By: Joel Pruis The debate on what constitutes a small business application is probably second only to the ongoing debate around centralized vs. decentralized...
By: Joel Pruis Part I – New Application Volume and the Business Banker: Generating small business or business banking applications may be one of...
By: Mike Horrocks Earlier this week, my wife and I were discussing the dinner plans for Thanksgiving. The yams, cranberries, and pumpkin pies were...
This first question in our five-part series on the FFIEC guidance and what it means Internet banking. Check back each day this week for more Q&A on...
With the most recent guidance newly issued by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) there is renewed conversation about knowledge based authentication. I...
By: Mike Horrocks Have you ever been struck by a turtle or even better burnt by water skies that were on fire? If you...
By: Kari Michel The way medical debts are treated in scores may change with the introduction of June 2011, Medical Debt Responsibility Act. The Medical Debt...
As I’m sure you are aware, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) recently released its, “Supplement to Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment”...
The following article was originally posted on August 15, 2011 by Mike Myers on the Experian Business Credit Blog. Last time we talked about...
By: Staci Baker In my last post about the Dodd-Frank Act, I described the new regulatory bodies created by the Act. In this post, I...
By: John Straka Unsurprisingly, Washington deficit hawks have been eyeing the “sacred cows” of tax preferences for homeownership for some time now. Policymakers might even...
A surprising occurrence is happening in the consumer credit markets. Bank card issuers are back in acquisition mode, enticing consumers with cash back, airline points...
TRMA’s recent Summer 2011 Conference in San Francisco was another great, insightful event. Experian’s own Greg Carmean gave a presentation regarding the issues involved...
By: Staci Baker The Durbin Amendment, according to Wikipedia, gave the Federal Reserve the power to regulate debit card interchange fees. The amendment, which will...
Lately there has been a lot of press about breaches and hacking of user credentials. I thought it might be a good time to...