For lenders, credit bureau data is vitally important in making informed risk determinations for consumer and small business loans. And the backbone of this...
Loyalty fraud and the customer experience Criminals continue to amaze me. Not surprise me, but amaze me with their ingenuity. I previously wrote about...
Every portfolio has a set of delinquent customers who do not make their payments on time. Truth. Every lender wants to collect on those...
Compliance definitions LOA, CIP, FACTA, KYC — These acronyms seem endless, and navigating compliance can be both confusing and a painful drain on resources....
Over the next several years, the large number of home equity lines of credit (also known as HELOCs) originated during the boom period of...
Accuracy matters. It matters in dart throwing, math calculations, and now more than ever, in data reporting. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued...
Understanding the behaviors of best-in-class credit risk managers For financial institutions to achieve superior performance, having the appropriate set of credit risk managers is...
What is blockchain? Blockchain is beginning to get a lot of attention, so I thought it might be time to figure out what it...
Ensure you’re protecting consumer data privacy Data Privacy Day is a good reminder for consumers to take steps to protect their privacy online —...
Who will take the coveted Super Bowl title in 2016? Now that we’re down to the final two teams, the commentary will heighten. Sportscasters,...
With the rapid growth in the number of online marketplace lenders , and projections the field will continue to grow in 2016, winning the...
Attract and retain high-value demand deposit accounts The excitement of the new year has ended, and now the big question remains: What will 2016...
The world of online marketplace lending has grown tremendously over the past several years. Still, for as much hype as it has received, it’s...
The new year has started, the champagne bottles recycled. Bye-bye holidays, hello tax season. In fact, many individuals who are expecting tax refunds are...
Looking at true fraud rate I’ve talked with many companies over the years about their fraud problems. Most have a genuine desire to operate...