

Good job, check. Shared interests, check. Chemistry, check. He seems like a perfect 10. Both of you enjoy your first date and while getting ready for the second, you dare to imagine that turning into another and another, and possibly happily ever after. Then one decidedly unromantic question comes to mind: What is his credit score? Reviewing a potential partner’s credit score and report is important to many singles who are looking for lasting love. According to, 42 percent of Millennials said that knowing someone’s credit score would affect their desire to date them, slightly more than 40 percent of Gen Xers and 41 percent of Baby Boomers. They may be on to something. Research shows that knowing someone’s credit history and sense of financial responsibility could save people time – and potential heartache. A UCLA study about money and love shows a very strong link between high credit scores and long-lasting relationships. People with drastically different credit scores may experience more financial stress down the road, placing a burden on a relationship. An Experian report reveals 60 percent of people believe it’s important for their future spouse to have a good credit score, and 25 percent of people from the UCLA study were willing to leave a partner with poor credit before marriage so they aren’t held back. While that three-digit number doesn't tell a person’s whole financial story, it can reveal financial habits that could impact your life. Banks are wary of making loans to borrowers with tarnished scores, typically 660 and below. A low score could quash dreams of buying a home, and result in steep interest rates, up to 29 percent, for credit cards, car financing and other unsecured loans. A mid-range credit score can also hurt an application for an apartment and drive up the cost of mobile phone plans and auto insurance. Eight states have passed laws limiting employers’ ability to use credit checks when assessing job candidates, yet 13 percent of employers surveyed by the Society of Human Resource Management performed credit checks on all job applicants. Talking spending styles and revealing credit scores sooner rather than later in a relationship isn’t necessarily comfortable. But it may help you decide whether you have compatible financial outlooks and practices.

Published: February 7, 2017 by Guest Contributor

There has been a lot of discussion around the auto loan market regarding delinquency rates in the past year. It is a topic Experian is asked about frequently from clients in regard to what particular economic market behaviors mean for the overall consumer lending. To understand this issue more clearly, I ran a deeper dive on the data from our Q3 Experian-Oliver Wyman Market Intelligence report. There are some interesting, and perhaps concerning, trends in the data for automotive loans and leases. Want Insights on the latest consumer credit trends? Register for our 2016 year-end review webinar. Register now Auto loan delinquency rates are at their highest mark since 2008 The findings indicate that the performance of the most recent loans opened from Q4 2015 are now performing as poorly as the loans from the credit crisis back in 2008. In fact, you have to go back to 2008, and in some cases, 2007, to see loan default rates as poorly as the Q4 2015 auto loans originated in the last year. Below we have the auto loan vintage performance for loans originated in Q4 of the last 8 years — going back to 2008. The lines on the chart each represent 60 days late or more (60+) delinquency rates over specific time period grades. For these charts, I analyzed the first three, six, and nine months from the loan origination date. As you can see, the rates of delinquency have steadily increased in recent years, with the increase in the Q4 2015 loans opened equaling or even surpassing 2008 levels. The above chart reflects all credit grades, so one might think that this change is a result of the change in the credit origination mix. By digging a little deeper into the data, we can control for the VantageScore® credit score at the loan opening, or origination date, and review performance by looking at two different score segments separately. Is there concern for Superprime and Prime consumers auto loans? In the chart immediately below, the same analysis as above has been conducted, but only for trades originated by Superprime and Prime consumers at the time of origination. You can see that although the trend is not as pronounced as when all grades are considered, even these tiers of consumers are showing significant increases in their 60+ days past due (DPD) rates in recent vintages. Separately, looking at the Subprime and Deep Subprime segments, you can really see the dramatic changes that have occurred in the performance of recent auto vintages. Holding score segments constant, the data indicates a rate of credit deterioration in the Subprime and Deep Subprime segments that we have not observed since at least 2008 — back to when we started tracking this data. What’s concerning here is not only the absolute values of the vintage delinquencies but also the trend, which is moving upward for all three time periods. Where does the risk fall? Now that we see the evidence of the deterioration of credit performance across the credit spectrum, one might ask – who is bearing the risk in these recent vintages? Taking a closer look at the chart below, you can see the significant increase in the volumes of loans across lender type, but particularly interesting to me is the increase in 2016 for the Captive Auto lenders and Credit Unions, who are hitting highs in their lending volumes in recent quarters. If the above trend holds and the trajectory continues, this suggests exposure issues for those lenders with higher volumes in recent months. What does this mean for your business? Speak to Experian's global consulting practice to learn more. Learn more Just to be thorough, let's continue and look at the relative amounts of loans going to the different score segments by each of the lender types. Comparing the lender type and the score segments (below) reveals that finance lenders have a greater than average exposure to the Subprime and Deep Subprime segments. To summarize, although auto lending has recently been viewed as a segment where loan performance is good, relative to historical levels, I believe, the above data signals a striking change in that perspective. Recent loan performance has weakened to a point where comparing the 2008 vintage with 2015 vintage, one might not be able to distinguish between the two. // <![CDATA[ var elems={'winWidth':window.innerWidth,'winTol':600,'rotTol':800,'hgtTol':1500}, updRes=function(){var xAxislabelSize=function(){if(elems.winWidth<elems.winTol){return'12px'}else{return'14px'}},xAxislabelRotation=function(){if(elems.winWidth<elems.rotTol){return-90}else{return 0}},seriesLabelSize=function(){if(elems.winWidth<elems.winTol){return'12px'}else{return'16px'}},legenLabelSize=function(){if(elems.winWidth<elems.winTol){return'12px'}else{return'16px'}},chartHeight=function(){if(elems.winWidth<elems.rotTol){return 600}else{return 400}},labelInside=function(){if(elems.winWidth<elems.rotTol){return false}else{return true}},chartStack=function(){if(elems.winWidth<elems.rotTol){return null}else{return'normal'}};this.sourceRef=function(){return['Source:']};this.seriesColor=function(){return['#982881','#0d6eb6','#26478D','#d72b80','#575756','#b02383']};this.chartFontFamily=function(){return'"Roboto",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'};this.xAxislabelSize=function(){return xAxislabelSize()};this.xAxislabelOverflow=function(){return'none'};this.xAxislabelRotation=function(){return xAxislabelRotation()};this.seriesLabelSize=function(){return seriesLabelSize()};this.legenLabelSize=function(){return legenLabelSize()};this.chartHeight=function(){return chartHeight()};this.labelInside=function(){return labelInside()};this.chartStack=function(){return chartStack()}}(), updY=function(chart){var points=chart.series[0].points;for(var i=0;i elems.rotTol){if(thisWidth<20){var y=points[i].dataLabel.y;y-=10;points[i].dataLabel.css({color:'#575756'}).attr({y:y-thisWidth})}}}},updX=function(chart){var points=chart.series[0].points;for(var i=0;i elems.rotTol){if(thisWidth

Published: February 2, 2017 by Kelly Kent

Personal loans have been booming for the past couple of years with double-digit growth year-over-year. But the party can’t last forever, right? In a recent Experian webinar, experts noted they have seen originations leveling off. In fact, numbers indicate it’s gone from leveled off to a slight year-over-year decline. They projected the first quarter of calendar year 2017 may also be down, but then we’ll see a peak again in the second quarter, which is typical with the seasonality often associated with personal loans. The landscape is changing. A recent data pull revealed a 9-point shift in the average VantageScore® credit score for originations from Q3 to Q4 of 2016. Lenders are digging deeper in order to keep their loan volumes up, and it is definitely a more competitive marketplace. The days where lenders were once able to grow their personal loan business with little effort are gone. Kelley Motley, Experian’s director of analytics, noted some of the personal loan origination volume shifts may be due to the rebound in the housing market and increased housing values, enabling super-prime and prime consumers to now also consider home equity loans and lines of credit, in lieu of personal loans. Still, the personal loan market is healthy. Lenders just need to be smart about their marketing efforts and utilize data to improve their response rates, expand their risk criteria to identify consumers trending upward in the credit ranks, and then retain them as their cash-flow and financial situations evolve. In the presentation, experts revealed a few interesting stats: 67% of those that open a personal installment loan had a revolving trade with a balance >$0 5% of consumer that close a personal loan reopen another within a few months of the original loan closure 68% of consumers that re-open a new personal loan within a short timeframe of closing another personal loan do so with the same company Together, these stats illustrate that individuals are largely leveraging personal loans to consolidate debt or perhaps fund an expense like a vacation or an unexpected event. Once the consumer comes into cash, they’ll pay off the loan, but consider revisiting a personal loan again if their financial situation warrants it. The calendar year Q2 peak has been consistent since the Great Recession. For many consumers, after racking up holiday debt and end-of-year expenses, the bills start coming in during the first quarter. With the high APRs often attached to revolving cards, there is a sense of urgency to consolidate and lock in a more reasonable rate. Others utilize the personal loan to fund weddings, vacations and home improvement projects.  Kyle Matthies, a senior product manager for Experian, reminded participants that most people don’t need your product, so it’s essential to leverage data find those that do. Utilizing propensity score and attributes, as well as tools to dig into ability-to-pay metrics and offer alignment can really fine-tune both an organization’s marketing and retention strategies. To learn more about the current state of personal loans, access our free webinar How lenders can capitalize on the growth in personal loans.

Published: January 26, 2017 by Kerry Rivera

The market is inevitably changing, and while batch and daily alerts are still effective in tackling client and consumer challenges, you are probably seeing more real-time alerts. Perhaps you were at the auto dealership applying for a car loan and you got an instant alert on your mobile app revealing there was an inquiry pulled on your credit report.  Or maybe you applied for a credit card online and instead of waiting for weeks to see if you got approved, you receive notification on the spot. It’s official. We live in a world where we want immediate and instant feedback, communication, and decisions. From a client’s perspective, this means getting a credit-event alert on a customer now vs. 24 hours later. Delays can sometimes mean the difference of losing or retaining a customer. In a recent Experian survey, findings revealed consumers expect to be notified of changes to their credit profile as they occur in real time. In fact, 90 percent of Experian Members said they place a “high value on real-time alerts.” To meet these consumer expectations, clients can consider implementing a trigger solution to offer real-time notifications on inquiries, security alerts and consumer disputes. These triggering events are pushed in real-time as opposed to a 24- to 48-hour turnaround when using standard daily triggers. What are inquiry and security alert triggers? Inquiry triggers cover 13 different industries and also fraud, theft, and active-duty military alerts. They are designed specifically for financial institutions that wish to monitor their existing customer base for account management, and for consumers wanting immediate awareness, education, and protection of their credit. How do real-time triggers work in the consumer dispute process? Dispute updates can be pushed out to the consumer in real-time as opposed to the standard dispute process that takes up to 30 days to receive an update. These triggers also include freeze, thaw and lift alerts pushed in real-time as opposed to the typical 24- to 48-hour turnaround when using standard daily triggers. These alerts are designed specifically for consumers wanting immediate awareness, education, and protection of their credit. Other than the speed of delivery, are there any other differences between daily vs. real-time triggers? Instead of having the files run nightly with the trigger report being sent to the client every morning through a STS delivery method, the real-time events are pushed via Cloud or STS delivery method.  Clients can retrieve these events at their own pace. Implementation time takes around two weeks. Are there additional opportunities to utilize real-time triggers? In addition to real-time inquiry alerts designed for companies to monitor their existing customer base for retention purposes, Experian also offers real-time inquiry alerts for prospecting and marketing purposes. This means financial institutions can identify which consumers are shopping for new credit in real-time.  As a result, immediate firm offers of credit or cross-sell offers could be sent to consumers before it’s too late.

Published: January 25, 2017 by Guest Contributor

When you think of criteria for prescreen credit marketing, what comes to mind? Most people will immediately discuss the risk criteria used to ensure consumers receiving the mailing will qualify for the product offered. Others mention targeting criteria to increase response rates and ROI. But if this is all you’re looking at, chances are you’re not seeing the whole picture. When it comes to building campaigns, marketers should consider the entire customer lifecycle, not just response rates. Yes, response rates drive ROI and can usually be measured within a couple months of the campaign drop. But what happens after the accounts get booked? Traditionally, marketers view what happens after origination as the responsibility of other teams. Managing delinquencies, attrition, and loyalty are fringe issues for the marketing manager, not the main focus. But more and more, marketers must expand their role in the organization by taking a comprehensive approach to credit marketing. In fact, truly successful campaigns will target consumers that build lasting relationships with the institution by using the three pillars of comprehensive credit marketing. Pillar #1: Maximize Response Rates At any point in time, most consumers have no interest in your products. You don’t have to look far to prove this out. Many marketing campaigns are lucky to achieve greater than a 1% response rate. As a result, marketers frequently leverage propensity to open models to improve results. These scores are highly effective at identifying consumers who are most likely to be receptive to your offer, while saving those that are not for future efforts. However, many stop with this single dimension. The fact is no propensity tool can pick out 100% of responders. Layering just a couple credit attributes to a propensity score allows you to swap in new consumers. Simultaneously, credit attributes can identify consumers with high propensity scores that are actually unlikely to open a new account. The net effect is even higher response rates than can be achieved by using a propensity score alone. Pillar #2: Risk Expansion Credit criteria are usually set using a risk score with some additional attributes. For example, a lender may target consumers with a credit score greater than 700 and no derogatory or delinquent accounts reported in the past 12 months. But, most of this data is based on a “snapshot” of the credit profile and ignores trends in the consumer’s use of credit. Consider a consumer who currently has a 690 credit score and has spent the past six months paying down debt. During that time, utilization has dropped from 66% to 41%, they’ve paid off and closed two trades, and balances have reduced from $21,000 to $13,000. However, if you only target consumers with a score greater than 700, this consumer would never appear on your prescreen list. Trended data helps spot how consumers use data over time. Using swap set analysis, you can expand your approval criteria without taking on the incremental risk. Being there when a consumer needs you is the first step in building long-term relationships. Pillar #3: Customer profitability and early attrition There’s more to profitability than just originating loans. What happens to your profitability assumptions when a consumer opens a loan and closes it within a few months? According to recent research by Experian, as many as 26% of prime and super-prime consumers, and 38% of near-prime consumers had closed a personal loan trade within nine months of opening. Further, nearly 32% of consumers who closed a loan early opened a new personal loan trade within a few months. Segmentation can help identify consumers who are likely to close a personal loan early, giving account management teams a head start to try and retain them. As it turns out, many consumers use personal loans as a form of revolving debt. These consumers occasionally close existing trades and open new trades to get access to more cash. Anticipating who is likely to close a loan early allows your retention team to focus on understanding their needs. If you don’t, you’re competition will take advantage through their marketing efforts. Building the strategy Building a comprehensive strategy is an iterative process. It’s critical for organizations to understand each campaign is an opportunity to learn and refine the methodology. Consistently leveraging control and test groups and new data assets will allow the process to become more efficient over time. Importantly, marketers should work closely across the organization to understand broader objectives and pain points. Credit data can be used to predict a range of future behaviors. As such, marketing managers should play a greater role as the gatekeepers to the organization’s growth.

Published: January 19, 2017 by Kyle Matthies

As we enter 2017, it’s no surprise people are buying and selling online and using their mobile devices more than ever. At the close of November, Adobe released its online shopping data from Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the overall holiday season. According to the data, the major November holiday shopping season was driving close to $40 billion in online and mobile revenue alone — a 7.4% increase year-over-year! Every year, we see tremendous growth in spending through online and mobile channels. Interestingly, this pattern is not just indicative of consumer spending and overall market confidence. The consumer pattern also illustrates a clear change in communication preferences — with the ever-present shift toward digital. In general, consumers are interacting more and more through both online and mobile channels for all of their personal needs, including banking and financial services; and the lending community is anxious to continue connecting to consumers where they need them most. No longer is digital communication the “cool thing to do,” but rather it is essential. While Experian’s lending customers still find tremendous success in direct mail prospecting, many financial institutions are preparing to implement an enhanced acquisition strategy in 2017. This strategy includes multi-channel prospecting initiatives to present consumers with preapproved credit offers. In addition to direct mail, our customers are evaluating digital channels such as email, mobile, and other online channels to improve the overall consumer experience and responsiveness. In the latest Digital Banking Report, published in July 2016, email is the top channel financial marketers are turning to for cross-channel marketing after the initial onboarding process (as illustrated in chart 49), but you can see social media and retargeting are rising in the ranks. In Sept., 2016, Experian was named one of the top 100 most innovative companies for a third year by Forbes magazine. A key part of that success was driven by investments in Experian’s Data Lab and Experian Marketing Service’s Audience Engine, which is an audience management platform that changes the way the advertising industry buys and measures media. We are focused on meeting our customers and the consumer where they need us most. Bottom line? As you refine your goals for 2017, the financial services sector should dig deeper when making connections. They must reach consumers where they want to connect – and that means a successful credit marketing strategy will be one that includes both direct mail and digital communications. A new year is the perfect time to re-evaluate those same-old, same-old marketing and acquisition tactics. We're not saying you need to abandon direct mail, but it is certainly time for lenders to complement their direct mail efforts with a savvy digital plan as well. Resolve to do it better in 2017.

Published: January 17, 2017 by Guest Contributor

The holidays are behind us, the presents are unwrapped, resolutions have been made and may already be broken. For many, it’s the most depressing time of the year as the reality of holiday spending settles in. According to the American Consumer Credit Council the average American spends $935 on gifts each holiday season. A recent report by Mintel showed the average consumer held $16,000 in debt at the end of 2015. Now is the time to reach out to consumers who may be suffering from a financial hangover; an Experian study revealed consumers typically look to personal loans for help with credit card debt in the second quarter of each year. What’s the best way to reach these consumers? Direct mail is still one of the most successful paths. Here are four keys to securing new personal loan customers via direct mail marketing: Focus on education: Some of the most successful direct mail campaigns for personal loans in 2015 focused on educating consumers about personal loans first, and then showing options for debt consolidation. Consumers are weary of trusting new lenders, according to Mintel, with 50% viewing them as riskier than banks and credit unions. Marketplace and online lenders should take the extra step of introducing their brand and showing their product as a safe option. Highlight the use of the loan: Consumers generally have a negative attitude toward debt, with 72% feeling uncomfortable holding any type of debt. Stressing that personal loans are a responsible tool for consolidating debt is critical. Some effective campaigns listed the top three reasons to choose a personal loan, while others used customer testimonials to show how a personal loan was used and how they benefited. Provide a competitive comparison: Another way to highlight the benefits of personal loans is by comparing the fixed rates and payments of a personal loan to credit cards. Many consumers consolidate credit card debt to one card immediately after the holidays, according to the Experian study. Simply showing the long-term benefit of a personal loan versus credit card is often enough to trigger action. Personalize the offer: Lenders are delivering more personal, relevant offers that are tailored to the interests of each recipient through the use of the latest personalization technology. For example, highlight the recipient’s specific qualifying loan amount or the qualifying loan rate for which they are eligible. Unsecured loans have experienced growing popularity in the last several years, and originations are poised for a seasonal peak in the coming months. Are you ready?

Published: January 10, 2017 by Guest Contributor

With Detroit’s Motor City being the epicenter of the North American automotive manufacturing industry, that detail should come as no surprise. Furthermore, a recent analysis of Experian data showed that of the nearly 12.6 million consumers who returned to market to purchase a new vehicle, 60.9 percent remained loyal to their brand. Consumers going from a Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) vehicle to another CPO vehicle from the same original equipment manufacturer (OEM) showed even higher loyalty rates at 75 percent. Seeing as how pre-owned vehicle purchases are on the rise, and becoming more and more popular among consumers across all credit risk tiers, it isn’t unexpected to see higher loyalty rates in the CPO category. CPO vehicles are an attractive option for both auto manufacturers and consumers. Auto manufacturers continue to increase sales through higher rates of lease penetration, then channel these off-lease vehicles into certified pre-owned fleets. In essence, they are controlling both supply and demand of their off-lease used vehicles and building an amazingly loyal customer base. By understanding these loyalty rates, manufacturers, dealers and resellers are able to make smarter decisions that create more opportunities for themselves and in-market consumers. Buying a CPO vehicle can also give consumers an extra layer of confidence when making a purchasing decision because of the multi-point inspections included in the manufacturer’s program. Now, what about Michigan you ask? Well, if you are a Michiganian, you are 63 percent more likely to remain loyal to your particular brand of car. The analysis showed North Dakota (62.4 percent) and South Dakota (61.4 percent) round out the top three states with the most brand-loyal consumers. But, regardless of home state, which brands do consumers choose time and time again? Well, for overall brand loyalty including all purchase types, Tesla ranked highest, with 70.3 percent of Tesla owners choosing to buy another. Subaru was second, with 65.9 percent of its owners coming back, followed by Ford at 65 percent, Toyota at 63.5 percent and Mercedes-Benz at 63.1 percent. Other findings: CUV/SUV owners were most loyal when returning to market, with 69.6 percent returning to buy another CUV/SUV, followed by pickup owners (59.6 percent), sedan owners (58.4 percent), minivan owners (33.2 percent) and hatchback owners (29.4 percent). CPO owners choosing to purchase another CPO vehicle, were loyal to: Ford, 84.6% Mercedes-Benz, 82.8% Honda, 81.9% Toyota, 81.6% Lincoln, 78.1% CPO owners that chose to buy a new vehicle, were loyal to: Kia, 65% Ford, 63.5% Toyota, 63.1% Honda, 60.5% Chevrolet, 58.4% To find out more about Experian Automotive’s research into the automotive marketplace, visit

Published: January 5, 2017 by Brad Smith

Using digital technology like a big bank How was your holiday? Are the chargebacks rolling in yet? It’s no secret - digital technology like mobile device usage has increased significantly over the years, making it a breeding ground for fraudsters. As credit unions continue to grow their membership, their fraud security treatments need to grow as well. Bigger banks are constantly updating their fraud tools and strategies to fight against cybercrime and, therefore, fraudsters are setting their eyes on credit unions. Even as I write this, fraudsters are searching and targeting credit unions that don’t have their mobile channel secured. They attempt to capitalize on any weakness or opportunity: Registering stolen cards to mobile wallets Taking over an account via mobile banking apps Using a retailers’ mobile app to make fraudulent payments Disabling the SIM card in the victim’s phone and diverting the one-time password sent through text message to their own phones These are clever ways to commit fraud. But credit unions are becoming wise to these new threats and are serious about protecting their members. They are incorporating device intelligence with a solid identity authentication service. This multi-layered approach is essential to securing mobile channels, and protecting your Credit Union from chargebacks. To learn more about our fraud solutions, click here.

Published: January 5, 2017 by Guest Contributor

Experian shares five trends and twists coming over the next 12 months, that could push new boundaries and in many cases improve the customer experience as it pertains to the world of credit and finance.

Published: January 4, 2017 by Kerry Rivera

Experian’s latest Market Trends and Loyalty report shows that for the first time in history, cars with four-cylinder engines have outpaced any other light-duty vehicle type on the road. That’s because the auto industry has been hard at work the past two decades improving both power and fuel efficiency of its engines. Auto manufacturers have been given aggressive fuel efficiency targets (54.5 mpg by 2025), but still need to meet consumer demand for performance. The net result is today’s average four-cylinder engine (188.1 hp) actually has more horsepower than the average V8 from 20 years ago (188 hp). It has helped four-cylinder engines become the most prominent engine type on the road, according to Experian Automotive Vehicles in Operation (VIO) database. Of the vehicles on the road, 37.7 percent are being powered by a four-cylinder engine, compared to 37.6 percent of six-cylinder engines. The top five vehicles at both the VIO and registration levels shows that all but one have four-cylinder engines. Top segments Total VIO Q3 vehicle registrations 1.       Full-size pickup 1.       Entry-level CUV 2.       Standard midrange car 2.       Full-size pickup 3.       Small economy car 3.       Small economy car 4.       Lower midrange car 4.       Standard midrange car 5.       Entry-level CUV 5.       Lower midrange car The four-cylinder VIO market share growth will continue in the future. In 2016, for example, four-cylinder engines accounted for 54.2 percent of all engines in new vehicles sold. It is the fifth consecutive year that four-cylinder engines had more than 50 percent market share. Market share for six-cylinder engines has dropped from 32.5 percent in 2012 to 29.7 percent in 2016, while eight-cylinder engines have dropped from 16.1 percent to 12.1 percent.

Published: December 20, 2016 by Guest Contributor

As 2016 comes to a close, many in the financial services industry are trying to assess the impact the Trump administration and Republican controlled Congress will have on regulatory issues. Answers to these questions may be clearer after President-elect Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20. However, those in the federal regulatory environment are already exploring oversight and regulation of the FinTech and marketplace lending sector. Warning on alternative credit risk models Inquiries by federal and state policymakers over the past year have centered on how FinTech and marketplace lenders are assessing credit risk. In particular, regulators have asked about how credit models different from traditional credit scoring models and what, if any, new attributes or data are being incorporated into credit risk models for consumers and small businesses. On Dec. 2, Federal Reserve Governor Lael Brainard signaled that policymakers continue to be interested in this area during a wide-ranging speech on the potential opportunities and risks associated with FinTech. In particular, Brainard warned that “While nontraditional data may have the potential to help evaluate consumers who lack credit histories, some data may raise consumer protection concerns” and that nontraditional data “… may not necessarily have a broadly agreed upon or empirically established nexus with creditworthiness and may be correlated with characteristics protected by fair lending laws.” Brainard also suggested that there are transparency concerns with alternative scoring models, saying that “alternative credit scoring methods present new challenges that could raise questions of fairness and transparency” given that consumers may not always understand what data is used utilized and how it impacts a consumer’s ability to access credit at an affordable price. Look for regulators and Congress to continue to focus on the fairness and accuracy of new credit risk models and the data underpinning those models in debates surrounding FinTech and Marketplace lending in 2017. A national charter for FinTech? Earlier this month, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) announced that it was considering the creation of a national charter for FinTech lenders. There has long been speculation that the OCC would offer a national charter for FinTech. Analysts have suggested that the creation of a charter could help increase regulatory oversight of the growing market and also provide additional regulatory certainty for the emerging FinTech industry. The OCC’s proposal would create a special purpose national bank charter for FinTech businesses that are engaged in at least one of three core banking activities: receiving deposits; paying checks; or lending money. The OCC will be developing a formal agency policy for evaluating special purpose bank charters for Fintech companies that will designate the specific criteria that companies applying for a charter will have to meet for approval. OCC has suggested that this will likely focus on safety and soundness; financial inclusion; consumer protection; and community reinvestment. The OCC is collecting comments on the proposed policy through Jan. 15, 2017.  

Published: December 20, 2016 by Guest Contributor

You know what I love getting in the mail? Holiday cards, magazines, the occasional picturesque catalog. What I don’t open? Credit card offers, invitations to apply for loans and other financial advertisements. Sorry lenders, but these generally go straight into my shredder. Your well-intentioned efforts were a waste in postage, printing and fulfillment costs, and I’m guessing my mail consumption habits are likely shared by millions of other Americans. I’m a cusper, straddling the X and Millennial generations, and it’s no secret people like me have grown accustomed to living on our mobile devices, shopping online and managing our financial lives digitally. While many retailers have wised up to the trends and shifted marketing dollars heavily into the digital space, the financial services industry has been slow to follow. I’m hoping 2017 will be the year they adapt, because solutions are emerging to help lenders deliver firm offers of credit via email, display, retargeting and even social media platforms. There are multiple reasons to make the shift to digital credit marketing. It’s trackable. The beauty of digital marketing is that it can be tracked much more efficiently over direct mail efforts. You can see if offer emails are opened, if banners are clicked, if forms are completed and how quickly all of this takes place. In short, there are more touchpoints to measure and track, and more insights made available to help with marketing and offer optimization. It’s efficient. A solid digital campaign means you now have more flexibility. And once those assets start to deploy and you begin tracking the results, you can additionally optimize on the fly. Subject line not getting the open rate you want? Test a new one. Banners not getting clicked? Change the creative. A portion of your target audience not responding? Capture that feedback sooner rather than later, and strategize again. With direct mail, the lag time is long. With digital, the intelligence gathering begins immediately. It’s what many consumers want. They are spending 25% of their time on mobile devices. Research has found they check their phones and average 46 times per day. They are bouncing from screen to screen, engaging on desktops, tablets, smartphones, wearables and smart TVs. If you want to capture the eyeballs and mindshare of consumers, financial marketers must embrace the delivery of digital offers. Consumer behaviors have evolved, so must lenders. Sure, there is still a place for direct mail efforts, but it would be wasteful to not embrace the world of digital credit marketing and find the right balance between offline and online. It’s a digital world. It’s time financial institutions join the masses and communicate accordingly.

Published: December 15, 2016 by Kerry Rivera

Regardless of personal political affiliation or opinion, the presidential election is over, and the focus has shifted from debate to the impact the new administration will have on the regulatory landscape for banks. While many questions remain regarding the policy direction of a Trump administration, one thing is near certain: change is on the horizon. While on the campaign trail, Trump took aim at banking regulation: “Dodd-Frank has made it impossible for bankers to function. It makes it very hard for bankers to loan money…for people with businesses to create jobs. And that has to stop.” And in his first post-election interview, Trump outlined named financial industry deregulation to allow “banks to lend again” as a priority. Before Election Day, Experian surveyed members of the financial community about their thoughts on regulatory affairs. An overwhelming majority—85 percent—believed the election outcome would impact the current environment. Most surveyed are also feeling the weight of financial regulations established by the Obama administration in the wake of the severe financial crisis of 2008. Five out of six respondents feel current regulations have placed an undue burden on financial institutions. Three-quarters believe the regulations reduce the availability of credit. And less than half believe the regulations are positive for consumers. According to our survey, complying with Dodd-Frank and other regulations has a financial impact for most, with 76 percent realizing a significant increase in spend since 2008. Personnel and technology spend top the list, with an increase of 78 percent and 76 percent, respectively. Top regulations that require the most resources to ensure compliance: the Dodd-Frank Act (70 percent), Fair Lending Act (55), Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (47) and Fair Credit Reporting Act (42). Specifically, the Dodd Frank and TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure were the two most frequently mentioned regulations requiring additional investment, followed by the Military Lending Act and Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering. What lies ahead? It’s difficult to determine how the Trump administration will tackle banking regulations and policy, but change is in the air.

Published: December 12, 2016 by Guest Contributor

Technology sharing can unlock a more effective strategy in fighting fraud. Experian’s multi-layered and risk-based approach to fraud management is discussed as many businesses are learning that combining data and technology to strengthen their fraud risk strategies can help reduce losses. Evolving fraud schemes, changes in regulatory requirements and the advent of new digital initiatives make it difficult for businesses to manage all of the tools needed to keep up with the relentless pace of change.

Published: December 7, 2016 by Adam Fingersh

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