whole — is the foundation for personalized experiences that can ultimately increase response rates and customer satisfaction. For more on how your organization can develop an effective customer-driven marketing strategy, learn about our credit marketing solutions.
A funnel describes marketing and sales opportunities because it is the widest at the top and narrowest at the bottom. This is an accurate representation because only a fraction of consumers who enter a sales funnel will become buyers. At the top of the funnel, you find consumers exploring and learning about purchase options. These consumers respond to awareness-based marketing regarding vehicle features or comparisons. They are not typically focused on pricing but rather just learning about options. In the middle of the funnel is where you find customers getting closer to a vehicle purchase. They are evaluating their options, including new versus used, and exploring specific units on consumer sites. These consumers have moved beyond general market awareness and vehicle feature interest and into evaluating what vehicle features meet their needs and what price range and financing options may best suit their budget. During this time, marketing and sales contacts with specific incentives or vehicles of interest-based marketing are effective. Nearing the lower funnel As you near the lower funnel, you will find consumers who are initiating the process with the intent to purchase. These consumers are visiting consumer shopping sites for used vehicle research as well as dealer websites. Used vehicle consumers are visiting Vehicle Detail Pages (VDPs) and viewing vehicle history reports. These lower funnel consumers are exploring trade-in values and trying to put together their vehicle sale and purchase plan. There are many ways lower funnel opportunities interact with the automotive ecosystem. With improvements in digital retailing even when just one small part of the sales process is initiated prior to the consumer visiting the brick-and-mortar store, dealers have an opportunity to capture these lower-funnel consumers. Some effective examples include quick “sell your trade” links or prequalification links on web pages that allow consumers to obtain trade values/trade offers and, in some cases, to get full prequalification for loans. Often these digital retailing features are able to track and communicate to dealers about these lower funnel and fully engaged consumers. Take advantage of lower funnel leads with digital retailing tools As online digital retailing steps become more commonplace, dealers will find themselves leveraging these leads for sales. Utilizing effective, consumer-friendly, and secure functions that allow consumers to access or work through the components of a sale will maximize engagement. Keeping consumers tied to your website during the process can keep them working with your dealership processes. To learn how Experian Automotive can help you gain lower funnel opportunities, contact Mike Costanzo.
In previous posts, I’ve explored the potential ramifications of the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) and how it will impact agency plans such as Medicaid eligibility redeterminations. Many states may have already prepared a risk-based approach to address the unwinding process. States need to balance these plans with onboarding new applicants and maintaining the service levels required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Regardless of the approach, states should look for efficiency in all aspects of the redeterminations process, including aligning pending work with other program recertifications and maximizing the use of available information and tools. What does the end of the PHE mean for state agencies? From the end of the PHE, state agencies will have 12 months to initiate all citizen eligibility renewals and a total of 14 months to complete them. States may begin the unwinding process 60 days prior to the month in which the PHE ends. Many states have already begun Medicaid eligibility redeterminations in an effort to meet this deadline. CMS has provided extensive guidance in their Planning for Resumption document, which state agencies can refer to for full details. Building a proper redeterminations plan Redeterminations plans should verify citizen information with all available information, including residency, age, income, and deceased status. These plans should also support the assessment of identity risk and have the ability to ensure continuous outreach with accurate mailing addresses, phone numbers for calls and texts, email addresses, and assessments of returned mail. CMS guidance encourages states to verify eligibility requirements by mail, email, and other communications channels while minimizing the amount of time and documentation required of beneficiaries. The benefit of standing up this structure? More effective day-forward solutions that can help agencies assess any new and ongoing benefits requests and maintain accurate eligibility lists. How can Experian help? Experian® has a range of products designed to help organizations verify contact information, such as phone numbers and mailing addresses, as well as income and employment. Our exclusive income and employment data can be leveraged incrementally in non-automated verification methods so that individuals not found by other services can be processed quickly via batch processing — minimizing any impact to beneficiaries while improving overall program performance. Our address verification tools provide improved outreach to beneficiaries with the best and most accurate mailing addresses, leveraging the National Change of Address (NCOA) database, as well as phone number information. The phone number information includes a mobile phone indicator, enabling text message outreach. Additionally, Experian can provide email address provisioning to verify or provide email addresses, which creates another path for contact. All of this helps agencies develop better redeterminations plans to manage the end of the PHE, and better process future benefits requests. To learn more about how we can help, visit us or request a call.
Despite economic uncertainty, new-customer acquisition remains a high priority in the banking industry, especially with increasing competition from fintech and big tech companies. For traditional banks, standing out in this saturated market doesn’t just involve enhancing their processes — it requires investing in the future of their business: Generation Z. Explore what Gen Z wants from financial technology and how to win them over in 2023 and beyond: Accelerate your digital transformation As digital natives, many Gen Zers prefer interacting with their peers and businesses online. In fact, more than 70% of Gen Zers would consider switching to a financial services provider with better digital offerings and capabilities.1 With a credit prescreen solution that harnesses the power of digital engagement, you can extend and represent firm credit offers through your online and mobile banking platforms, allowing for greater campaign reach and more personalized digital interactions. READ: Case study: Drive loan growth with digital prescreen Streamline your customer onboarding process With 70% of Gen Z and millennials having already opened an account online, it’s imperative that financial institutions offer a digital onboarding experience that’s quick, intuitive, and seamless. However, 44% of Gen Z and millennials state that their digital customer experience has been merely average, noting that the biggest gaps exist in onboarding and account opening.2 To improve the onboarding process, consider leveraging a flexible decisioning platform that accepts applications from multiple channels and automates data collection and identity verification. This way, you can reduce manual activity, drive faster decisions, and provide a frictionless digital customer experience. WATCH: OneAZ Credit Union saw a 25% decrease in manual reviews after implementing an integrated decisioning system Provide educational tools and resources Many Gen Zers feel uncertain and anxious about their financial futures, with their top concern being the cost of living. One way to empower this cohort is by offering credit education tools like step-by-step guides, score simulators, and credit alerts. These resources enable Gen Z to better understand their credit and how certain choices can impact their score. As a result, they can establish healthy financial habits, monitor their progress, and gain more control of their financial lives. By helping Gen Z achieve financial wellness, you can establish trust and long-lasting relationships, ultimately leading to higher customer retention and increased revenue for your business. To learn how Experian can help you engage the next generation of consumers, check out our credit marketing solutions. Learn more 1Addressing banking’s key business challenges in 2023.
The rise of the digital channel lead to a rise in new types of fraud – like cryptocurrency and buy now, pay later scams. While the scams themselves are new, they’re based on tried-and-true schemes like account takeover and synthetic identity fraud that organizations have been working to thwart for years, once again driving home the need for a robust fraud solution. While the digital channel is extremely attractive to many consumers due to convenience, it represents a balancing act for organizations – especially those with outdated fraud programs who are at increased risk for fraud. As organizations look for ways to keep themselves and the consumers they serve safe, many turn to fraud risk mitigation. What are fraud risk management strategies? Fraud risk management is the process of identifying, understanding, and responding to fraud risks. Proper fraud risk management strategies involve creating a program that detects and prevents fraudulent activity and reduces the risks associated with fraud. Many fraud risk management strategies are built on five principles: Fraud Risk AssessmentFraud Risk GovernanceFraud PreventionFraud DetectionMonitoring and Reporting By understanding these principles, you can build an effective strategy that meets consumer expectations and protects your business. Fraud risk assessment Fraud protection begins with an understanding of your organization’s vulnerabilities. Review your top risk areas and consider the potential losses you could face. Then look at what controls you currently have in place and how you can dial those up or down to impact both risk and customer experience. Fraud risk governance Fraud risk governance generally takes the form of a program encompassing the structure of rules, practices, and processes that surround fraud risk management. This program should include the fraud risk assessment, the roles and responsibilities of various departments, procedures for fraud events, and the plan for on-going monitoring. Fraud prevention “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This adage certainly rings true when it comes to fraud risk management. Having the right controls and procedures in place can help organizations stop a multitude of fraud types before they even get a foot in the door. Account takeover fraud prevention is an ideal example of how organizations can keep themselves and consumers safe. Fraud detection The only way to stop 100% of fraud is to stop 100% of interactions. Since that’s not a sustainable way to run a business, it’s important to have tools in place to detect fraud that’s already entered your ecosystem so you can stop it before damage occurs. These tools should monitor your systems to look for anomalies and risky behaviors and have a way to flag and report suspicious activity. Monitoring and reporting Once your fraud detection system is in place, you need active monitoring and reporting set up. Some fraud detection tools may include automatic next steps for suspicious activity such as step-up authentication or another risk mitigation technique. In other cases, you’ll need to get a person involved. In these cases it’s critical to have documented procedure and routing in place to ensure that potential fraud is assessed and addressed in a timely fashion. How to implement fraud risk management By adhering to the principles above, you can gain a holistic view of your current risk level, determine where you want your risk level to be, and what changes you’ll need to make to get there. While you might already have some of the necessary tools in place, the right next step is usually finding a trusted partner who can help you review your current state and help you use the right fraud prevention services that fit your risk tolerance and customer experience goals. To learn more about how Experian can help you leverage fraud prevention solutions, visit us or request a call. Learn more
With nearly seven billion credit card and personal loan acquisition mailers sent out last year, consumers are persistently targeted with pre-approved offers, making it critical for credit unions to deliver the right offer to the right person, at the right time. How WSECU is enhancing the lending experience As the second-largest credit union in the state of Washington, Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU) wanted to digitalize their credit decisioning and prequalification process through their new online banking platform, while also providing members with their individual, real-time credit score. WSECU implemented an instant credit decisioning solution delivered via Experian’s Decisioning as a ServiceSM environment, an integrated decisioning system that provides clients with access to data, attributes, scores and analytics to improve decisioning across the customer life cycle. Streamlined processes lead to upsurge in revenue growth Within three months of leveraging Experian’s solution, WSECU saw more members beginning their lending journey through a digital channel than ever before, leading to a 25% increase in loan and credit applications. Additionally, member satisfaction increased with 90% of members finding the simplified process to be more efficient and requiring “low effort.” Read our case study for more insight on using our digital credit solutions to: Prequalify members in real-time at point of contact Match members to the right loan products Increase qualification, approval and take rates Lower operational and manual review costs Read case study
BNPL is a misunderstood form of credit. In fact, many consumers are unaware that it is credit at all and view it simply as a mode of payment. This guide debunks common BNPL myths to explain what BNPL data will mean for lenders and consumers. In the past year, Experian collected more than 130 million buy now, pay later (BNPL) records from four major BNPL fintech lenders and conducted the most comprehensive analysis of BNPL data available today. The results provided valuable insights on: Who are the consumers using BNPL loans? What is the nature of their current mainstream credit relationships? What do their current BNPL behaviors look like? BNPL myth-busting: Who’s using it, how much are they spending and how risky are BNPL loans? Since BNPL launched in the United States in the 2010s, BNPL has exploded into the consciousness of online shoppers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Forrester, Millennials are the biggest adopters of BNPL at 18%, followed by their younger counterparts in Gen Z at 11%.1 But looking at statistics like these without additional analysis could be problematic. The dramatic growth of leading BNPL fintechs such as Klarna, Affirm and Afterpay has demonstrated how strongly these services resonate with consumers and retailers. The growth of BNPL has attracted the attention of established lenders interested in capitalizing on the popularity of these services (while also looking to minimize its impact on their existing services, such as credit cards or personal loans). Meanwhile, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has urged caution about potential risks, calling for more consistent consumer protections market-wide and transparency into consumer debt accumulation and overextension across lenders. The underlying assumptions debated are that BNPL is used: Predominantly by young people with limited incomes and credit history To pay for frequent, low-value purchases using a cheap and readily available source of credit As a result, it is often seen as a riskier form of lending. But are these assumptions correct? Using data from more than 130 million BNPL transactions from four leading BNPL fintech lenders, we’ve obtained a more detailed and comprehensive understanding of BNPL users and their defining features. Our findings look somewhat different to the popular stereotypes. Myth 1: BNPL is used only for low-value purchases According to our analysis, most BNPL purchases, 95 percent are for items costing $300 or less.2 Some of it is low-value, but not all. In fact, we found that the average purchase using BNPL was similar to that of a credit card, at $132.Average transaction sizes have increased 10 percent year-over-year, and we now see BNPL purchases for goods costing well over $1,000. We also see that consumers take out an average of 5 BNPL loans in a year and 23 percent of them have loans with more than one BNPL provider at a time. Myth 2: BNPL is simply an easier payment method Consumers see BNPL as a simple, quick and convenient way to pay. But, as shoppers receive goods for which payment is deferred, it’s also a form of credit. However, unlike short-term high-interest loans, BNPL credit comes at zero cost to the borrower, with some, but not all BNPL fintech providers charging late payment fees – fueling many borrowers’ sense that it’s an easy way to pay, rather than a loan. Myth 3: Only Gen Z shoppers aged 25 and below are using BNPL Younger shoppers are slightly more represented in the data transactions, but our analysis shows consumers of all ages use BNPL. BNPL is going mainstream, and its appeal is widening. The average age of BNPL consumers is 36 years old, with an average credit history of 9 years.2 The ease of use of these services at the checkout means they have a broad appeal. Over half of U.S. adults have reported using a BNPL service at least once. Despite Millennials and Gen Z having used BNPL financing the most, Gen Xers are not too far behind in usage, with 52% having used it.2 We anticipate that in the use of BNPL will continue to grow as more customers become more familiar with the benefits, and the diversification of products continues. Understanding the opportunities this growth presents to both consumers and lenders is critical to protecting their interests. And helping to facilitate access to credit, enabling responsible spending, while also limiting risks and providing services that consumers can afford is also critical. Download the full guide for additional myths we’re exposing We will take a deep dive into what our early data analysis suggests about the market and the BNPL myths our analysis is exposing. Additionally, we will examine: Why BNPL data matters to providers and lenders How BNPL data can improve visibility of consumers’ creditworthiness Ways in which transparency of BNPL data could benefit consumers 1The Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) Opportunity,” Forrester Report, April 29, 2022.2Experian data and analytics derived from 130M+ BNPL transactions
It's easy to ignore a phone call—especially from an unknown number—or delete an email without looking past the subject line. Even physical letters get thrown out without being opened. But nearly everyone will quickly open and read a text. Surveys have repeatedly found text message open rates can range from around 90 to 98 percent. And now, debt collectors that are serious about streamlining operations and connecting with consumers via their preferred channel can integrate text messaging into their process. Learn more Using text messages in debt collection It's been a couple of years since the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) revised Regulation F, which implements the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The ruling was effective starting November 2021 and confirmed that debt collectors could use emails, text messages and other digital communication channels. Businesses in many other industries have been communicating with customers by text for years. At a high level, the changes to Regulation F allow debt collectors to add new outreach methods to their debt collection tools. However, even with the go-ahead to communicate via text, strategy and compliance must be top of mind. WATCH: Webinar: Keeping pace with collections compliance changes The move to digital debt collections Incorporating text messaging could be part of a larger shift toward digitizing operations. Some debt collection agencies are also using artificial intelligence, big data and automation to help verify consumers' contact information, assist call center agents and follow up with consumers. As the Experian 2022 Global Insights Report reports, 81 percent of consumers think more highly of brands if they have a positive online experience with that brand that involves multiple digital touchpoints. And over half of consumers trust organizations that use AI.1 Your website or mobile app is an important starting point. And digital tools, such as chatbots that can answer common questions and virtual negotiators offering payment plans, could be part of that experience. Your automated and manual text message outreach could also be increasingly important in the coming years. The benefits of debt collection text messages A text message strategy can be part of an omnichannel approach, and it offers debt collectors a few distinct benefits: Get direct access to consumers who will likely see and read your messages. Allow consumers to respond and ask questions via a channel that may be easier or more comfortable for them than a phone call. Start a two-way dialogue and build rapport. Save time by texting multiple consumers simultaneously and automating responses to common questions. However, collection agencies also need to beware of the potential drawbacks. Consumers might see your texts as a nuisance if you frequently send messages or if you're messaging people who truly can't afford a payment right now. Many consumers are also rightly wary of scammers texting them and asking them to click on a link. You'll want to carefully think through your messaging strategy. Starting by getting consent to send a text message while you're on the phone or when the consumer fills out a form online—and then immediately sending a text with an opt-in—can help overcome this potential barrier. How to leverage debt collection text messages Sending payment requests via text to consumers who have a high propensity to repay, and including a link to self-service payment portals, could offer a quick and easy win. However, it may be best to think through how you'll use text messaging to optimize your outreach rather than replace other communication channels. WATCH: Webinar: Adapting to the new collections landscape Perhaps you've spoken directly with someone and helped them set up a payment plan. You could now use automated texts to remind them of upcoming payment due dates and thank them for their payments. It's a simple way to test the water without sending debt collection-related messages that may fall under stricter regulatory requirements. Staying compliant while texting As part of a highly regulated industry, debt collection agencies must consider compliance. And it's especially important to consider when trying new technology that directly interacts with consumers. Laws and rulings may change, and it's important to consult your counsel before making any decisions or implementing a text message strategy. However, at a high level, the Regulation F requires debt collectors to: Prioritize capturing consent.You must obtain direct consent from a consumer or indirect consent from an original creditor that got the consumer's consent. The initial communication before sending a text or email must be written. Debt collectors that use specific procedures for obtaining consent may receive safe harbor protections against inadvertent disclosures to third parties. Make opting out easy. You must send consumers a clear and conspicuous opt-out notice and offer them a reasonable and simple method to opt out of text messaging or other electronic communications. Debt collectors must identify when they receive an opt-out request, even if the request doesn't follow their specific instructions. For example, if a consumer sends “end," you may need to recognize that as an opt-out even if your opt-out instructions tell them to send “stop." Continue complying with FDCPA harassment guidelines. There's no specific federal limit on how often you can text consumers. However, you'll still need to comply with the FDCPA's general rules regarding harassment and contacting consumers at convenient times. In general, you may want to send texts between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. local time (for the consumer), unless they request a different time. Limiting how many texts you send can also improve consumers' experiences and may lead to better long-term results. Reconfirm consent every 60 days. Even if consumers don't opt out, the implied or expressed consent you received could only be valid for 60 days. To continue texting a consumer, you may need to have them reconfirm their consent or use a complete and accurate database to confirm that their phone number was not reassigned.2 You may also be subject to more stringent state or local laws. For instance, Washington State laws might prohibit debt collectors from sending more than two texts in a day.3 And Washington, D.C. forbids debt collectors from initiating communications with consumers via written or electronic communications (including text messages) during and for at least 60 days following a public health emergency. READ: A Digital Debt Collection Future: Maximizing Collections and Staying Compliant Partnering with Experian Experian offers access to vast data sources, skip tracing tools for collections and advanced analytical capabilities that help debt collectors move into the digital age. From optimizing outreach with the AI-driven PowerCurve® Collection to verifying real-time phone ownership using Phone Number ID™ with Contact Monitor™, you can integrate the latest technology while remaining compliant. You can then decide the best ways to use text messages, or other electronic communication methods, to make profitable decisions and maximize recovery rates. Learn more about Experian's debt collection solutions. ¹Experian. (April 2022). Experian 2022 Global Insights Report ²Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. (2023). 1006.6 Communications in connection with debt collection. ³Washington State Legislator. (2023). RCW 19.16.250 Prohibited practices
Dealers are always looking for reasons to connect with consumers. From back-to-school or graduation specials to holiday offers, dealers leverage seasonal and routine aspects of daily life to connect with consumers. Tax season offers a unique annual opportunity to position your vehicles and dealership for purchase by a consumer expecting a tax refund. In many cases, even consumers not receiving a hefty tax refund will be receptive to the tax time message. With the right strategy, message, and audience, you can market to consumers who are a few thousand dollars richer! Consider a tax refund match program Even if you are not in a position to offer consumers extraordinary sales offers, you may be able to create some special dealership-level seasonal offers that take your tax refund message to the next level. For example, offering a Tax Refund match program that offers consumers a discount off a vehicle matching the tax refund applied as a down payment would surely make your dealership stand out! Target consumers with service incentives What about consumers who did not expect refunds or have already spent them? Perhaps offering service incentives such as offering free tax filing software with the purchase of a prepaid service plan would be appealing. Or simply incentivize consumers to receive a discount coupon book during tax season to lighten the burden tax season brings.Tax season often sets the stage for the spring and summer vehicle sales season. Setting the stage by offering service incentives and tax refund matching programs creates rapport with your consumers that you can build upon. Start developing more effective marketing strategies The Experian Marketing Engine (EME) gives dealers and agencies the ability to build effective marketing plans by providing comprehensive market analysis along with powerful audience list creation. Tax time is just one of many messages dealers can deploy utilizing EME's solutions. At Experian Automotive, we leverage our world-class data set to give our dealer and agency clients unparalleled information to market effectively. If you find this topic interesting, you should read one of our others blogs, How to Effectively Use Audiences for Traditional and Online Marketing.
Experian Automotive has just released electric vehicle data insights in our 2022 Electric Vehicle Year In Review infographic.
There’s an undeniable link between economic and fraud trends. During times of economic stress, fraudsters engage in activities specifically designed to target strained consumers and businesses. By layering risk management and fraud prevention tools, your organization can manage focus on growing safely. Download infographic Review your fraud strategy
A data-driven customer experience certainly has a nice ring, but can your organization deliver on the promise? What we're really getting at is whether you can provide convenience and personalization throughout the customer journey. Using data to personalize the customer journey About half of consumers say personalization is the most important aspect of their online experience. Forward-thinking lenders know this and are working to implement digital transformations, with 87 percent of business leaders stating that digital acceleration has made them more reliant on quality data and insights. For many organizations, lack of data isn't the issue — it's collecting, cleaning and organizing this data. This is especially difficult if your departments are siloed or if you're looking to incorporate external data. What's more, you would need the capabilities to analyze and execute the data if you want to gain meaningful insights and results. LEARN: Infographic: Automated Loan Underwriting Journey Taking a closer look at two important parts of the customer journey, here's how the right data can help you deliver an exceptional user experience. Prescreening To grow your business, you want to identify creditworthy consumers who are likely to respond to your credit offers. Conversely, it's important to avoid engaging consumers who aren't seeking credit or may not meet your credit criteria. Some of the external data points you can incorporate into a digital prescreening strategy are: Core demographics: Identify your best customers based on core demographics, such as location, marital status, family size, education and household income. Lifestyle and financial preferences: Understand how consumers spend their time and money. Home and auto loan use: Gain insight into whether someone rents or owns a home, or if they'll likely buy a new or used vehicle in the upcoming months. Optimized credit marketing strategies can also use standard (and custom) attributes and scores, enabling you to segment your list and create more personalized offers. And by combining credit and marketing data, you can gain a more complete picture of consumers to better understand their preferred channels and meet them where they are. CASE STUDY: Clear Mountain Bank used Digital Prescreen with Micronotes to extend pre-approved offers to consumers who met their predetermined criteria. The refinance marketing campaign generated over $1 million in incremental loans in just two months and saved customers an average of $1,615. Originations Once your precise targeting strategy drives qualified consumers to your application, your data-driven experience can offer a low-friction and highly automated originations process. Alternative credit data: Using traditional and alternative credit data* (or expanded FCRA-regulated data), including consumer-permissioned data, allows you to expand your lending universe, offer more favorable terms to a wider pool of applicants and automate approvals without taking on additional risk. Behavioral and device data: Leveraging behavioral and device data, along with database verifications, enables you to passively authenticate applicants and minimize friction. Linked and digital applications: Offering a fully digital and intuitive experience will appeal to many consumers. In fact, 81 percent of consumers think more highly of brands after a positive digital experience that included multiple touchpoints. And if you automate verifications and prefill applications, you can further create a seamless customer experience. READ: White paper: Getting AI-driven decisioning right in financial services Personalization depends on persistent identification The vast majority (91 percent) of businesses think that improving their digital customer journey is very important. And rightly so: By personalizing digital interactions, financial institutions can identify the right prospects, develop better-targeted marketing campaigns and stay competitive in a crowded market. DOWNLOAD: A 5-Step Checklist for Identifying Credit-Active Prospect To do this, you need an identity management platform that enables you to create a single view of your customer based on data streams from multiple sources and platforms. From marketing to account management, you can use this persistent identity to inform your decisions. This way, you can ensure you're delivering relevant interactions and offers to consumers no matter where they are. WATCH: Webinar: Omnichannel Marketing - Think Outside the Mailbox Personalization offers a win-win Although they want personalization, only 33 percent of consumers have high confidence in a business' ability to recognize them repeatedly.4 To meet consumer expectations and remain competitive, you must deliver digital experiences that are relevant, seamless, and cohesive. Experian Consumer View helps you make a good first impression with consumer insights based on credit bureau and modeled data. Enrich your internal data, and use segmentation solutions to further refine your target population and create offers that resonate and appeal. You can then quickly deliver customized and highly targeted campaigns across 190 media destinations. From there, the Experian PowerCurve® Originations Essentials, an automated decisioning engine, can incorporate multiple external and internal data sources to optimize your strategy. *Disclaimer: When we refer to “Alternative Credit Data," this refers to the use of alternative data and its appropriate use in consumer credit lending decisions, as regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Hence, the term “Expanded FCRA Data" may also apply in this instance and both can be used interchangeably.