More home buyers and sellers tend to enter the market in the warmer months, making spring and summer a busy season for mortgage brokers and lenders seeking to close deals and work through the mounds of paperwork associated with a home purchase. In April, the number of existing homes sold shot up 4.9 percent year-over-year, to 471,000 purchases across the United States, according to a recent report from the National Association of Realtors®. And sales were up 11.9 percent in April from March. With the belief that mortgage rates will finally start to climb in the coming months, fence-sitters will likely make a move this summer in order to capitalize on attractive rates, creating a healthy home-buying season. On average, it takes 45 days to close a home loan, and anyone going through that process will admit the process can cause stress, anxiety and uncertainty. In fact, a recent study ranked buying a home as the No. 1 most stressful experiences in modern life with 69 percent calling it “stressful.” There are so many tollgates along the journey. Will the consumer qualify for a mortgage? Will the home appraise at the right price? Does the home pass inspection? Are there contingencies that can suddenly halt the sale? Will the seller or buyer get cold feet and send weeks of work down the drain? Of course there are many factors people can’t control as they seek to land their next home, but there are ways both the consumer and lender can work together to smooth out the process and endure the average 45-day closing period. Getting pre-approved for a home loan is obviously the ideal, with consumers understanding their credit score, existing financial obligations and the type of loan they can qualify for, as well as money required at closing. Increasingly, borrowers know the impact credit can have on their home-buying experience. A 2016 Experian study revealed: 93 percent of consumers reported “one’s credit score is important in purchasing a home” 48 percent stated “they are working to improve their credit to qualify for a better home rate” 34 percent of future first-time buyers say “their credit might hurt their ability to purchase a home” In this competitive market, low fees and interest rates drive consumers’ business. However, credit circumstances such as high debt-to-income ratios, too many open trades, or high balances may inhibit lenders or mortgage brokers from offering favorable terms, or even approving a loan altogether. In these scenarios, consumers may qualify for better loan terms simply by paying down debt. Lenders or brokers can assist their customer in rapidly refreshing, re-scoring, or correcting information on their credit report in one to two business days. This step can obviously help consumers, but also benefit lenders by retaining credit applicants before they pursue competitive offerings. Occasionally errors may pop up on a consumer’s credit report – an outdated trade line or inaccuracy – which can also impact the home-buying process. Consumers have the ability to file a dispute with the credit bureaus or their lender directly, and those disputes must be addressed within 30 days. However, if a loan process is already underway, mortgage brokers and lenders can help expedite the process by using a product like Experian’s Express Request™ to facilitate dispute resolution in 48 hours. Quickly addressing an inaccuracy benefits the home buyer, but also the lender who is likely working to close a number of loans during the busy spring and summer months. Without a doubt, the documentation process surrounding a home purchase is intense, but if all parties come to the table quickly with the requested items and verification, the process can be smoother. And then the stress can turn to scheduling moving vans and packing …
Part 2 in our series on Insights from the Vision 2016 fraud and identity track With the growing number of data breach incidents taking place the stolen data from those attacks is being used to carry out social engineering attacks used to commit call center fraud. A recent study stated that global call center fraud has increased more than 45% in the last three years as fraudsters use social engineering to steal data and turn profits. The same report found that criminals might make up to 5 calls to a center, pretending to be the victim, before completing a fraudulent transaction. The importance of strong call center authentication procedures is greater than ever. At the 35th annual Vision Conference, Bobbie Paul from Experian’s Global Consulting Practice, Stefan Schubert from JPMorgan Chase and I led a session about call center authentication. After introductions and a discussion about existing call center identity authentication techniques, Stefan took the podium and provided an excellent overview of how his company approaches call center authentication. He made an interesting point — despite introducing friction into his process, he was not of the opinion that knowledge-based authentication (KBA) was going away any time soon because of how deeply it is embedded into their processes and its applicability to most consumers. He also called out the importance of reviewing KBA configurations regularly to adjust which questions are being asked and the positive implication to deterring fraudsters. Bobbie followed Stefan to discuss emerging call center authentication technologies, including a new take on an old tool — document imaging. She also discussed the notion of phone printing, which does not specifically evaluate the voice on the phone, but looks at the characteristics of the call itself, including the type of phone being used and the environment from which the call is being made. One of the highlights of the session was the interaction with the audience — including a demonstration of how, with a little distraction, it was easy to walk away with an audience member’s phone, how a fraudster could access and compromise a phone and how a gummy bear could be used to defeat fingerprint biometrics. What I, and many others, took away from this is that even with newer fraud detection tools available, incorporating tried-and-true methods like KBA is still an important step into a holistic fraud detection strategy.
Industry’s first smart plug-and-play fraud platform allows companies to connect their own solutions, Experian products and third-party vendors in one place to better protect their customers from fraud threats Experian unveiled the fraud and identity industry’s first open platform designed to catch fraud faster, improve compliance and enhance the customer experience. Experian’s CrossCore™ gives companies an easier way to connect any new or existing tools and systems in one place, whether they are Experian, internal or third-party partner solutions. This “plug-and-play” capability allows companies to rapidly adapt to changing conditions and risks. “Our clients have expressed frustration over the lack of a truly holistic industry solution that delivers the level of confidence and control they need without requiring a massive multiyear project to replace everything they have,” said Steve Platt, global executive vice president, Fraud and Identity, Experian. “New fraud threats, updates to regulatory requirements and customer expectations for a hassle-free experience are making it challenging for fraud and compliance teams to keep up. CrossCore will give them the flexibility they need to balance customer protection with customer experience.” The CrossCore open platform enables organizations to manage services through a common access point that supports a layered approach to managing risks across providers. CrossCore includes powerful workflow and strategy design capabilities that allow fraud and compliance teams to create and adapt strategies based on evolving threats and business needs. This helps them to respond more quickly and reduces the burden on IT. Fraud and compliance teams must constantly respond to new fraud threats and changing regulatory requirements by implementing new tools on top of existing solutions. “A layered approach is imperative, because fraudsters can break through each layer individually, but they will face greater barriers with each additional layer imposed,” said Avivah Litan, vice president and distinguished analyst, Security and Privacy, of Gartner.[1] Over time, as layers have been added and fortified, systems have become increasingly complex, expensive to integrate and difficult to manage, often increasing customer friction. A key feature of the CrossCore fraud platform is the ease of integration with third-party partner solutions. At launch, CrossCore will support fraud and identity services provided by third-party partners, including Acxiom® (Identity Solutions), TeleSign and many others already integrated with Experian solutions, with more being added to the platform. Previously, integrating third-party solutions required tremendous time and effort, which often challenged in-house teams to execute in a timely, efficient manner. Through CrossCore, the responsibility of integrating additional tools and systems moves away from those teams to the platform itself, enabling clients to select best-in-class solutions from multiple providers without creating a strain on resources. Al Pascual, senior vice president, research director and head of fraud & security for Javelin, said, “There are so many great niche solutions to work with, and new ones come out almost every day. To really have a world-class approach, the client has to put all those little things together, because there never will be one vendor who does it all. The market challenge is about how to make it faster and easier to bring things together to enable a more dynamic and fluid approach to managing risk.” CrossCore features Common access through a flexible API connects disparate systems to improve risk controls while reducing integration cost and complexity An open approach enables clients to connect and optimize a portfolio of best-in-class solutions across Experian, third-party services and existing systems Powerful strategy design and workflow decisioning functions enable fraud and compliance teams to apply services in any combination to get the level of confidence required A modern Software as a Service (SaaS) architecture provides scalability and the ability to make strategy changes dynamically with no down time Experian, which offers fraud and identity services in more than 44 countries, developed CrossCore to address the widespread market need consistently expressed by its clients for a faster, easier way to get more out of their existing systems and add new tools to improve their customers’ experience while minimizing risk. Companies can begin accessing CrossCore immediately, with the ability to turn on Experian services through a single integration, connect their own fraud and identity capabilities with a common API and turn on new services as they are added. The initial release includes key Experian products: FraudNet for Account Opening; Hunter®, for application fraud detection; Prove-ID, for international identity verification; and Precise ID®, for U.S. identity verification, including knowledge-based authentication. (KBA). Third-party fraud and identity service providers can engage with CrossCore to connect their services. “Now, companies can implement a new approach to managing fraud and identity services — one that will give them greater control over their risk exposure and enable them to provide a safer and more enjoyable experience for their customers,” added Platt. Learn more about CrossCore at [1]Gartner, Identity Proofing Revisited as Data Confidentiality Dies, Avivah Litan, Dec. 12, 2013; last reviewed on April 28, 2015
Last week we had the pleasure of joining more than 400 clients at the 35th annual Vision Conference — connecting business leaders to ideas and solutions. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing some insights from our fraud and identity dedicated session track. I had the pleasure of presenting alongside the U.S. Secret Service, and we had a packed session to discuss the Dark Web — what it is, how it’s accessed, how criminals are exploiting it to commit fraud and the human impact of the massive global cybercrime problem. According to McAfee®, cybercrime represents a $500 billion cost to the global economy — and that’s projected to rise to $600 billion this year, outpacing any other form of crime. With the Internet economy generating between $2 trillion and $3 trillion annually, that means cybercrime is extracting roughly 15 to 20 percent of the entire value created by the Internet. This is a massive problem, and it’s not going away. Unfortunately, there are countless tools and services to commit fraud available on the Web, providing attackers with the cloak of anonymity they need to compromise accounts, mimic legitimate users and submit fraudulent transactions. Device intelligence helps unmask these activities. It is a critical component to defend against the threat, and it provides insight into every interaction throughout a typical customer journey (from account setup to login and account maintenance to transactions). Without this visibility into users’ historical behavior and typical population patterns, organizations often have limited options to target attackers and identify anomalous behaviors. This is key to a successful cybercrime detection and mitigation strategy. Another important point in the session regarded recent law enforcement and private industry successes in identifying, tracking, apprehending and prosecuting online attackers. We thankfully have made significant strides in this area, as evidenced by the work of the Secret Service and other law enforcement organizations, but the collaboration must continue — and intensify. As mentioned in a CNBC story published on the same day as our presentation, the Dark Web is an increasingly mainstream source for everything from financial crime to drug trade and human trafficking. Unfortunately, most businesses are in the dark about the growing criminal underground, but Experian can help. With proper fraud expertise and innovative tools to defend against these ever-evolving threats, organizations can uncloak the attackers and safeguard the business.
False declines are often unwarranted and occur due to lack of customer information Have you ever been shopping online, excited to get your hands on the latest tech gadget, only to be hit with the all-too-common disappointment of a credit card decline? Whom did you blame? The merchant? The issuer? The card associations? The answer is probably all of the above. False declines like the situation described above provoke an onslaught of consumer emotions ranging from shock and dismay to frustration and anger. Of course, consumers aren’t the only ones negatively impacted by false declines. Many times card issuers lose their coveted “top of wallet” position and/or retailers lose revenue when customers abandon the purchase altogether. False declines are unpleasant for everyone, yet consumers struggle with this problem every day — and fraud controls are only getting tighter. How does the industry mutually resolve this growing issue? The first step is to understand why it occurs. Most false declines happen when the merchant or issuer mistakenly declines a legitimate transaction due to perceived high risk. This misperception is usually the result of the merchant or issuer not having enough information to verify the authenticity of the cardholder confidently. For example, the consumer may be a first-time customer or the purchase may be a departure from the card holder’s normal pattern of transaction activity. Research shows that lack of a holistic view and no cross-industry transaction visibility result in approximately $40 billion of e-commerce declines annually. Think about this for a minute — $40 billion in preventable lost revenue due to lack of information. Merchants’ customer information is often limited to their first-hand information and experience with consumers. To solve this growing problem, Experian® developed TrustInsight™, a real-time engine to establish trusted online relationships over time among consumers, merchants and issuers. It works by anonymously leveraging transactional information that merchants and financial institutions already have about consumers to create a crowd-sourced TrustScore™. This score allows first-time online customers to get a VIP experience rather than a brand-damaging decline. Another common challenge for merchants is measuring the scope of the false declines problem. Proactively contacting consumers, directly capturing feedback and quickly verifying transaction details to recoup potential lost sales are best practices, but merchants are often in the dark as to how many good customers are being turned away. The solution — often involving substantial operational expense — is to hold higher-risk orders for manual review rather than outright declining them. With average industry review rates nearing 30 percent of all online orders (according to the latest CyberSource Annual Fraud Benchmark Report: A Balancing Act), this growing level of review is not sustainable. This is where industry collaboration via TrustInsight™ offers such compelling value. TrustInsight can reduce the review population significantly by leveraging consumers’ transactions across the network to establish trust between individuals and their devices to automate more approvals. Thankfully, the industry is taking note. There is a groundswell of focus on the issue of false declines and their impact on good customers. Traditional, operations-heavy approaches are no longer sufficient. A trust-based industry-consortium approach is essential to enhance visibility, recognize consumers and their devices holistically, and ensure that consumers are impacted only when a real threat is present.
Adam Fingersh, senior vice president and general manager of Experian’s fraud and identity business, shared several fraud prevention strategies that businesses and consumers can use to manage risk and increase security while using Internet-enabled products, also known as the Internet of Things (IoT).
James W. Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist for Wells Capital Management, kicked off the second day of Experian’s Vision 2016, sharing his perspective on the state of the economy and what the future holds for consumers and businesses alike. Paulsen joked this has been “the most successful, disappointing recovery we’ve ever had.” While media and lenders project fear for a coming recession, Paulsen stated it is important to note we are in the 8th year of recovery in the U.S., the third longest in U.S. history, with all signs pointing to this recovery extending for years to come. Based on his indicators – leverage, restored household strength, housing, capital spending and better global growth – there is still capacity to grow. He places recession risk at 20 to 25 percent – and only quotes those numbers due the length of the recovery thus far. “What is the fascination with crisis policies when there is no crisis,” asks Paulsen. “I think we have a good chance of being in the longest recovery in U.S. history.” Other noteworthy topics of the day: Fraud prevention Fraud prevention continues to be a hot topic at this year’s conference. Whether it’s looking at current fraud challenges, such as call-center fraud, or looking to future-proof an organization’s fraud prevention techniques, the need for flexible and innovative strategies is clear. With fraudsters being quick, and regularly ahead of the technology fighting them, the need to easily implement new tools is fundamental for you to protect your businesses and customers. More on Regulatory The Military Lending Act has been enhanced over the past year to strengthen protections for military consumers, and lenders must be ready to meet updated regulations by fall 2016. With 1.46 million active personnel in the U.S., all lenders are working to update processes and documentation associated with how they serve this audience. Alternative Data What is it? How can it be used? And most importantly, can this data predict a consumer’s credit worthiness? Experian is an advocate for getting more entities to report different types of credit data including utility payments, mobile phone data, rental payments and cable payments. Additionally, alternative data can be sourced from prepaid data, liquid assets, full file public records, DDA data, bill payment, check cashing, education data, payroll data and subscription data. Collectively, lenders desire to assess someone’s stability, ability to pay and willingness to repay. If alternative data can answer those questions, it should be considered in order to score more of the U.S. population. Financial Health The Center for Financial Services Innovation revealed insights into the state of American’s financial health. According to a study they conducted, 57 percent of Americans are not financially healthy, which equates to about 138 million people. As they continue to place more metrics around defining financial health, the center has landed on four components: how people plan, spend, save and borrow. And if you think income is a primary factor, think again. One-third of Americans making more than $60k a year are not healthy, while one-third making less than $60k a year are healthy. --- Final Vision 2016 breakouts, as well as a keynote from entertainer Jay Leno, will be delivered on Wednesday.
It’s impossible to capture all of the insights and learnings of 36 breakout sessions and several keynote addresses in one post, but let’s summarize a few of the highlights from the first day of Vision 2016. 1. Who better to speak about the state of our country, specifically some of the threats we are facing than Leon Panetta, former Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA. While we are at a critical crossroads in the United States, there is room for optimism and his hope that we can be an America in Renaissance. 2. Alex Lintner, Experian President of Consumer Information Services, conveyed how the consumer world has evolved, in large part due to technology: 67 percent of consumers made purchases across multiple channels in the last six months. More than 88M U.S. consumers use their smartphone to do some form of banking. 68 percent of Millennials believe within five years the way we access money will be totally different. 3. Peter Renton of Lend Academy spoke on the future of Online Marketplace Lending, revealing: Banks are recognizing that this industry provides them with a great opportunity and many are partnering with Online Marketplace Lenders to enter the space. Millennials are not the largest consumers in this space today, but they will be in the future. Sustained growth will be key for this industry. The largest platforms have everything they need in place to endure – even through an economic downturn.In other words, Online Marketplace Lenders are here to stay. 4. Tom King, Experian’s Chief Information Security Officer, addressed the crowds on how the world of information security is growing increasingly complex. There are 1.9 million records compromised every day, and sadly that number is expected to rise. What can businesses do? “We need to make it easier to make the bad guys go somewhere else,” says King. 5. Look at how the housing market has changed from just a few years ago: Inventory continues to be extraordinarily lean. Why? New home building continues to run at recession levels. And, 8.5 percent of homeowners are still underwater on their mortgage, preventing them from placing it on the market. In the world of single-family home originations, 2016 projections show that there will be more purchases, less refinancing and less volume. We may see further growth in HELOC’s. With a dwindling number of mortgages benefiting from refinancing, and with rising interest rates, a HELOC may potentially be the cheapest and easiest way to tap equity. 6. As organizations balance business needs with increasing fraud threats, the important thing to remember is that the customer experience will trump everything else. Top fraud threats in 2015 included: Card Not Present (CNP) First Party Fraud/Synthetic ID Application Fraud Mobile Payment/Deposit Fraud Cross-Channel FraudSo what do the experts believe is essential to fraud prevention in the future? Big Data with smart analytics. 7. The need for Identity Relationship Management can be seen by the dichotomy of “99 percent of companies think having a clear picture of their customers is important for their business; yet only 24 percent actually think they achieve this ideal.” Connecting identities throughout the customer lifecycle is critical to bridging this gap. 8. New technologies continue to bring new challenges to fraud prevention. We’ve seen that post-EMV fraud is moving “upstream” as fraudsters: Apply for new credit cards using stolen ID’s. Provision stolen cards into mobile wallet. Gain access to accounts to make purchases.Then, fraudsters are open to use these new cards everywhere. 9. Several speakers addressed the ever-changing regulatory environment. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) litigation is up 30 percent since the last year. Regulators are increasingly taking notice of Online Marketplace Lenders. It’s critical to consider regulatory requirements when building risk models and implementing business policies. 10. Hispanics and Millennials are a force to be reckoned with, so pay attention: Millennials will be 81 million strong by 2036, and Hispanics are projected to be 133 million strong by 2050. Significant factors for home purchase likelihood for both groups include VantageScore® credit score, age, student debt, credit card debt, auto loans, income, marital status and housing prices. More great insights from Vision coming your way tomorrow!
Four Experian employees reflect on financial lessons and challenges learned during their time served in the military. Pedro Martinez, based at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, was earning a monthly salary of just $680 as a Private First Class for the Marine Corps. in 1988. Winter was nearing, and since he was living off base, he needed a heater. “I was able to purchase one with ‘easy credit’ for $15 per month, for 18 months,” said Martinez, now living in Costa Rica. “I ended up paying a lot more than driving to Kmart and getting one there if I had the money. But for the purchase I was able to make at the time, I had to finance it, and I remember the interest rate was almost 40 percent.” Fast forward decades later, and Martinez recalls those same “easy credits” and payday loans surround local bases. Advance paycheck services offering rates of 30 percent and beyond for brief, 15-day cycles abound. While military base consumer advisors can encourage personnel to steer clear, more formal protections have been lacking. Until now. “The Military Lending Act is definitely a great measure to assure a fair consumer treatment, regulate high-interest rates, and safeguard families from going bankrupt,” said Martinez. No one can tell the stories of military life better than those who have lived it. They understand the training, sacrifices, day-to-day grind as well as the experiences of managing life on base and far from home. Financial education is lacking among all consumer groups in the country, and it is easy for a few credit mishaps to take individuals to a place where they soon find themselves struggling to get out of debt and obtain affordable credit. “I witnessed countless friends in the military finance furniture, receive cash advances and take out loans on their cars, which ultimately hurt them financially,” said Marshall Abercrombie, who served five years as a Navy Corpsman with the Marines. “Unfortunately, there are more title loans, cash advance and furniture leasing companies found within military towns compared to legitimate financial institutions. So, when you combine word-of-mouth, inexperience and easy access you end up with necessary legislature like the Military Lending Act.” Abercrombie, who currently resides in the southeast, claims his first “solo” experience with a financial institution saved him from falling down a bad path. “I can remember gripping my diploma thinking ‘now what am I going to do with all this money I’m about to start making?’” said Abercrombie. “Fortunate for me I was immediately greeted by a very eager representative of Armed Forces Bank. Despite being only 19 years old, looking back it’s apparent how much opportunity someone like me represented to a bank given I now had a government job that required I set up auto-deposit for future paychecks.” Especially for those military members sent overseas, opportunities and challenges can be unique. Michael Kilander, now a Southern California resident, was deployed overseas in Germany in the early 90s with his wife and ran into trouble with a large U.S. bank. “We had a credit card that we fell a month behind in paying,” says Kilander. “We had the money each time but did not receive the statement/ bill until a week after the due date. The military mail system took a great deal of time, particularly if you lived off base in the local Germany economy, as we did. We asked if the bank could mail the bill a little earlier, but they refused and were uninterested in the challenges of the APO system. Consequently we had to keep track of the amount spend on the card and estimate the likely charges and pay before we received the bill. We switched cards a few months later.” Raymond Reed, who enlisted with the Navy out of high school, was luckily advised by his parents to join a military credit union. “I did not realize I needed credit, and assumed credit was only offered to those with savings,” said Reed. “During my Navy tour, I joined a military credit union and since I did not have standard expenses, other than car insurance, which was covered by my paychecks. At the end of my tour, I saved and paid cash for my motorcycle, as I was accustomed to since I had a nice savings established.” The stories of stresses and opportunities surrounding military and credit are diverse and widespread, but the positive news is updated regulations will add increased protections. Learn more about the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act and now enhanced Military Lending Act to understand the varying protections, as well as discover how financial institutions can comply and best support military credit consumers and their families.
Television had its Twilight Zone, the Emmy-winning anthology series featuring tales rich in fantasy, morality and irony. Today's economy has its own Twilight Zone. It lies between the legitimate economy with its weekly paychecks, W2 forms and 401(K) plans, and the underground economy with its unreported, all-cash transactions. Call them "The Unbanked." Call them "The Credit Invisibles." Whatever label you choose, these men and women -- who number in the millions - want access to credit, but can’t be easily accessed with traditional credit models, and they lack a smooth on-ramp to grow in the credit universe. How a Worker Becomes "Credit Invisible" America's "credit invisibles" tend to be minimum- or low-wage workers. They exist in virtually every industry, although they tend to be concentrated in agriculture, food service, construction and manufacturing. Some work full-time for a single employer, while others work part-time or on a gig-by-gig basis. The FDIC estimates some 10 million Americans currently fit the definition of unbanked, while an additional 28.4 million are underbanked. Instead of traditional banks, this population tends to use the services of private check-cashing services and payday lenders for their financial services, which is not always advantageous for the consumer with these services’ sizeable expenses and transaction fees. The Payroll Card Alternative Recognizing the perils inherent in the current system, a number of companies have developed solutions to help those individuals who cannot and will not establish traditional checking and savings accounts. SOLE® Financial, a financial services company headquartered in Portland, Ore, offers the SOLE Visa® Payroll Card, allowing employees to enjoy the benefits associated with direct deposit checking accounts without the costs and restrictions traditional banks often impose. "From a payroll standpoint, paycards function just like bank accounts,” explained Taylor Ellsworth, content marketing manager for SOLE Financial. “The transfer happens on the exact same timeline as the paychecks that employers deposit to traditional bank accounts.” Additionally, any bill from a vendor that accepts electronic payments - either online or with a card number over the phone - can accept payments from the SOLE paycard. "For bills like rent, which sometimes can only be paid with a check or money order, cardholders can log in and use the bill pay option for $1 per bill to have a check issued to their landlord -- or any other recipient -- from their account,” said Ellsworth. Helping Credit Invisibles Build Personal Credit Files Another way companies are helping credit invisibles become visible is by considering non-retail payments, such as payments to utility companies, as part of a personal payment history. Traditionally payments to gas, electric, telephone, cable and other household service providers are generally not being reported unless the consumer is severely delinquent and thus on-time payment history is not included in credit scores. Experian recently investigated how including payments to energy utilities could affect men and women with "thin-file" credit portfolios. The subprime and nonprime consumers in the study received the greatest positive score impact, with 95 percent of subprime consumers and 75 percent of nonprime consumers experiencing a positive score change. A resounding 82 percent of subprime consumers in the study received a positive score impact of 11 points or more. The average VantageScore® credit score change for all participants was an increase of 28 points. Experian concluded, "positive energy-utility reporting presents an opportunity for energy companies to play a key role in helping their consumers build credit history. The ability for many of these consumers to become credit-scoreable, build a more robust credit file and potentially migrate to a better risk segment simply by paying their energy bills on time each month is powerful and represents an opportunity for positive change that should be not overlooked." Conclusion With income inequality growing, there is an increasing pressure to find ways to improve the prospects of the tens of millions of Americans who live on the farthest edges of the American economy. New technologies and ways of looking at credit can offer the unbanked and the under-banked ways to improve their economic situation and move closer to the mainstream. By bringing these millions into the light, those who issue and evaluate credit will create millions of new customers who can, in turn, add new energy to the American economy.
This article first appeared in Baseline Magazine Since it is possible for cyber-criminals to create a synthetic person, businesses must be able to differentiate between synthetic and true-party identities. Children often make up imaginary friends and have a way of making them come to life. They may come over to play, go on vacation with you and have sleepover parties. As a parent, you know they don’t really exist, but you play along anyway. Think of synthetic identities like imaginary friends. Unfortunately, some criminals create imaginary identities for nefarious reasons, so the innocence associated with imaginary friends is quickly lost. Fraudsters combine and manipulate real consumer data with fictitious demographic information to create a “new” or “synthetic” individual. Once the synthetic person is “born,” fraudsters create a financial life and social history that mirrors true-party behaviors. The similarities in financial activities make it difficult to detect good from bad and real from synthetic. There really is no difference in the world of automated transaction processing between you and a synthetic identity. Often the synthetic “person” is viewed as a thin or shallow file consumer— perhaps a millennial. I have a hard time remembering all of my own passwords, so how do organized “synthetic schemes” keep all the information usable and together across hundreds of accounts? Our data scientists have found that information is often shared from identity to identity and account to account. For instance, perhaps synthetic criminals are using the same or similar passwords or email addresses across products and accounts in your portfolio. Or, perhaps physical address and phone records have cross-functional similarities. The algorithms and sciences are much more complex, but this simplifies how we are able to link data, analytics, strategies and scores. Identifying the Business Impact of Synthetic-Identity Fraud Most industry professionals look at synthetic-identity fraud as a relatively new fraud threat. The real risk runs much deeper in an organization than just operational expense and fraud loss dollars. Does your fraud strategy include looking at all types of risk, compliance reporting, and how processes affect the customer experience? To identify the overall impact synthetic identities can have on your institution, you should start asking: Are you truly complying with "Know Your Customer" (KYC) regulations when a synthetic account exists in your active portfolio? Does your written "Customer Identification Program" (CIP) include or exclude synthetic identities? Should you be reporting this suspicious activity to the compliance officer (or department) and submitting a suspicious activity report (SAR)? Should you charge off synthetic accounts as credit or fraud losses? Which department should be the owner of suspected synthetic accounts: Credit Risk, Collections or Fraud? Do you have run any anti-money laundering (AML) risk when participating in money movements and transfers? Depending on your answers to the above questions, you may be incurring potential risks in the policies and procedures of synthetic identity treatment, operational readiness and training practices. Since it is possible to create a synthetic person, businesses must be able to differentiate between synthetic and true-party identities, just as parents need to differentiate between their child's real and imaginary friends.
The numbers are staggering: more than $1.2 trillion in outstanding student loan debt, 40 million borrowers, and an average balance of $29,000. In fact, a recent Experian study revealed consumer debt is decreasing in every major consumer lending category with the exception of student loans. Student loans have increased by 84 percent since the recession (from 2008 to 2014) and surpassed home equity loans, home-equity lines of credit (HELOC), credit card debt and automotive debt. While the student loan issue has been looming for years, the magnitude is now taking center stage with each 2016 presidential candidate weighing in on solutions. In an effort to provide deeper insights into the student debt universe, Experian’s Kelley Motley and Holly Deason will share a new analysis at Vision 2016 in a session titled, Get educated – a study in the student lending marketplace. They will be joined by Gordon Cameron, executive vice president of PNC. Among the findings they will share include a snapshot of consumers with student loans from three time periods – Pre-recession (December 2007), Recession (December 2009) and Post-Recession/Current (December 2015). At each of these time periods, they will reveal trends around outstanding debt, delinquencies, originations, and also a compare how consumers with student loans rank when it comes to Vantage Score distribution. Finally, their data will explore opportunities for consolidation, showing segments that might be best suited for receiving offers from financial institutions based on Vantage Score, debt and total number of trades. Click here to learn more about Vision 2016 and the session on student loans.
Whether its new regulations and enforcement actions from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or emerging legislation in Congress, the public policy environment for consumer and commercial credit is dynamic and increasingly complex. If you are interested to learn more about how to navigate an increasingly choppy regulatory environment, consider joining a breakout session at Experian’s Vision 2016 Conference that I will be moderating. I’ll be joined by several experts and practitioners, including: John Bottega, Enterprise Data Management Conor French, Funding Circle Troy Dennis, TD Bank Don Taylor, President, Automated Collection Services During our session, you’ll learn about some of the most trying regulatory issues confronting the consumer and commercial credit ecosystem. Most importantly, the session will look at how to turn potential challenges into opportunities. This includes learning how to incorporate new alternative data sets into credit scoring models while still ensuring compliance with existing fair lending laws. We’ll also take a deep dive into some of the coming changes to debt collection practices as a result of the CFPB’s highly anticipated rulemaking. Finally, the panel will take a close look at the challenges of online marketplace lenders and some of the mounting regulations facing small business lenders. Learn more about Vision 2016 and how to register for the May conference.
Ensuring the quality of reported consumer credit data is a top priority for regulators, credit bureaus and consumers, and has increasingly become a frequent headline in press outlets when consumers find their data is not accurate. Think of any big financial milestone moment – securing a mortgage loan, auto loan, student loan, obtaining low-interest rate interest credit cards or even getting a job. These important transactions can all be derailed with an unfavorable and inaccurate credit report, causing consumers to hit social media, the press and regulatory entities to vent it out. Add in the laws and increased scrutiny from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and it is clear data furnishers are seeking ways to manage their data in more effective ways. At Vision 2016, I am hosting a session, Achievements in data reporting accuracy – maximizing data quality across your organization, with several panel guests willing to share their journeys and learnings attached to the topic of data accuracy. Our diverse panel features leaders from varying industries: Jodi Cook, DriveTime Alissa Hess, USAA Bank Tom Danchik, Citi Julie Moroschan, Experian Each will speak to how they’ve overcome challenges to introduce a data quality program into their respective organizations, as well as best practices around assessing, monitoring and correcting credit reporting issues. One speaker will even touch on the challenging topic of securing funding for a data quality program, considering budgets are most often allocated to strategies, products and marketing directly tied to driving revenue. All lenders are advised to maintain a full 360-degree view of data reporting, from raw data submissions to the consumer credit profile. Better data input equals fewer inaccuracies, and an overarching data integrity program, can deliver a comprehensive view that satisfies regulators, improves the customer experience and provides better insight for internal decision making. To learn more about implementing a data quality plan for your organization, check out Vision 2016.
Device emulators — wolves in sheep’s clothing Despite all the fraud prevention systems and resources in the public and private sectors, online fraud continues to grow at an alarming rate, offering a low-risk, high-reward proposition for fraudsters. Unfortunately, the Web houses a number of easily accessible tools that criminals can use to perpetrate fraud and avoid detection. The device emulator is one of these tools. Simply put, a device emulator is one device that pretends to be another. What began as innovative technology to enable easy site testing for Web developers quickly evolved into a universally available tool that attackers can exploit to wreak havoc across all industry verticals. While it’s not new technology, there has been a significant increase in its use by criminals to deceive simple device identification and automated risk-management solutions to carry out fraudulent activities. Suspected device emulation (or spoofing) traffic historically has been difficult to identify because fraud solutions rely heavily on reputation databases or negative lists. Detecting and defeating these criminals in sheep’s clothing is possible, however. Leveraging Experian’s collective fraud intelligence and data modeling expertise, our fraud research team has isolated several device attributes that can identify the presence of an emulator being used to submit multiple transactions. Thanks to these latest FraudNet rule sets, financial institutions, ecommerce merchants, airlines, insurers and government entities alike now can uncloak and protect against many of these cybercriminals. Unfortunately, device emulators are just one of many tools available to criminals on the Dark Web. Join me at Vision 2016, where U.S. Secret Service and I will share more tales from the Dark Web. We will explore the scale of the global cybercrime problem, walk through the anatomy of a typical hack, explain how hackers exploit browser plug-ins, and describe how enhanced device intelligence and visibility across all channels can stop fraudsters in their tracks. Listen to Mike Gross as he shares a short overview of his Vision 2016 breakout session in this short video. Don’t miss this innovative Vision 2016 session! See you there.